Run, host she's not right

Chapter 180 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 180 Three Good Students 52
"Sister Qiu, let's look at the research first."

In order to change the subject, Xu Qiaoran hurriedly led Zhongli all the way in from the company's entrance and into the company's most private research room.

"The blueprint of the idea you gave us back then, we can be regarded as researching the product."

Four years ago, Zhong Li saw an innocent girl like Qiu Li, and a child like Wang Ming, who was cheated and abducted, and was greatly hurt.

From that moment on, Zhong Li had an idea in his heart that he wanted to do his best to help them.

It's a pity that she was only a high school student at the time, and what she knew was limited. Fortunately, there was a cheat called A9008. Although it couldn't provide Zhongli with a good solution for people of different races and different thinking ideas, it still opened up a lot. Shao Zhongli's thinking opened her mind, and she designed some things by hand.

When Zhongli sent these unfinished things to Xu Qiaoran, his family happened to be developing in this area. Zhongli provided drawings and funds from time to time.

During these years, she kept studying and perfecting the design, her hard work paid off, and she finally made something.

"Miss Qiu, hurry up and take a look at the finished product." The staff in the research room hurriedly handed a bracelet to Zhongli.

This wristband is small and light, and it is no different from ordinary wristbands when worn on the hand. However, in case of danger, when the wristband detects abnormal phenomena such as abnormal heartbeat and body temperature of the user, once the alarm button is pressed, it will immediately contact the nearest The police station called the police and sent the bracelet location information. At the same time, the hidden camera took pictures of the suspect's appearance and sent it to the cloud disk for storage, so as to save the other party's criminal evidence and let the law sanction them.

"Miss Qiuli, this design is really amazing. If those women and children are really in danger, this bracelet can greatly help them!" The staff member said very excitedly.

Looking at the finished bracelet, Zhong Li felt a little excited, but still had some regrets in his eyes.

These features are not enough, not enough.

It can only be used to save criminal evidence, contact the police, locate and rescue, and beware of crimes.

Zhongli actually wants more, such as this small bracelet, which can help the user, catch criminals, and protect the user from harm; it can recognize criminals with sinister intentions by intelligence, and prevent these things in advance. Instead of waiting for something to happen before calling the police and arresting people.

There is also the limitation of breaking away from the bracelet, which can be directly implanted into the skin with a chip, or in other ways, so as not to be overwhelmed by criminals who know the existence of the bracelet, and then remove the bracelet and destroy the user's alarm.

It's a pity that with the technological means of this world and Zhongli's ability now, these ideas can't be realized yet.

Listening to Zhongli's thoughts, the lab staff also sighed, "The idea is good, maybe these functions will be realized in the future."

"Now the function of the bracelet can also help many people. After all, the satellite precise positioning function we designed, and the body temperature and heartbeat detection and alarm functions are not available in other manufacturers. Can it help many people?"

Zhong Li also understood this, nodded and said.

"Well, since the things have been made, let's prepare for the rest, lest this bracelet be abused and turn into a wolf in the end, no one dares to call the police."

While the stuff is good, it also needs to be in order to prevent the impact of those events that are just for fun or unnecessary.

For example, restricting purchases, one ID card, one bracelet, signing a letter of guarantee, etc., are all handled by the company and the others, and Zhong Li is just a hands-off shopkeeper.

Abandoning the wailing Xu Qiaoran, Zhongli ran straight away, and after getting off the elevator, he unexpectedly met Wang Ming.

"Qiu Li, why are you here?" Wang Ming recognized Qiu Li first, and shouted quickly, looking at her excitedly.

He has always been grateful for this girl who helped their mother and son and helped him find his relatives.

"Wang Ming? What a coincidence, why did you come here?" Seeing Wang Ming, Zhong Li was also a little surprised.

When he first recognized his biological parents, Wang Ming was in his third year of high school and was about to take the college entrance examination in less than two months.

Such a thing happened. Fortunately, Wang Ming's psychological quality passed the test, which did not affect his performance, and he got a good grade in the test. With this result, he won a generous bonus from Inga School.

At the beginning, Yingjia recruited students like Wang Ming free of tuition because of the ranking of these college entrance examination results and the admission rate of famous universities. Now that Wang Ming has brought glory to Yingjia, they will naturally give him a generous scholarship.

With this money, Wang Ming can live a good life with Ou Haiying, and it can even be used as an initial fund to give him a chance to start his own career in college. The business is done.

"Well, I'm here to do some work. Our company is in this building." Wang Ming said, and then introduced the man next to her: "This is my brother Liu Wen, and this is Qiu Li, my family. savior."

"Exaggerated, exaggerated, what a savior." Zhong Li waved his hand a little funny, and she just helped out casually, so it can't be called a savior.

Relying on Wang Ming's own intelligence, after he finished the college entrance examination, relying on his own ability, he will be able to find his biological parents back.

"No exaggeration." Wang Ming looked serious.

He didn't tell Zhongli. He had a feeling in his heart that he was bullied on the day he recognized his biological parents. If Zhongli hadn't appeared, he might have to confess on that day.

Every time he sleeps, he still clearly remembers the stone that the other party grabbed. If "Qiu Li" hadn't appeared at that time, if she hadn't stopped those people, maybe he would have lost his life on the day he found his biological parents. At that time, he finally found his mother, and he didn't know if he could bear the stimulation.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that "Qiu Li" is the savior of their family.

It's a pity that Zhongli didn't understand this, she saw that it was getting late, so she said goodbye.

"Look, there are no shadows of people."

Seeing Wang Ming still looking at people's backs, Liu Wen couldn't help laughing.

"I said brother, you won't fall in love with this little girl, will you?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Wang Ming came back to his senses and retorted.

Looking at his reddish ears, Liu Wen quickly waved his hands: "Okay, okay, I'm talking nonsense, right?"

"But you, little sister, are a bit dangerous..."

"What do you mean?" Wang Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at him, as if he wanted to hit him if he said bad things about his savior.

(End of this chapter)

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