Run, host she's not right

Chapter 216 The Golden Finger in the Ring 35

Chapter 216 The Golden Finger in the Ring 35
Ji Jun said on the side, even if Xiao Chen didn't speak, with a dull look on his face, he himself could speak very happily.

"...It's just that I don't like this Luo Shuchen very much."

Xiao Chen opened his lowered eyes and looked at Ji Jun.

Seeing that Xiao Chen was interested in this topic, a smile spread across Ji Jun's face, and two small dimples appeared on both sides of his cheeks.

"I met Luo Shuchen once before. I don't feel very good about him. He looks like a villain who succeeds. He is not a real gentleman."

As expected, Ji Jun is so innocent, even if he just met Xiao Chen, the other party still has a competitive relationship with him, and he is still complaining about the big disciple of Dongchen sect with him.

However, Xiao Chen didn't like Luo Shuchen either, and he didn't care about making troubles behind his back, making small reports or something, so the two of them chatted back and forth, and they became somewhat friendly.

Soon it was their turn to enter the city. After handing over two low-grade spirit stones, Xiao Chen entered Dongyun City.

The bustling city in the center of the mainland, the remote cities of Yunshui City and Baishui City are simply incomparable.

Xiao Chen, who had just entered the city, looked around like a bumpkin.

It was Ji Jun who was acquainted and followed Xiao Chen: "Brother Xiao, you also came to Dongyun City alone, and I was also alone. Since this is the case, it is better for the two of us to go together."

Seeing that Xiao Chen was going to refuse, he quickly said: "Don't refuse first, let me tell you, now that the Dongchen faction is accepting disciples, so many people come to Dongyun City, the inn in this city must not be enough, we come here now It's late, I guess there is no place to stay now."

There was an inn not far from them. The people who entered the city together entered the inn and came out in a hurry. It can be seen that the inn was full.

Looking at the way people are coming and going in Dongyun City now, it is estimated that other inns are also full of rooms.

But Xiao Chen was not reconciled, he declined Ji Jun, and found a few inns, but when he asked, they were all full of rooms, the kind that didn't even leave a bed for meditation.

Ji Jun followed behind him, watching Xiao Chen run into walls one after another.

"Sister, I'm sorry." Xiao Chen sent a message to Zhongli in the space with a guilty face.

It was him who was useless, and couldn't even find a room.

"It doesn't matter, if it doesn't work, just go out of the city and come to the space ring."

After three years of not seeing each other, Zhongli's body became more solid. He was like a real person in the secret realm, but after leaving the secret realm and going outside, he looked like a real person in a daze.

Of course Xiao Chen is willing to enter the space to accompany his sister.

But this Dongyun City has a large number of talents, and not far away are the powerful Dongchen faction, he dare not show his feet and cause trouble for Zhongli.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen could only look at Ji Jun, and asked, "Could it be that Mr. Ji has reserved a guest room?"

Some big cities have rules. For example, in Dongyun City, monks are not allowed to use spiritual energy and consciousness to explore places like inns and houses, and to spy on other people's passwords.

Although there is no guarantee of anything, it is still better than sleeping on the street, and being swept up by someone passing by with their spiritual sense.

This is also the case of so many people, obviously all monks, who usually live outside the city, but once they enter the city, the inn is not enough.

Ji Jun waved his hand, "Hey, hey, it's too much to be called Mr. Ji, you call me Ji Jun, I call you Xiao Chen, just call him by name."

"This room, of course I haven't decided."

"I'm sure I'll have a place to live in the end, though!"

Xiao Chen frowned, looked at Ji Jun's proud expression, and wondered in his heart whether he had met someone with some brain problems.

Who knows, Ji Jun really found an inn where he could rest.

Xiao Chen: "???"

He didn't understand, and he was shocked.

Obviously, he had already asked several inns, but none of them were vacant. Even this inn, which he had only visited a while ago, had no rooms.

Why is Ji Jun going to ask now, and there is a room? ?

Ji Jun smiled shyly: "Haha, I've been lucky since I was a child."

"I didn't expect that the previous tenant of this room died unexpectedly, and he left us this room. It's really lucky."

Xiao Chen: "..."

Zhongli: "..."

Maybe the dead person didn't think so.

This room is still the Tianzi No. [-] room. It is a small courtyard with two rooms, a living room and a practice room. It is equipped with many things, such as a barrier that can isolate the spiritual consciousness.

Xiao Chen naturally didn't want to leave such a room, so he offered to give Ji Jun half of the room fee.

Ji Jun quickly waved his hand: "Among friends, why are you so fussy?"

"If you don't talk about money, it will hurt your feelings." Xiao Chen said.

These words stunned Ji Jun, he had never heard such words before, in a daze, Xiao Chen left a table of spirit stones, quickly chose a room and closed the door.

Ji Jun couldn't help but shake his head amusedly, "Brother Xiao is really..."

As soon as he entered the room, Xiao Chen quickly raised the barrier in the room.

Even though there was an enchantment, Xiao Chen still didn't dare to enter the secret space, he touched the ring on his neck involuntarily, and sent a message to Zhong Li to ask.

"Sister, what do you think of Ji Jun?"

In the secret territory, A9008 has already started to inquire about Ji Jun's information, but unfortunately nothing was found.

Perhaps because the lives he and Xiao Chen were going to have had no connection, the two were strangers at first, but they got to know each other only now that something changed.

A9008 can't find out who Ji Jun is.

Zhongli could only come based on his own feeling.

"If he is not a simple-minded person, then he is a person who is very good at hiding."

Xiao Chen nodded slowly, he agreed with Zhong Li's statement.

"I can't see through him either."

"We've just met. After getting along for a long time, we can naturally see what purpose he has." Zhong Li said.

There are still a few days before the Dongchen faction starts accepting disciples. I am afraid that they will all live with Ji Jun these days. If he has any purpose, they will find out sooner or later.


After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen began to organize the things in his storage ring. Although he kept on the road these years, Xiao Chen also practiced hard.

The herbs that you know will be picked, and the beasts you have killed through experience will also leave their claws. These things can be sold in Dongyun City.



The closer it is to the time when the Dongchen Sect accepts disciples, the more people will come to Dongyun City. People in the entire Dongyun City are in a state of rubbing shoulders, and disputes and quarrels often occur.

Even though Dongchen Sect stipulates that fighting and flying are not allowed in the city, many people still have crooked thoughts in their hearts.

He wanted to eliminate some competitors before Dongchen sent disciples.

"Xiao Chen, look at the sword!!"

(End of this chapter)

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