Run, host she's not right

Chapter 217 The Golden Finger in the Ring 36

Chapter 217 The Golden Finger in the Ring 36
The Dongchen School is about to accept disciples, and people from all directions are gathering in this Dongyun City. When there are more people, the smart people also start to set up stalls in Dongyun City to sell items.

Some monks from all corners of the country also sold and exchanged the spirit grass and animal skins they harvested along the way.

With such a victory, of course Xiao Chen will not miss it. In his eyes, everything in the secret space belongs to Zhongli, even if it is given to him, it is only given to him temporarily.

He has to support himself by himself, not by his sister!

No, Xiao Chen immediately packed up the spiritual herbs he had collected along the way and set up a stall to sell them. The price would always be lowered if he sold them to those shops. Now that there are many people, he would sell them out soon after setting up a stall.

There were people coming and going in Dongyun City, and it didn't take long to buy all Xiao Chen's things. With money, Xiao Chen also had the confidence to wander around here and buy some things.

Xiao Chen is also the son of Jiejie, how could he not pick up the wrong things when he came shopping, Zhongli watched all kinds of treasures helplessly along the way, which were collected by him.

The two were walking vigorously, a sword with a murderous intent pierced Xiao Chen's body straight from the back.

Zhongli, who has a strong soul and a wide range of spiritual perception, discovered it immediately and quickly reminded Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, look at the sword!!!"

Zhongli was in the secret space, and his voice was so anxious that his voice broke.

Xiao Chen who was outside heard the voice and raised his guard, but the sharp sword that had been hidden for a long time charged very fast, and it was behind Xiao Chen in the blink of an eye.


Just when the sharp sword was about to penetrate Xiao Chen's body, a golden light appeared on his body, tightly protecting him.

And that golden light not only protected Xiao Chen, but also sent everyone around flying away, so that Xiao Chen could see the person stabbing him with a sword at a glance.

The passers-by who were blown away all around screamed and groaned, and they kept greeting with different accents and different sayings.

Xiao Chen squinted his eyes, and his eyes fell on the person in the front, who was still holding the sword in his hand. He felt familiar, but he didn't recognize him.

The man was injured by the rebound of the golden light and fell to the ground unable to move, but those eyes looked at Xiao Chen fiercely, as if looking at an enemy,
But Xiao Chen couldn't remember where he had offended the local.

Suddenly, through telepathy, Zhongli and Xiao Chen in the secret territory looked behind the assassin, and there was a person they knew.

Bai Yunfei...

He also came to East Cloud City.

Bai Yunfei also saw Xiao Chen, but at the moment he had a serious face, staring at Xiao Chen with deep eyes.

This appearance is completely different from that in Baishui City.

Xiao Chen swiped, his eyes fell on the person who assassinated him just now, he remembered seeing him there, in Baishui City...

The apprentice acceptance ceremony of the Dongchen Sect was imminent, and the guards in Dongyun City were heavily guarded. Immediately, a guard team came to check what was going on.

"What's going on?" The leading soldier said viciously, obviously very dissatisfied with him making trouble when he was busy flying.

Xiao Chen hadn't opened his mouth yet, and the people around him were all chattering.

"I don't know either. I was walking smoothly, but suddenly I was hit by someone. If you want to know who that person is, see if I go around or not."

"Someone is using force in Dongyun City, you, the guards, have to find out all of these people."

"It's him, I saw it, it was this man who stabbed that man with a sword, and then that man sent out a golden light that knocked everyone flying."


Under the words of a group of people, the leader of the guard team looked at the man lying on the ground holding a sword, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

"I don't care what grievances you have, but if you dare to make trouble in Dongyun City, I will arrest you all!"

With a wave of the leader's hand, the guards immediately arrested the man and approached Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen said with a dark face: "I don't know him well, and I have no grievances, and I didn't make a move. You can't catch me."

"You didn't do anything? If you didn't do anything, he would become like this, so many people would fall to the ground motionless?" The leader said angrily.

"It wasn't my hand that moved, it was it."

Xiao Chen opened his hand, and there was a piece of jade ring that had been broken into two petals and had no luster. The monks present felt the golden light left over from just now in the broken jade ring.

"This, could it be that Yuhuan attacked just now?"

"To be able to launch such a powerful attack, it should be a self-defense weapon!"

"This jade ring was picked up by this man from the booth behind him just now!"

"Is that so? Hey, I also visited this stall just now, why did I treat it like an ordinary jade ring in frustration."

"Just now it was clear that this man stabbed the man with a sword, and the jade ring in his hand protected him, wounding the gangster."

"This luck is really amazing. A piece of jade bought casually can block a fatal blow."

The monks around saw the scene just now, and immediately started to talk about it, the stall owner who sold the jade ring was even more heart-piercing, the life-saving spiritual weapon was actually sold by him up.

Seeing this, the leader of the guard team also understood that it was Xiao Chen who did not break the rules in Dongyun City, and it was not considered a violation.

"Hmph, good luck for you. If anyone dares to do something in Dongyun City, he will be put in prison. If there is any grievance, if you do it outside Dongyun City, it will be considered bad luck for you."

The leader of the guards looked at the captured assassin and said.

"Bah, Xiao Chen, you killed my brother, I will definitely kill you!!"

The assassin was caught limp by the guards, but looked at Xiao Chen with red eyes full of hatred.

"I don't know who your brother is, let alone killed him." Xiao Chen frowned, looked at the assassin and said.

Along the way, he killed a lot of monsters, but for humans, he beat them to the point of being incapable of doing anything, and he hadn't killed anyone before.

"You were the one who killed the 16 people. You killed the entire 16 people on Bailu Mountain. Xiao Chen, I want to kill you, kill you!!!"

The assassin stared at the young man in front of him with blood red eyes, his eyes were full of hatred and anger, Xiao Chen was startled when he heard that.

"Bailu Mountain? Baiyuntian? Are they dead?"

Regarding Bai Yuntian, of course Xiao Chen still remembered that playboy and his group of followers, that day on Bailu Mountain, he knocked them down and left, he never killed them at all.

"Xiao Chen, why are you pretending, the Second Young Master and my younger brother were the ones who killed you, and the First Young Master and I will definitely take your life to avenge!!"

The assassin shouted in a mournful voice, Xiao Chen looked at the place where Bai Yunfei was just now, and there was no sign of him there.

Xiao Chen frowned, he didn't know who killed Bai Yuntian and the others, and also blamed Jia Jia for their death.

The assassin was taken away by the guards, Xiao Chen followed, intending to ask what was going on, someone immediately grabbed his sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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