Run, host she's not right

Chapter 25 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 24

Chapter 25 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 24
Zhongli: "You are staying in an office above the parking lot."

easy to understand.

The man understood immediately, and quickly thanked Zhongli: "Thank you, thank you so much, thank you for saving us."

Zhong Li waved his hand: "It's just convenient."

At this time, Su Wenyu stepped out, how can I let the boss see his level.

Relying on his perfect tongue, Su Wenyu easily lured that man into Zhongli's team.

Zhongli also got his wish and scored three points.

and many more.

Three points! ! !

Zhongli looked at the sky above the man's head, the bright red text was particularly eye-catching.


It wasn't until the red letter news that Zhong Li turned his eyes down and looked at the man up and down, but he didn't see why it was only one point for taking in other people, but he got three points.

Why is this? !

Zhong Li looked at him for a while, but he didn't see the difference between him and the others.

"Could it be..."

Zhongli looked at Su Wenyu with thoughtful eyes, could it be that the unexpected increase in score was because this person was recruited by Su Wenyu?
Is it because of Su Wenyu that there are three points?
Zhong Li is not sure.

Su Wenyu was taken aback by Zhong Li, he looked him up and down quietly, and there was nothing wrong with him.

What's going on here?
"Well, Su Wenyu, how many survivors do you think there are in this upstairs?"

Su Wenyu was stunned by Zhongli's sudden question. He quickly realized that he couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Zhongli wanted to take in all the people from hundreds of company buildings in this 24-story building?

This is too ridiculous...

Meeting Zhong Li's dark eyes, Su Wenyu calmed down and replied rationally.

"I do not know."

Zhongli: "..."

What use do you want!

Su Wenyu: "After the incident, we have been operating on the third floor and have never been to other floors, so we don't know what happened above."

Because the zombies suddenly became close to the elevator stairs, the two companies in the fire escape, one behind the other, the people in the office inside suddenly turned into zombies, blocking the way out, Su Wenyu and the others He couldn't go downstairs to leave, nor could he go to other floors, so he didn't know much about the situation in other places.

To this, Zhong Li could only nod his head.

"We'll go up and have a look at dawn."

Su Wenyu was shocked, but he could only nod his head.

Zhong Li found Zhong Changlin who rolled up his sleeves and was making steamed buns with everyone. Seeing Zhong Li, Zhong Changlin raised the ugly steamed buns in his hand with a look of joy.

"Look, Ah Li, Dad succeeded in making steamed buns!"

Seeing the steamed buns that the man made as if he was playing and wasting food, Zhongli was speechless, he couldn't even make a steamed bun, it was so useless, how could he have the nerve to take advantage of her and be her father?
You must know that her father is an omnipotent person, from doing laundry and cooking to making toys and teaching homework, there is nothing he can't do well.

The food he made was full of color and fragrance, and the toys he made were so vivid that Zhongli was envied by other children since he was a child. Apart from his incongruous temper and not going home all the year round, there was nothing to be picky about.

But he wanted something from others, so Zhong Li had no choice but to cover his conscience and nodded, "Well, it's not bad."

Zhong Changlin, who was recognized by his daughter, smiled like a flower.

"By the way, Li, what do you want from me?"

Zhongli nodded: "It's something."

Zhong Changlin immediately put down the three-faced steamed bun in his hand, wiped the flour on his hands, and walked with Zhong Li to a cubicle similar to the leader's office.

After the two sat down, Zhong Li asked straight to the point: "Do you remember this weapon?"

As he said that, Zhong Li took out a submachine gun from the table beside him. This submachine gun was taken out from Zhong Changlin's study. After it ran out of bullets, Zhong Li asked Yan Meimei to put it away for her.

Looking at this familiar weapon, Zhong Changlin nodded, "Isn't it in my study?"

"Well, I want to ask where you still have such a weapon."

At first, Zhongli thought that such weapons were all over the streets, but she searched for several houses in a row, but she couldn't find them. Now she can only come to Zhong Changlin to ask about the situation.

Hot weapons can be used to kill zombies from a long distance. Of course, hot weapons are used. After all, the times have changed, and it is wrong to continue to chop zombies with axes.

Zhong Changlin looked at the weapon and suddenly felt a little strange, and when he reached out to take it, he was even more surprised.

" did it become so heavy?"

It's like turning into a real gun.

Zhong Li: "Has it become heavier?"

Zhong Changlin rubbed the submachine gun with his hand, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "This is a toy your uncle found for you, but your mother said that a girl can't play with guns, so you won't be allowed to play with it. Put it in the study."

After all, as a man, he liked these things.

If the daughter doesn't want it, then it belongs to him!

"Toy? Isn't this a real gun?" Zhong Li's eyes darkened slightly.

Does she still remember holding this submachine gun and "jumping" at a group of zombies this morning, but now you tell her that it's just a toy gun?

Zhong Changlin nodded: "That's right, silly boy, now is a society ruled by law, how can we ordinary people have live ammunition?"

But she took this gun and "jumped" more than a dozen zombies this morning. Are you telling her this is a dream?

Zhong Li thought for a while, and she understood, it seems that this should be the novice gift package, the novice weapon given to her in this assessment, so as not to be bitten to death directly when encountering zombies at the beginning.

It's no wonder that Yan Meimei is not surprised to see this gun at all, it's what they gave.

But Zhong Changlin's words were also kept in mind by Zhong Li. Since ordinary people don't have these weapons in their homes, it seems that she has to go to the army to see if there are any weapons.

Huh... Zhong Changlin frowned little by little. The more he touched the gun in his hand, the more strange it seemed. It seemed to be a real gun! ! ! !

When everyone had just steamed the rice balls, steamed buns and other things, it was neither too early nor too late, and with a "click", the daytime lights in the office were turned off, and everyone fell into darkness.

A city government's power supply finally stopped.


The sudden power outage shocked everyone, but fortunately, everyone was prepared and did not scream.

On the contrary, there were screams from the nearby tall buildings and upstairs, as if they were frightened by the power outage. In addition to the screams of people, there were also the "ho ho" sounds of many zombies.

The ups and downs of voices at night are more lively than the silence of the day.

Zhong Li turned on his phone. Fortunately, everyone charged up their phones and the charging treasures they brought out from the supermarket just now.

 Alas, the rules of reading articles have been changed. According to my ranking beyond [-], I can’t afford to write a book and can only rely on love to generate electricity. Can everyone encourage me so that I can persevere (﹏)
(End of this chapter)

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