Run, host she's not right

Chapter 26 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 25

Chapter 26 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 25
Looking at the dark building next door, the lights are lit up here and there, like fireflies flying around in midsummer.

Zhong Li immediately reached out and patted Su Wenyu who was at the side, his tone was a little excited.

"Su Wenyu, hurry up, hurry up, write down all the places where the lights are on."

Zhengchou didn't know where there was someone, wouldn't everyone know when the power went out and the lights came on?

Su Wenyu looked at Zhong Li's eyes in surprise, and his body froze. Could this young lady take in all these people?

Could it be that the little girl in front of me really wants to build a base and become the Doomsday Overlord like those novel overlords?

Hey, thinking about it this way, I feel a little excited.

Zhong Li looked at the places with lights in the darkness with great interest, and said, "Look, there are people on the east side of that building, and there are also people there, we have to find a place for the base camp quickly, and then bring all these people to past."

With so many people around, she will get rich, save so many people and get so many points, she will complete the assessment, just around the corner.

Hearing that Zhong Li really had such a plan, Su Wenyu felt helpless, so he could only bite the bullet and remember it. While counting how many people there were, he wondered in his mind, what kind of place could accommodate so many people and keep away the zombies.

Zhong Li looked at it and felt a little bored, let Su Wenyu do these small things, she has to think about some big things.

For example, where can I get weapons, and how can I kill all those zombies on a large scale?
Thinking about something in his heart, the next morning, Zhongli woke up at dawn, his eyes were piercing, and there was a smile on his lips, he seemed to be in a good mood.

Zhongli was full of sleep, walked out of a small cubicle, and was shocked when he saw Su Wenyu with deep dark circles in his eyes.

"Why do you look like you haven't slept all night?"

Su Wenyu looked at Zhongli with resentful eyes, don't you know why he didn't sleep all night?
Those who gave the orders slept soundly, and those of them who were working did not sleep well.

Zhongli: " really didn't sleep, did you?"

Zhong Li took half a step back, feeling a little guilty.

"Well, actually, you don't have to keep staring at the number. After all, we will put a loudspeaker downstairs to save people, so that people who can still move upstairs will run down quickly when they hear it. There is no need to go to each other. Find."

Su Wenyu: "..."

Children's ideas change quickly!
Fortunately, he didn't foolishly follow along to count.

"I know."

Su Wenyu said angrily: "I didn't count how many people on the opposite side didn't sleep." →
"Oh, what is that for?" Zhongli looked at him curiously.

It can't be that you can't sleep because of the zombie corpses outside, right?
Of course Su Wenyu didn't know what Zhong Li was thinking, he dug out a map of City A.

I don't know where he found this map, and now there are many colorful notes drawn on it. I think he will be busy with these things all night.

"This is……"

Zhong Li looked at the map.

Su Wenyu pointed to the note on the map: "The red circle is the place I selected as a temporary base. The place is big enough, safe enough, and can resist zombies."

"The yellow ones are places with a lot of supplies, including food, water, medicine, some necessary supplies, etc., and the green ones are the police stations, shooting clubs and other places with weapons..."

I have to say that Su Wenyu is really careful and capable, and has thought of everything.

Zhong Li looked at his map, nodded while listening to Su Wenyu, and gradually got to know various places in City A.

As the two talked, the others gradually got up with bewildered faces. When they washed their faces, they found that the water had stopped, and no water could come out of all the faucets no matter how hard they were turned.

"Oh my god, is this faucet broken? Why is there no water!"

"There's no water in this faucet!"

"There is no water in the toilet!"

"Won't the water be cut off!!!"

At the thought of cutting off the water, everyone panicked.

If there is no water, what can they do in the future?Not being able to take a bath and wash things is next, but what about drinking water?
"No, we need to stock up on some water!"

"Bring up all the water from the supermarket downstairs."

Immediately, someone was thinking about a rainy day.

Although they had brought back a lot of food and water from the supermarket downstairs yesterday, but there were so many of them, how long would that little water be enough for them to drink?
Most people have turned into zombies. Who else can repair this water pipe? Whether the water can still be drunk after repairing is a problem.

Without water, they don't need to carry zombies to kill them, they will die of thirst.

Suddenly, everyone was chattering, and some even started to cry. The whole office became like a vegetable market, and the clock was so loud.

Just as she was about to appease everyone, someone suddenly screamed, "Ah!"

The sound of "swish rustling" appeared, and no one noticed this sound at first, until someone screamed.

"There's water!"

Upon hearing this, the others immediately became alert and quickly asked loudly: "Is there water? Is there water?"

"No, it's not..."

The person looked at her palm in a daze, and stammered, she didn't know how to get the water, and she didn't know what to say.

When the people around her saw this step, their eyes widened in astonishment, and they collectively lost their voices, not knowing what to say.

"what happened?"

The people surrounded outside didn't know what was going on, so they squeezed into the center to see what was going on. When they saw the tiny stream of water flowing out of their palms, they immediately screamed.

"Oh my god, how did this water come out of your palm!!"

These words were like a key, prying open the closed mouths of the others. After the onlookers dispersed and saw the scene inside, everyone gasped in unison and stared blankly. Watch that stream of water.

"Water actually came out of the palm of my hand, am I dreaming?"

"This is amazing, what's going on?"

Some people murmured in low voices that they thought they hadn't woken up.

"Super power! This must be water power!"

"Zombies and abilities are standard. Now that there are zombies, it's normal to have abilities. I don't know what abilities I have!"

Some people's eyes lit up, as if they had realized some great truth.

There are also people who are simply happy that they don't have to worry about running out of water in the future.

"Great, great, even if the water is cut off, we are not afraid of dying of thirst."

On the other hand, Zhong Li looked at the gradually shrinking water with a sullen face, his eyes glistening.

Is this the ability in those doomsday novels?

That's right, there are supernatural powers in this world, as mentioned in the voice dictation at the beginning, but it seems to say that she doesn't have supernatural powers?

Zhong Li's face gradually turned black.


That means "Zhongli" has no abilities, so what's the matter with Zhongli?
If it's true that everyone else has supernatural powers, but she doesn't, discriminate against her and see how she makes him turn upside down.

 Thank you Nanyan for your reward, thank you for your support~

(End of this chapter)

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