Run, host she's not right

Chapter 251 The Golden Finger in the Ring 70

"The palace finally appeared."

"It's been so many years, I don't even remember how many years have passed, this palace finally showed up!"

"Hehe, Yin, this is destiny. If we survived, we will be able to leave this ghostly place soon. All your plans are useless."

"Hurry up, hurry up and find that thing, that treasure, we will be free immediately."

"At the same time, that delicious man, don't forget that I have endured hunger for too long."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

These aborigines were discussing chatteringly, looking very happy and anxious, as if they could get what they most wanted right away.

These aborigines quickly divided into several groups, and then began to look for them separately. Although they were not many in number, they scattered and their numbers became smaller, but Zhongli looked at the aura emanating from them, and did not dare to act rashly. .

These people are not simple at all.

Even in order to have more useful people, they actually sent out a signal, as if they wanted to call other companions over.

After finishing this, these people laughed loudly and walked into the palace swaggeringly. Looking at their actions, they were clearly very familiar with this palace, as if this was their home.

Combined with what they said, Zhong Li couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

What is hidden, what is leaving, what is treasure, this is not in the previous original plot, these plots are not there, this is obviously a separate drama!

The air is shaking and cold, why don't you follow the script!

The original Xiao Chen quickly found the artifact Apocalypse Sword, unsealed it and left this place.

He has also encountered these aborigines, but the plot of the temple and the treasure may not have happened.

Luo Shuchen, who started to hide, couldn't help but gritted his teeth, what's the matter with these monsters?

Xiao Chen in that book didn't encounter these things, he found the Apocalypse Sword very easily and then left, but he didn't say that he was chased by so many monsters.

These monsters look so weak that they don't have much flesh on their bodies. They can fall down when the wind blows, but they are very strong. Even their tanned skin has been blown by wind and sand for many years. Incomparably, even a sword can't draw marks on it.

Luo Shuchen didn't know why these monsters were guarding the Apocalypse Sword there.

No matter how hard I searched before, I couldn't find Xiao Chen who entered the secret realm together. Luo Shuchen was afraid that Xiao Chen would snatch away the opportunity. When he encountered these monsters, he drew his sword and killed them without thinking.

Who knew that each of these monsters was extremely powerful, he couldn't even pierce their skin, and they couldn't see their cultivation level, but they were so powerful that they beat him all over with bruises.

Luo Shuchen even saw greed from the eyes they looked at him, as if they were looking at a piece of fat.

Seeing them licking their lips frequently and drooling, Luo Shuchen felt his scalp go numb, so he hurriedly thought of a way to snatch the artifact, and was hunted down by them all the way.

Even after entering this palace, Luo Shuchen didn't dare to let go of his heart, he tightly gripped the long sword in his hand, he was full of anxiety.

"It's so good, it's so good, why can't this seal be lifted, I obviously followed Xiao Chen's method before, how could he be able to break it, but I can't."

After failed operations again and again, Luo Shuchen was in a panic. Hearing the movement from the direction of the palace gate, Luo Shuchen was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

These things in the barren land don't look like humans at all. Thinking of the eerie bones and even human beings that strayed into their territory before, Luo Shuchen couldn't help shaking his body.

Hastily continued to hide deeper in the palace.

At this moment, Luo Shuchen very much hopes that Xiao Chen can appear. It's not that he is superstitious. He has never encountered anything before, but he has encountered such unlucky things. If he meets Xiao Chen, will he be able to leave here safely? up?
This thought gradually rose in Luo Shuchen's mind. Although he still hated Xiao Chen extremely, but at the same time he also hoped that Xiao Chen could save his life.

"A9008, what's going on?"

Zhong Li looked at the scene where he was going off track all the way, and asked A9008 forcefully.

"I don't know either." But A9008 himself didn't know about it.

Zhong Li looked up at the engraving above, "Since these aborigines came to the palace to find something, there must be other things hidden in this palace. Find them, maybe the answer to the mystery will be solved."

"Can you find it?" Zhongli reached out and touched the carvings on the wall. Such a rough stone can be carved with fine carvings, it's a miracle.

This palace is definitely not that simple.

"No." A9008 was a little frustrated.

It now understands that before it was able to find the Time Artifact, Library Pavilion and so on, it was clearly the Heavenly Dao of this world that opened the back door for it. Now that the door is closed, it can't even scan the palace to find something.

"Forget it." Seeing that it was full of depression, Zhong Li didn't force A9008, but looked at the aborigines who kept making noises.

"Since these aborigines are so familiar with this palace, maybe we can follow them and find something useful."

"Go back to the secret space first, and see how Xiao Chen is recovering." Zhong Li said.

After all, the artifact Apocalypse Sword is the key to leave this secret realm, and only Xiao Chen can break the seal of Apocalypse Sword.

A9008's ability is blocked, and it is shrinking in the body of a small doll. At this moment, it is completely like a child, and it can't help much.

Now there are still two waves of people outside, so it's best to go back and lie down obediently.

A9008 also understands this, and it is exquisitely and cutely portrayed, just like a little doll of a child, nodding, looking a little depressed.

Zhong Li stretched out his hand to touch its head, and waved his hand, intending to put it in the secret territory, but he waved it away, and A9008 was still in place.


The breath was a little awkward.

Zhongli continued to move, and brought A9008 into the secret space, but no matter how she operated, A9008 stood still.

He even tilted his head at this moment, with a cute and cute look: "Zhongli, what are you dawdling about, send me in quickly."

Zhong Li had a cold face, and after a while of manipulation, he finally let go of his hand: "I can't go back, I can't contact the secret space."

"Ah!!" A9008 exclaimed.

"how come?!"

If it wasn't for the fact that it was using spiritual power to communicate with Zhongli at this moment, the puppet could not make a sound, and this action alone would have exposed the two of them and attracted the aborigines.

But even so, it jumped and made a slight sound that was heard by the aborigines.

"There is movement here, go and have a look."

With a calm face, Zhong Li stretched out his hand, picked up A9008 with ease, and strode away.

Before making a turn, Zhongli looked at the footsteps of the aborigines and said in a solemn tone, "I guess they have something to shield them."

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