Run, host she's not right

Chapter 252 The Golden Finger in the Ring 71

"So it is."

Zhong Li finally understood.

She asked why Luo Shuchen was in such a mess, obviously he had snatched Xiao Chen's golden finger and space ring.

When encountering these aborigines, if you can't beat them, you can find a place to hide in the space ring. As long as these aborigines leave, you can escape.

But Luo Shuchen is in such a mess now, being chased all the way, it turns out that it is because these aborigines have things like restraint space, and he can't hide in the space ring.

For Zhongli and the others, this is both a good thing and a bad thing.

When dealing with Luo Shuchen, you don't have to worry about him hiding in the space ring, but there are also bad things. If Zhong Li encounters trouble, Xiao Chen who is trapped in the space secret realm cannot come out to help her.

"Zhongli, how can we do this?"

A9008 panicked when he learned that he couldn't enter or leave the secret space.

"Don't panic, there's nothing to be afraid of." Zhongli was very calm.

She is so strong that she doesn't need to ask anyone for help.

Especially now that they have an advantage, the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, no one knows that there are Zhongli and the others in this palace.


A loud sound resounded, and the whole palace shook. Zhong Li sensed it with his spiritual sense, and his breath was heavy.

It turned out that these aborigines directly blasted down a wall in order to find those treasures.

This splendid palace suddenly became incomplete.

What is even more frightening is that these aborigines directly hammered down the wall with both hands and a pair of fists.

Such an astounding power made Zhongli a little worried.

It seems that these aborigines may not have strong spells, but their physical strength and physical strength are definitely stronger.

You can't fight them directly.

Watching them approach, Zhongli pulled A9008 away quickly.

Zhongli could clearly see that the aborigine knocked down the thick wall with his fist, but he couldn't even hurt his hands. It would be very difficult to kill them directly, so he had to find their weak point quickly.

Zhongli didn't waste his advantage, and quickly started to search for the secret room in the palace.

When they were looking for the alchemy room in the hidden alchemy pavilion, they had already searched more than half of the palaces. Zhongli directly searched in the remaining palaces that had not been searched, and found the place very quickly.

It was a secret room hidden in the Treasure Pavilion.

When he found the Treasure Pavilion, he thought of the two groups of people in the palace. In order not to take advantage of them, Zhong Li directly searched everything in the Treasure Pavilion.

Fortunately, only the secret space, the space ring, and the storage bag are still usable.

After putting away the things on the Treasure Pavilion, including the shelves, Zhongli discovered something mysterious on one wall.

Estimate the specific size of this treasure pavilion. Most of the ancient buildings are axisymmetric. Zhong Li has been to the room on the other side of this room and knows the exact size. This room is much smaller than the other room.

So it's clear that the Chamber of Secrets is hidden in this room, behind this wall.

But how to get in?
Zhong Li stared at the wall with cumbersome patterns, and began to radiate thoughts.

There were sounds from outside. It seemed that the aborigines had already reached this position all the way, and they would soon be able to smash the wall of this room.

Seeing the sound getting closer and the movement getting louder, A9008 was a little worried, and anxiously transmitted the sound to Zhong Li.

"Zhongli, have you seen the way?"

Zhongli was also not sure, looking at the carvings on the wall, pondering for a moment, she stretched out her hand and pressed heavily on one of the clearly carved flowers.

With a slight "click", she and A9008 disappeared from this room in an instant, and at the same time, the door of this treasure house was gently pushed open.

Breathing heavily, Luo Shuchen, who didn't dare to make any sound, appeared in the room.

He was sweating profusely at the moment.

He didn't dare to fight those monsters outside the door.

After all, they had already fought once, and he was tortured terribly.

Luo Shuchen suspected that the monsters outside the door were at least at the golden core stage or above.

It's just that they don't know why they can't use spells, they can only use strength, but the tyrannical strength of the whole body is not something he can bear.

Therefore, Luo Shuchen, who couldn't beat him, could only continue to hide from XZ.

In the blink of an eye, Zhongli and A9008 came to a secret room.

This secret room is huge, like a palace. This area is different from the reserved location in the treasure map upstairs.

But Zhongli quickly realized that this is a world of cultivating immortals, isn't it normal to have a space folding technique or something like that?

There is no such thing in the world of cultivating immortals now, what if it is only lost due to a long time relationship.

After all, monks used the storage space thousands of years ago, but now they can only use storage bags. The level is not one or two points behind, and it is normal to have a lost space folding technique.

So Zhong Li didn't worry too much, and walked directly onto a platform. There was a statue on it, which carved a man with bones and immortal style.

This is probably the owner of this palace, the elixir master, Yin.

As soon as Zhong Li leaned against the platform, a void figure of spirit and soul immediately appeared from the statue, exuding a familiar aura all over his body.

This Zhongli is very familiar, because she was originally a ray of spirit that has separated from the body, and has similarities with this spirit.

The man's pure white hair fell quietly on both sides of his shoulders, his face was extremely handsome, his eyes were pure black, and there was a long and narrow golden mark between his brows, shining faintly.

He looks like an extremely powerful expert, even if his spirit is dim, he still has the feeling of looking down on all living beings.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth:
"Young monk, I have been waiting for your arrival."


"Why don't you speak?"

"Are you speaking? Are you fascinated by my handsome appearance?"

Zhongli: "..."

Wait, such a talented master of alchemy is actually a narcissistic chatterbox?
The filter suddenly shattered.

"Oh, ignorant child, do you know that I am a remnant soul that has lived for tens of thousands of years, please don't fall in love with me, there will be no results."

That divine soul sighed slowly, looking like he was doing your best, and the imprint on his forehead flashed with light.

Zhong Li clenched his fists involuntarily, and looked at Shenhun expressionlessly.

"Can you shut up?"

"Why, are you fascinated by my voice?" The man covered his mouth with his hands, looking guilty.

Zhong Li turned around directly.

She suddenly didn't want to know everything that much, after all, this wasn't what Xiao Chen needed to experience in the original, it was a script with extra drama, it would be fine if no extra money was allowed, and let her face such an idiot.

Seeing Zhongli's intention to leave, the spirit of the elixir guru Yin stopped playing tricks, and quickly began to persuade him to stay.

"Wait, don't go."

"Do you know who I am? My name is Yin. I am the object of the obsession of thousands of girls in the world of cultivating immortals. I am a talented master of alchemy. In this world, there is no medicine that I cannot refine."

"Do you want to know why I can be successful? As long as you promise to help me accomplish one thing, I can leave all my treasures to you. Among them is the time artifact that makes everyone in the world crazy."

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