Run, host she's not right

Chapter 280 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 24

Chapter 280 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 24
Zhong Li took the bare branch with its leaves already folded, held the top with his hand, waved it lightly, and a piercing sound of breaking wind whistled out.

At this moment, the rough branch in Zhongli's hand suddenly transformed into a slender long sword, and the aura on her body became more and more fierce.


When everyone heard the sound of swaying branches, they couldn't help pricking up their ears. They were originally a bunch of half-grown children. Although they were adults in age, they were still children at heart.

This "long sword" is a good weapon at first glance. If it is in their hands, it will have a radius of [-] meters, not to mention rapeseed, it is impossible to leave a whole flower and plant.

Seeing Zhongli's big fight, let alone Zhongli's class, even the students in other classes raised their necks curiously, wanting to see what's going on.

"Isn't this a sword dance?!"

"Exciting, I want to watch, I want to watch!"

"Really, it can't be the sword dance of Grandpa Square, right?"

Seeing such a curious look, the instructors of other teams also paused their performances. After all, they were also curious and wanted to see what this seemingly confident girl could do.

Several instructors discussed to come one shift after another, so that no one would be delayed.

The few of them are not like those semi-college students. They came out of the army anyway, and they have practiced some skills. They can also see that Zhongli has a solid footsteps and a tall and straight figure. He looks like a good seed, as if he has been trained.

Now it looks like she is about to dance a sword, no matter whether she has real material or not, it has greatly increased the interest of these instructors.

They don't understand or understand those popular dances and singing. To them, they are not as excited as a student performing a set of military boxing in front of them.

Seeing Zhongli's posture now, his heart was already getting excited, but he was still pretending.

And Zhongli didn't panic at all, walked to the center of the circle formed by the team, without humming, even before the accompaniment prepared by his classmates had time to start, he waved a branch with a wooden face, and drew a sword flower casually.

The branch that pierced the sound of the wind turned into a real weapon, as if it had been given life, and it swam freely around Zhongli, and it was as flexible as a screaming long snake in her hands, looking extremely terrifying.

Zhongli's expression was cold, and the branches in his hands were dancing faster and faster. The trajectories that appeared were dazzling. He couldn't help holding his breath, and he didn't even dare to blink.

The movement and figure of her feet can't be ignored, the feet are not stained with dust, and they are as light as a dragon. You can tell at a glance that this is not a random show, it looks like a knight can really kill people.

Zhongli waved it, and gradually forgot the people and environment around him, as if he had returned to the time when he was trying hard to learn from the teacher on the southeast mountain.

In that world back then, what she learned was not only cultivation skills, alchemy and drawing talismans, she also learned a few weapons, among which the long sword was Zhongli's favorite.

After all, which young man's first fantasy weapon is not a long sword.

Kill ten people in ten steps, and stay in a thousand miles.

This is so handsome.

So Zhongli learned it very carefully at that time, she was talented and intelligent, and she had already learned it in less than a few months, but unfortunately, there was no chance to implement it.

Who made her use the body of a puppet outside? With that stiff body, it is difficult to do some delicate things, let alone find someone to fight.

That is to say, after going to an ancient world to do tasks, Zhongli had room to practice. Zhongli also practiced superb swordsmanship in that world.

Although the memory is blocked now, Zhongli has not forgotten these skills. Now, just holding a branch and waving a set of nameless swordsmanship at will, the eyes of the students and instructors present have been brightened, and they are mesmerized.

Where have they seen this scene before?
It’s just TV dramas and movies, they are all in slow motion than the old man’s, how could it be so exciting to watch them live.

It was dark at night, even if there was a light, but the branch in Zhongli's hand was too thin and dark, the students could only stare at it with wide eyes, they couldn't bear to blink even if they were sour and weeping.

This is not too handsome!
It's a pity that this time passed too quickly, it seemed that Zhongli's set of sword skills had come to an end in a short time.

Elegantly holding a sword flower, she turned around and retracted the sheath.

Many students couldn't enjoy watching it, and they didn't expect it to end so soon, shouting.

"Do it again, do it again!"

"Not enjoyable enough!"

"Can my classmates teach me!"

There are also students who are very poetic, muttering in their mouths: "The sword is like a white snake spewing out letters, hissing and piercing the wind, and like a dragon swimming around, walking around, sometimes light like a swallow, swinging a knife, sometimes like lightning , the fallen leaves are falling."

Fortunately, it is not long before the college entrance examination. If it was longer, they probably would not have such literary talents, so they could only shout, "This sword dance is so fucking cool!"

After gesticulating a swordsmanship, Zhongli's breath was calm, and his expression didn't change at all, as if he just went up and walked around, without any major movements at all. He practiced swordsmanship for almost 5 minutes.

It's really that these exercises are too common, she used to exercise every day, this level... is trivial.

Putting down the branch in his hand, other students immediately surrounded him.

"Zhongli, can you teach me this trick? It's really handsome!"

There were also some people who simply began to pay homage to their master, "Master, please accept my apprentice's bow!"

Zhong Li's eyes fell on the man, and he shook his head, "You are too old to practice."

Zhongli's blunt words made everyone around laugh, and the classmate became angry and said, "Why are you laughing, we are all at the same level, so saying I am old is not the same as saying you are old!"

For a while, there was non-stop twittering, but these students, invariably, faintly focused on Zhongli.

It can be said that Zhongli won the first right to choose a spouse for four years in college just for one night, and there were even some big boys who came over with a hippie smile and began to confess.

Zhong Li didn't say anything else, just stared at him and asked, "Can you beat me?"

Hearing this, thinking about Zhong Li's murderous and cold appearance just now, several classmates ran away in desperation.

Not only the classmates, but also several instructors present were tickled by Zhong Lilu's slap in the face, and they didn't put on any airs anymore, so they came over and wanted to make gestures with Zhong Li.

Hehe, they want to see whether their fists are stronger or Zhongli's swordsmanship is better.

More importantly, they also want to learn this swordsmanship, it looks really awesome!
Looking at Zhongli who became the focus of the crowd again, Su Qingyue's heart seemed to be fried, hot and painful, and unwilling.

At this moment, the noisy discussions around Zhongliwu and sword dancing gradually faded away, and a dark voice that was not unfamiliar rose from the bottom of her heart.

"Do you want to replace her..."

(End of this chapter)

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