Run, host she's not right

Chapter 281 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 25

Chapter 281 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 25
Just like this, Zhong Li was hung up on the Internet twice in one day without knowing it.

One time was because of her college entrance examination results, and the other time was because of the freshmen's military training sword dance.

The military training has not officially started tonight, the instructors have not yet revealed their vicious washbasins, and the students' mobile phones have not been handed in and confiscated, so many people have taken videos.

Some are self-appreciation for friends to see, but there are always students who can't help posting them online.

Although there is nothing on the Internet these days, the picky eyes of netizens are used to these so-called dancing swords and so on, and they don't care too much. When they look casually, they stare, oh, there really is nothing!
Take a closer look, Xiu, this sword dance, not to mention those movies and TV shows with special effects and slow motion, even professional people can't help giving a thumbs up.

This set of swordsmanship looks simple, but if you think about it carefully, it is very complicated and lethal.

Every move seems to be a killer move, but it's not just a trick, just a few random strokes, it looks like it has been passed down.

Just like that, Zhongli's sword dance became popular, and even before tonight's playground talk was over, many comments had already been reposted and liked.

Most of them originally went to dance with Su Qingyue.

After all, compared to other little transparent, the little Internet celebrity Su Qingyue is more eye-catching, and she is also talented, can draw and dance, and is rushing to get close to Beijing University with the title of number one in the province. Such a powerful Man, it's the first time I've seen it.

The students who made the video were also making the video with the intention of using Su Qingyue to gain fans, and the netizens watched the video because of Su Qingyue's content.

Who knew that just by looking at it, another person would become a fan of it.

Some people are curious, who is this girl with beautiful looks and outstanding temperament? Wasn't it the girl who was ridiculed by the whole Internet for her "big face" two hours ago when Huashan was the descendant of Wudang Mountain?
He said that he was still able to enter Beijing University even though he missed one of the exams. Isn’t this self-destructive backing? Netizens like to watch these things the most!I even hope to explode some more.

Now that the two are connected together, many people feel a little less angry, and the other party seems to have real materials.

Coupled with the content of the rumor refutation, Zhongli's high school showed her transcripts for the three years of high school, the scores of the mock exams, the scores of the college entrance examination, and the awards she had won in the competitions she had participated in while she was in school. , proves that people are not only good now, but have been good since childhood.

Netizens calmed down, but they were in the mood to look at these things. After seeing this, it was incredible. It turned out that the other party was a real scholar!
This college entrance examination is really unlucky!People are real materials!

In addition, the official of Beijing University, who came belatedly, immediately testified that Zhongli absolutely relied on his own ability, his own score was admitted to Beijing University, there was no background, no make-up exam, and no extra points or lower scores for admission.

Everyone was shocked.

The genius is actually by my side? !
"I pray to the God of Examination, the Great God hopes that I will not fail the entrance examination!"

"Go, I hope my college entrance examination goes well!"

"Zhongli and I are classmates. In our eyes, she is like a god. There is nothing she can't do."

"Hey wait, this school seems familiar, it seems to be the same school as my girl Su Qingyue."

"Not only is it the same school, but he is also a classmate, a good friend who has a good time!"

"Yeah~ It was always Zhongli who took the first place, but Su Qingyue took the first place in the college entrance examination. I seem to have stumbled."

"Damn it, knocked it down, I gave up a subject just to get you No.1, what kind of peerless love is this, cross it out, friendship!"

"The girl looked at Zhong Shen, her face was full of determination, as long as I pass the No.1 college entrance examination, I will show my heart to you! Zhong Shen smiled crookedly, okay, I will help you!

"Ahhhhh, why is your brain so big upstairs? I'll give you the pen, and you can continue to write. I want the plot of Little Yellow Mosquito!"

"I hit it..."

After the meeting was over, he found a corner, took out his spare phone from the storage space and clicked on the Internet to see these contents. Zhong Li felt that his face was full of question marks.

What is this? I just knocked it out. I haven't knocked it so hard after taking drugs, right? !

Although Zhongli had a plan in mind, the content on the Internet that went astray was something she hadn't thought of.

She wanted to attract all eyes that noticed Su Qingyue, but she didn't want to be noticed like this!
Before the bewitching Su Qingyue's "dark forces" are dealt with, the two of them will probably have an incompatible relationship. Who would have thought that someone would knock their two CPs on the Internet.

It's heartbreaking to think about it.

Confused, Su Qingyue's heart was also full of complexities. Seeing those "cults", the corners of Su Qingyue's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Regarding Zhongli, Su Qingyue's heart is complicated. There is the guilt of betraying the other party, the excitement of finally stepping on the other party's feet, and the excitement of wanting the other party to worship her. All kinds of inexplicable emotions shrouded her , Su Qingyue herself didn't know how to face Zhongli.

And at this time, someone on the Internet is knocking her and Zhongli?This is outrageous! ! !
Zhong Li started to control the commentary, and Su Qingyue also had dark forces to help.

Although all the students handed in their mobile phones one by one under the gaze of the instructor just now, there is no way out, and other students are still able to make a spare phone and hide their mobile phones in various corners.

The storage ring that Zhongli just inherited contains ten brand-new mobile phones. If it is really impossible, there is also the A9008 system plug-in, and Su Qingyue has the help of dark forces. Of course, she will not be in a state of being ignorant.

But after all, Zhong Li, the true academic master, was gone, and Su Qingyue didn't dare to continue playing the sign of a beautiful female academic master, so she could only dig out the previous video to stir up the popularity.

To tell the truth, Zhongli's sudden move immediately made it impossible for Su Qingyue and the dark forces.

After all, Zhongli was lying flat before, and he was at their mercy, but now there is a resistance, and they have no way to stop it.

Originally, I thought that with the dancing videos on the playground, plus some "candidly shot" videos of beautiful goddesses from time to time during military training, Su Qingyue could directly win the title of Peking University's campus belle, and even dominate the Internet for a month.

Who knew that Zhongli would appear so forcefully that the school belle couldn't do it anymore, and because Zhongli's posture was too standard, it directly raised the competitiveness of the instructors and raised the difficulty of military training by several degrees.

The military training task was strict, and the students had to hand in their mobile phones. In addition, the time was crammed with military training items. They were so tired that they couldn't even lift their hands.

 It can be regarded as Yangkang, work hard to update, and strive to end it as soon as possible~
(End of this chapter)

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