Run, host she's not right

Chapter 287 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 31

Chapter 287 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 31
The difference is that Su Qingyue's paintings were circulated on the Internet, and everyone praised her as a genius, and she was able to draw such vivid and imaginative paintings.

And Jiang Yan's paintings were torn to pieces like garbage, hidden in this dark storage room.

All of this is like Su Qingyue stole Jiang Yan's life and the glory and praise that belonged to him.

Su Qingyue covered her lips, she was already stunned, she never thought that the "talent" she got was actually obtained in this way.

She couldn't believe that her hands had once ruined a person's life.

"These things are left by Jiang Yan. He tore up these paintings and threw them away before. I picked them up again and gave them back to him a little bit. These things are all his treasures. Throw them away now. What should I do if I can’t find it when I want it later.” Jiang Yan’s mother touched the marks on the drawing paper and said in a low voice.

She knew that Jiang Yan couldn't see these paintings, so she hid them all so that he wouldn't see them.

These things were the last thoughts he left for her.

Su Qingyue lowered her head, she didn't dare to face Jiang Yan's mother beside her, she was cold all over now, and felt very guilty.

Seeing Su Qingyue like this, Zhongli's eyes showed a trace of comfort.

From the looks of it, Su Qingyue was still the Su Qingyue she knew, she was just blinded by the dark forces, she walked down the wrong path step by step, and did things that hurt others.

As long as she wakes up now and corrects it in time, there is still time for everything.


"Auntie, there's no need to send it off." Jiang Yan's mother sent Zhongli and Su Qingyue out of the door together, Zhongli said.

Jiang Yan's mother nodded, and looked at Zhongli and Su Qingyue with soft eyes. The two little girls comforted her all morning. Very gratified and grateful.

"It's already noon, you can stay for lunch." Jiang Yan's mother asked to stay.

Zhong Li shook his head and refused, "No need, Auntie, we still have some things to do, you should go back first."

After finishing speaking, Zhongli pulled the silent Su Qingyue away.

With her head down, Su Qingyue followed Zhongli's footsteps, without saying a word, and Zhongli didn't say anything, just pulled her, took a taxi and walked in another direction.

In less than 10 minutes, the two appeared in another community.

Looking at this strange neighborhood, Su Qingyue's heart ached again.

I understand why they came to this community again.

She resisted in her heart and felt very guilty. She didn't want to see the second 'victim' that much.

As a result, Zhongli's hands were so strong that he didn't allow Su Qingyue to struggle at all, so he dragged her into the community. With Zhongli around, the two of them walked freely in the community, and soon reached a security door. in front of the door.

With A9008 around, Zhongli quickly found the few people who had taken away the talent from Su Qingyue, and he knew their addresses like the palm of his hand.

It's noon, and the smell of food inside the house can be smelled through the anti-theft door. The other party seems to be preparing for lunch.

The soundproofing of the old house is not very good, only a dull knock on the door, and a middle-aged woman's voice said cautiously, "It's time for Sissy to come out for lunch."

It was the voice of a mother calling for the child, and then another dull middle-aged man's voice sounded; "What's your name, she will come out to eat naturally when she's hungry, so you're so big, do you still have to be called when you eat? "

With the sound of pouring wine, the middle-aged man seemed unable to control his mouth after drinking, so he started to complain.

"What do you think I raised her so big? She has danced well for so many years. The teacher said that she has a good foundation and can pass the art test. If she doesn't dance, she won't dance. All these years of money have been wasted ? All these years of suffering have been in vain?"

"The dawn of victory is about to be seen, if you say give up, give up!"

The man became more and more angry, and finally patted the table angrily, making a "bang bang" sound, "If I were her, I would have no face to eat this meal!"

Seeing the man getting angry, the middle-aged woman began to retort in a low voice for her daughter: "Maybe it's just that Sissy is tired and wants to rest. Didn't the teacher say that before, she practiced the basic skills for so many years, and suddenly she became confused and changed?" Be like a layman, Sissy must be tired, and in such a situation, she must not be able to dance well, so it's better to rest."

"Why are you tired? I've been tired for so many years. I've been suffering for so many years. I've worked so hard for her to dance for so many years. It seems that I'm only a short time away from the art exam. I gritted my teeth and passed it. Now she suddenly gives up, doesn't practice basic skills, doesn't stretch her tendons, and doesn't even maintain her figure, what on earth does she want to do!" Although the middle-aged man was furious, his words revealed his concern for the child.

It's just that they are parents and have a generation gap with their children. They really don't understand what happened and became like this.

Su Qingyue, who had her head down, was pulled here by Zhongli to listen to the corner of the wall. As she listened, her neck gradually lifted, and she also understood who the child the parents were talking about inside was.

Just as she was thinking about it, Su Qingyue saw Zhongli knocking on the door, this action almost scared Su Qingyue's heart out.

Why didn't she realize that Zhongli was still so stupid, and he didn't even look at what was going on inside. He was having a meal, and he was still throwing a tantrum, and she, the culprit, suddenly came to the door. Is it appropriate?

Hearing the knock on the door, the voice inside suddenly fell silent, and then footsteps sounded. A middle-aged woman opened the door and looked at the two people outside the door curiously.

"who are you?"

"Auntie, we are Zhou Qian's classmate, we are passing by to see her." Zhongli opened his mouth and came, surprised Su Qingyue looked at Zhongli in disbelief, why did these words come out of her mouth, and still said it well Unchanged.

"Oh, please come in, please come in, have you eaten yet?" Zhou Qian's mother invited the two into the room, and Zhou Qian's father, who was sitting at the dining table, nodded to the two of them, without saying a word, looking serious correct.

Zhou Qian's mother looked a little embarrassed: "Zhou Qian is in the room."

"Cissy, open the door and come out, your classmate is here to see you."

Zhou Qian's mother knocked on the door, and soon a voice came from inside: "No, let them go."

"Where's Zhou Qian's manners..." It seemed that there was no manners in the family education, which made Zhou Qian's father very angry.

"It's okay, let's go in by ourselves." Zhongli's expression remained unchanged, and she twisted the doorknob of Zhou Qian's room as she spoke. Zhou Qian's mother was about to say that the room was locked, and when it couldn't be opened from the outside, the door opened with a 'creak'. up.

Zhou Qian's mother looked surprised: Hey, did Qianqian come out just now and didn't lock the door?
My daughter has grown up, and I don't know when, the door of the room will start to be locked, and she will be angry when you enter her room.

"Why did you open the door?" Zhou Qian in the room was also surprised, she had locked the door behind her.

Zhong Li said casually: "Oh, just twist it and it will open."

As he spoke, he pulled Su Qingyue into the room and locked the door.

Su Qingyue looked at the door lock curiously, she can guarantee that this is definitely not the reason why the door is not locked.

(End of this chapter)

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