Run, host she's not right

Chapter 288 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 32

Seeing the two people who came into the room suddenly, Zhou Qian, who was lying on the bed with salted fish, suddenly sat up straight, looking at Zhongli and Su Qingyue vigilantly.

"Who are you, I don't remember having you two classmates, what are you doing at my house!!!"

How did these two people get in? ?

Zhou Qian stared wide-eyed nervously, turned her head to look, and wanted to find some weapons to defend herself, but sadly, within two meters of her bed, there was nothing but food and drink, and she didn't even have a comb for combing her hair. I can only hold the potato chips in my arms tightly.

"Calm down, we're here to ask you something." Zhong Li approached the room as he said, and looked around the room. The clean and tidy room was a little messy now, and items and trophies were neatly placed on the high cabinet. However, the table was full of snack bags that were put down after eating. It can be seen that Zhou Qian's life now is very different from before.

"What's the matter? Why did you come to my house all of a sudden? How do you know my address." Zhou Qian sat upright and hugged the potato chips tightly. It was like she was afraid that Zhongli would snatch her potato chips.

Seeing that Zhou Qian was agitated, Zhong Li had no choice but to throw a Qingxin spell to her to calm her down.

"Calm down, we're here to chat with you."

Zhongli's operation almost made Su Qingyue's eyes pop out.

Wait, what did she see just now, a blue light flew out of Zhongli's hand and landed on Zhou Qian? ?
Is this her eyesight?Why did Zhongli do this? ?
Wrong, must be wrong!

Her precious gold finger "system" doesn't even have this function, so how could Zhong Li do it.

"Do you still have memories of dancing?" Zhong Li didn't answer, but asked another question.

After receiving the feedback from A9008, Zhongli slowly let go of Zhou Qian's hand, looking at the frightened Zhou Qian and Su Qingyue who took a meaningful step back, Zhongli was speechless.

It seemed as if all the worries, annoyances and anger in my heart had vanished, and everything seemed to be underestimated.

Seeing the blue light in Zhongli's hand, which was still flying towards her body, Su Qingyue subconsciously wanted to hide, but she didn't.

When Zhou Qian's ability was taken away, it was already after Zhongli's luck was taken away. At that time, the dark forces had luck, and the influence of this world consciousness was greatly reduced, so it started to attack ruthlessly, and no longer restrained itself.

"Oh~" After all, she used to be a bad friend, Su Qingyue nodded with a mean face, the appearance made people gnash their teeth.

A9008, start scanning!
Zhong Li said to A9008 that it was hard to find a victim who was violated by the dark forces. They must have a good understanding of the situation and how to recover her stolen things.


Zhou Qian was in great pain, but she was also a strong person. She planned to practice from scratch and made a plan in her heart.

"Those memories are still in my mind. I can even feel the pain, happiness, and persistent dreams when I practiced dancing. However, as for the movements and rhythms that I have trained hard for more than ten years, I can still feel the pain in my mind. But it's blank, you don't remember anything, and you don't know how painful that feeling is."

As the 'victim', Zhou Qian clasped her arms tightly, squinting at Zhongli vigilantly.

So she no longer resisted, lowered her eyes and whispered.

"What's my condition?"

Is Zhou Qian stupid, or is she stupid?
What is this!
Su Qingyue immediately turned her head to look at Zhongli eagerly, looking at Su Qingyue with a longing (?) face, Zhongli understood what she was thinking, and gave her a heart-cleaning spell to let her feel it.

Su Qingyue's eyes widened, and she watched Zhou Qian's temper suddenly reversed in disbelief, which was simply unbelievable.

As she said that, Zhou Qian shivered, her eyes straightened, and she hugged her arms tightly.

"I want to know about your situation." The corners of Zhongli's mouth rose slightly, and when Zhou Qian wasn't paying attention, he quickly approached and grabbed Zhou Qian's hand, but she couldn't let go despite her constant struggle.

"I just want to know about your situation at the moment, don't think too much about it."

Apart from Zhongli, Zhou Qian was the first person to let the dark forces attack on a large scale, unlike the sneaky one when dealing with Zhongli, and only used part of her abilities.

But swallows leave traces, and hands will naturally leave traces. These flaws were quickly found by the A9008.

This is a spell to calm people down, not brainwashing, so after she calmed down, the suspicion in Zhou Qian's eyes did not decrease by half, and she even became more vigilant after she regained her sanity.

After being hit from the head by a heart-cleaning spell, Zhou Qian, who was originally agitated and irritable, calmed down all of a sudden. She relaxed her body and spoke with a peaceful face.

! ! ! !
That's it! !

As soon as the blue light touched her body, Su Qingyue felt that her whole body became transparent, as if she had taken a deep breath of the fresh air in the forest after the rain, or as if she had taken a thorough bath before being washed. I massaged it from the beginning to the end, and that feeling is called comfort.

Zhou Qian frowned, not understanding Zhongli's meaning, but the hand she showed just now had already shocked her, and she was just touched. They were all of the same sex, so it was no big deal.

"It's just a gadget."

She is a normal person with personal consciousness, and Zhou Qian really loved dancing. Her whole world is surrounded by dancing, and there are photos and videos of trophies and certificates everywhere. Suddenly, she forgot how to dance. Dancing, her head was empty, her feet felt like she was floating, and the fear and helplessness emanating from her bones could not be described in words.

"I don't know you guys. What is the purpose of you looking for me?"

…Compared to this, her golden fingers look like rubbish… Wait, stop, don’t think about it anymore, this is slapping her own face!
"Oh, so that's what it is."

But when it was time to practice, her strong willpower collapsed silently, and she wanted to lie down, obviously planning to start practicing early in the morning, but she seemed to be dragged by the bed, lying down from morning till night , She couldn't get up at all, and she couldn't stop eating those fried high-calorie foods that she didn't like in the first place.

This kind of behavior completely contrary to consciousness gradually disintegrated all Zhou Qian's persistence. She began to feel that this kind of life seems to be quite good. Both parents have jobs, and the pension will be high in the future. Lying on the bed, eating and drinking, she clearly felt that such an idea was wrong, but she couldn't make any changes. After several times, Zhou Qian's temper began to become weird.

From the original sweet and gentle little girl, she became a girl who became irritable and yelled whenever she mentioned dancing or talking to her.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qian's tears flowed down involuntarily, she seemed to have hurt her family.

The effect of Zhongli's heart-cleaning mantra is not simple, and Zhou Qian regained herself in a short time.

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