Run, host she's not right

Chapter 289 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 33

"It will get better." Zhong Li looked at Zhou Qian who had tears in her eyes, like a lost child, and comforted her.

She has not yet found a way to help Zhou Qian to find her things, but Zhongli believes that this day will come soon.

"I'll show you a joke." Zhou Qian reached out to touch her face, and when she touched the crumbs of snacks next to her cheek, she felt ashamed and her face turned as red as a tomato.

God, what is she in these days, there are two strangers in front of her, she looks so messed up.

Disgraceful and lost at home! !
With a "teng", Zhou Qian, who regained her sobriety, quickly lifted the quilt and got up, put on her slippers and ran out of the room, and ran to the bathroom. The parents of Zhou's family who were worriedly looking at the room outside the room were both surprised and puzzled.

"Sissy, what are you going to do? Haha, you little lazy cat, you are willing to wash your face."

"Hmph, I don't know who it is. Hurry up and wash your face, and eat. I haven't eaten for such a long time. Can this stomach take it? Forgot the pain of stomach disease?"

The Zhou family's parents were talking about each other, but they all felt sorry for their daughter.

Zhongli and Su Qingyue in the room also heard the voice from outside, the corners of Su Qingyue's mouth hooked up, a little wanting to laugh, Zhongli suddenly looked at her and asked.

"Did you notice what happened to Zhou Qian's feet just now?"

Zhongli exhaled slowly, hoping to have an effect.

Zhongli beat Su Qingyue's heart bit by bit.

After washing her face in a hurry, Zhou Qian ran back to the room, still holding the bread that Zhou's mother had stuffed for her, watching Zhongli and the others look at her photo album, Zhou Qian felt uncomfortable.

Su Qingyue pushed Zhou Qian away, turned around and rushed out the door.

"Well, it's a beautiful shot and a beautiful smile." Zhong Li said seriously.

"Look, do these smiles appear on your face when you dance?"

But such normal feet made her shrink back a little guilty.

Did the topic change so suddenly?

Every time she dances, there is a purpose, either to show off, or to get more honors. Her heart has never had a pure love for dancing.

Zhou Qian was a little dazed, and Zhou's father and Zhou mother outside the living room were also poking their heads in bewilderment.

"Hey, what happened to her?"

Looking at the photos and listening to Zhongli's words, Su Qingyue couldn't help thinking, did she ever smile so happily when she was dancing?

"I'm afraid you don't know that for an outstanding dancer, the experience behind her has never been easy. In particular, Zhou Qian was born in ballet since she was a child, and then gradually changed to a dance style that suits her. On her feet, there are The scars and glory of all ballet dancers." Zhong Li said slowly and truthfully.

"You go to eat, we can just watch it ourselves." Zhong Li was not inconsiderate, he didn't see that his parents were still staring at the door, waiting for his daughter to have dinner together.

She is now a despicable thief who stole all the good memories of others.

"Ah?" Su Qingyue who was suddenly asked was like a student who was called up to answer questions in class, she was not in the mood at all.

Zhou Qian pointed to the photo and said, those blurred memories gradually reappeared, and a happy smile began to appear on her face. Such a smile deeply hurt Su Qingyue's heart.

Such a smiling face will never appear on her face when she is dancing, she will only have a false smile on her face, and she is calculating in her heart how to make people like her more and gain greater benefits.

"Yeah, what do you think of this photo?"

"Oh, this is the first time I learned to stand on tiptoe. It's painful... This should be the photo of my primary school party. It seems to be the first time I performed on stage. At that time, the jumping should be little swans. This is A photo of me dancing when I was ten years old, this is..."

"It's okay, I should be hungry."

"This was taken when I first practiced dancing. It must have been so painful at the time. I cried." Zhou Qian pointed to a photo of a four or five-year-old girl being guided by her teacher.

Su Qingyue 'swiped', and immediately looked down at her legs. The feet wrapped under the small leather shoes grew freely, without scars, and did not become deformed like those dancers.

Su Qingyue knew her answer.

She was so unbearable that she couldn't even look directly at her.

Su Qingyue's dance experience was obtained by robbing Zhou Qian. She doesn't like dancing, and she doesn't enjoy dancing. What she wants is the appreciation under the flashing lights.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, hee hee, I'm already full after eating snacks." Zhou Qian was sly, and her mouth didn't stop. She went out to explain to her parents, and after letting them eat by themselves, Zhou Qian went back to the room , and began to introduce the photo album to Zhongli and the others.

"what's the situation?"

Zhou Qian's ears felt hot when she heard it. With the bread in her mouth, she searched up and down to find a photo album, and shared it with Zhongli and the others. "I still have a lot of photos, take a look."

She pointed to the photo frame next to the trophy, which contained photos of Zhou Qian when she won the competition and when she was dancing. In each photo, Zhou Qian was smiling brightly and her eyes were shining. Really like dancing.

Su Qingyue bowed her head in shame, these things were pointed out in front of Zhongli, she even wanted to hide her face and run away.

"Do you have these bitter and happy memories? You don't. You never even really felt the joy of loving dancing."

After Zhongli bid farewell to Zhou Qian, he found Su Qingyue soon after leaving the community. She was standing in a daze at the door of a shop, watching the entertainment program on the LCD TV inside.

The host inside commented viciously on today's entertainment news.

A pianist who became famous at a young age, Qin Lan, unexpectedly went out of tune in his performance. He played half a piece of music, but none of the lines were in tune.

With that appearance, he looked like a stunned newcomer who had just touched the piano and had no talent.

From this moment on, Qin Lan's titles of "Genius Pianist" and "Beethoven Kyoto Fenfen" for so many years have now become a joke.

The passers-by who were watching short videos nearby also made voices. They seemed to be Qin Lan's fans, who bought tickets at a high price. Now that the performance was interrupted, they were so angry that they left their fans and yelled at the camera. : "rnm refund money!"

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