Run, host she's not right

Chapter 32 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 31

Chapter 32 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 31
A group of people are constantly smashing the windows of the car, taking out all the things inside, they don't know what to take, what is useful, anyway, just take it out.

Originally, these closed cars were trapped by people who turned into zombies in the car, but when Yan Meimei packed the car, she killed all the zombies.

Yan Meimei killed all the zombies with a blank face, and then put all the cars into the space ring.

So now someone opens the car door and sees a dead body falling out of Gulu Gulu, and from time to time, they will scream loudly.

When they found out that it was a corpse of a zombie, they breathed a sigh of relief, and joined forces to drag the corpse out with a look of disgust.

Several people are busy, with a clear division of labor. Someone knocks on the window glass, or pries open the trunk to get the food and water inside, someone punches a hole in the fuel tank, and introduces gasoline into the prepared oil drum, until there is another scream sounded.

"Ah! Zombies!"

Upon hearing this, these supernatural beings brought out by Zhongli, like rabbits, pricked up their ears and looked around vigilantly. Slowly let out a sigh of relief.

Although they dare to fight zombies now, they will still be afraid when they meet zombies.

Immediately, he said angrily: "What are you shouting for? It's frightening to death. Where are the zombies?"

"In the car, there is a zombie in this car!" The woman pointed to a car with a panicked expression, and she was still holding a hammer with a broken window in her hand.

"How timid, there are corpses inside, no zombies!"

"They're all corpses, don't be afraid."

Some retorted casually, and some took the time to comfort her, but the woman was still extremely firm.

"The ones inside are zombies, alive!!"

The other man who was in charge of prying the trunk got up helplessly and walked to the woman's side, "Tsk, you are really brainless, what are you doing..."

After seeing the scene inside, he immediately exclaimed, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, "Live, live zombies!!"

"How can there be zombies in this car!!"

The man yelled.

The two said with certainty that there was a zombie, and the others couldn't stay still for a moment. They came over and saw that there was indeed a living zombie in the car.

It seemed to smell the smell of people, and it stretched out its hand and kept pulling towards the car window, making the car window bloody, and its sharp nails drew traces on the car window.

"Ho ho, ho ho..."

The zombie seemed to be getting more and more energetic. It pulled the car window excitedly and wanted to climb out. This scene made everyone's scalp tingle.

"what happened?"

Zhong Li, who was originally checking to see if there were any living people in this school, noticed the situation here and walked up to ask.

Immediately, someone pointed to the small car and told Zhongli everything: "There is a zombie in this car, it's alive, not a corpse!!"


Zhong Li also saw the unusually lively zombie inside the vehicle, it had given up grabbing it with its hands, and began to "bang bang bang" with its head, as if it wanted to knock the door open.

If she remembered correctly, these cars were all put into the space ring by Yan Meimei and then taken out again, right?

Isn't her interspatial ring not able to collect living things? When collecting the car just now, Yan Meimei had to kill all the zombies before they could be put in the space. But what about the living zombies on the car now? one thing.

Could it be that they sneaked into the car while they were not paying attention?
This is impossible.

Zhongli quickly denied that there were so many people around, it was impossible for them to miss a zombie and let it sneak into the car.

And those zombies are not so smart. When they meet people, they will jump at people instead of getting into the car.

"Could it be that someone was bitten by a zombie and turned into a zombie just now when we got into the car while we weren't paying attention?"

Su Wenyu on the side spoke.

Those of them were not surprised that Yan Meimei would have a space ring, and they neither wanted to snatch it nor take advantage of it, and asked Yan Meimei to help install things, as if they hadn't seen this thing.

But they also understood certain truths, such as the meaning in Su Wenyu's words now, that is, knowing that Yan Meimei's space ring cannot hold living things.

Zhongli didn't bother with these things either. After all, they were all NPCs in the same examination room. It's not surprising that they knew some settings. Maybe they would go for a drink together after get off work.

Regarding Su Wenyu's guess, Zhong Li didn't say a word, she leaned closer to the glass of the car window, and looked at the zombies inside through the dirty blood.

Then he reached out and asked for a broken window hammer. When he knocked on the car window, the smooth glass immediately split from one point to the surroundings, densely packed like spider webs.

Before Zhongli could make a move, the zombies inside couldn't wait to smash into the shattered glass. After a few hits, it poked out its rotten head from the car window, and Zhongli seized the opportunity. Quickly, go down with an axe, click it, and it will be solved.

Zhong Li's crisp and quick movements stunned everyone.

They all swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling a bit cold on their necks.

After killing the zombie, Zhongli opened the car door and dragged the corpse out. After a cursory look, it could be seen that this zombie did not form in a short period of time.

And looking at the inside of the car, it has been in this car for a long time.

Seeing this, Zhong Li quickly got up, waved her hands, and asked everyone to continue their actions, while she found Yan Meimei.

Once you get close to Yan Meimei for a certain distance, you can see the picture of the space ring appearing behind her, and as Zhong Li gets closer to Yan Meimei, the picture becomes clearer and more detailed.

Until Zhongli stood one meter away from Yan Meimei, just facing the enlarged well behind Yan Meimei, Zhongli's eyes fell on the sudden extra pattern on the well.

She firmly believes that this pattern did not exist before.

Yan Meimei raised her head and smiled and asked her, "A Li, what can you do for me?"

"It's something."

Zhongli came back to his senses, looked at Yan Meimei and asked, "Meimei, do you know that when those cars were taken in, a zombie was also brought in?"

"Ah, is there such a thing?"

Yan Meimei frowned, as if a little surprised.

"Let's test it, and you take me in to see."

"Maybe your space has been upgraded, and you can bring living things in."

Zhongli didn't care whether she knew about it or not, she reached out and grabbed Yan Meimei's hand, looking at her.

Zhongli's hand touched Yan Meimei, but unfortunately nothing happened.

The prompt board that floated in mid-air and snatched the space ring did not appear, but Zhong Li did not land on it, and when Zhong Li made the request, Yan Meimei simply agreed.

In the blink of an eye, Zhongli entered a world of singing birds and fragrant flowers from the chaotic streets.

(End of this chapter)

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