Run, host she's not right

Chapter 33 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 32

Chapter 33 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 32
It is clean and bright here, what floats on the tip of the nose is no longer the smell of fishy smell, but the smell of fresh grass and sweet fruit, instead of the knocking sound of "ding ding dong dong", there is the sound of running water, occasionally You can hear the sound of fish flipping their tails and jumping out of the water.


Zhong Li looked at his feet, and then looked around, she has entered the space ring!
Yan Meimei's interspatial ring can bring people in.

"A Li, you really came in." Yan Meimei who was at the side smiled brightly.

"It's beautiful and safe here, and there are no zombies. You can live here with me in the future. You couldn't come in before. I'm bored by myself. It's great for you to come in now!"

Yan Meimei happily spun around in circles.

While talking to Yan Meimei, Zhong Li stretched out his hand to the fruit she had been thinking about for a long time, and she picked it casually, and picked a peach as big as her palm.

It was pink, tender and fluffy, Zhongli wiped it, put it in her mouth and bit it, clicked, the silvery white teeth broke the peel, and the fresh and sweet juice poured into her mouth impatiently, not to mention how much it was. delicious.

Zhongli's eyes lit up with a "shua".

This fruit is more delicious than she imagined!
While eating, Zhong Li greedily extended his claws to other fruits.

Yan Meimei, who couldn't wait for a response, looked at Zhongli resentfully, "Ah Li, you just said something!"

"Ah, what did you say?" Zhong Li asked while eating.

Yan Meimei repeated: "Should we live here together?"

"Kah, there is a house to live in, why do we sleep on the lawn?"

Zhong Li said while eating.

"But it's very safe here, there are no zombies, no danger." Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli with her mouth pouting.

"It's not bad outside."

She didn't let Yan Meimei be bitten by zombies, didn't she clean up all the zombies wherever she went?

"that's not what it means……"

Zhong Li interrupted Yan Meimei's words by raising her hand, her eyes fell on the uncultivated land, "Meimei, can you bring anyone in now?"

Zhongli was disobedient, Yan Meimei pouted her lips in childish gloom, and responded with some displeasure.


Then she looked at Zhongli vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Zhongli smiled: "Hey, I didn't want to do anything, I just thought it was a pity that the land was empty."

"You, don't you want to come in and farm the land?"

Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli in disbelief.

Farming is a matter of course, but not her.

She can arrange for people to come in and farm!

After seeing what Zhong Li meant, Yan Meimei was completely overwhelmed.

Do you know what this is? This is an extremely precious space ring!

How can there be a person like you who has a chance to enter the space to breathe and relax, but is thinking about the land here, telling others about it, and letting others come?
Are you afraid you are not a fool?

"It's a pity to put it here." Zhong Li explained while gnawing on the fruit.

The first time she saw this interspatial ring, she felt that it was a pity that such a large piece of land was left there without doing anything. Now it would be great to let people come in and grow vegetables.

Especially now that it's a mess outside, it's not easy to eat vegetables.

However, with such a large area of ​​land, it is difficult to cultivate it manually. Even if you can take turns to cultivate it, it will be a bit troublesome. You have to find a machine.

"A Li, do you know how precious this interspatial ring is? Don't you have any thoughts?" Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli, and she didn't believe that she wouldn't be moved.

Zhongli nodded: "It's a bit."

Yan Meimei's face showed joy, and the indicator board appeared on her body again.

【Do you want to seize space】


At this moment, the [Yes] icon kept shaking as if she was suffering from epilepsy. At the same time, Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli with slightly excited eyes.

Her red lips parted, and her voice was seductive.

"Then do as you wish..."

Seeing the screen floating in mid-air, Zhongli clicked on the old position very skillfully.


She said to Yan Meimei with distress on her face: "The thought in my heart now is, what should I grow, should I grow rice, wheat, or vegetables?"

"Well, I prefer to eat rice, and it's difficult to use pasta as the staple food."

Yan Meimei's smiling face froze all of a sudden: "..."

Is that human being? ! !
You still refused.

Just you still want to eat white rice? ?
Go eat peaches.

With a "swish", Zhong Li was still looking at the land, and suddenly appeared outside the middle school in City A, next to his ears were the voices of zombies screaming "ho ho".

Hey, why did she come out?

Zhong Li looked at Yan Meimei who was at the side, her face was stinky, did she get angry?
Isn't it just that you didn't go according to your idea? She thinks her idea is very reasonable. Zhongli thought about what she would do if she had a space ring.

After snatching the space ring, the first thing to do is to eat the fruit and the fish inside, and then plant things in the large open space, and collect all the cumbersome things on the body into the ring and carry it with you.

This is what the space ring is for.

Since this is the purpose, does it make any difference who owns the space ring?

Although the ring is not in her hand, but she can eat fruit and fish, isn't it normal to plant a field by the way?
Why are you still angry?

"Meimei, you..."

Just as Zhong Li was about to speak, Yan Meimei snorted and walked away. Zhong Li withdrew his hand and touched his nose, feeling a little aggrieved.

Why is an NPC still so grumpy?
Isn't it just that she didn't go according to her idea? Could it be that the NPC also has performance?

Annoyed, Zhong Li turned around and saw a group of people staring at her eagerly.

"Miss A Li, the car has been cleaned up, do you want to check it?" Su Wenyu said with a smile on his face.

"There's nothing to check." Zhong Li waved his hand, "Since everything is done, then you all get ready."


Su Wenyu looked at Zhongli with some doubts, not understanding what she meant.

"Well, move your hands and feet and prepare for the extended exercise before the long-distance run."

Zhong Li continued to nibble on the fruit in his hand.

She took two fruits just now, and they were brought out together.

"Long-distance running? Aren't we going to the shopping mall in the city center to get supplies?" Su Wenyu couldn't keep up with Zhongli's thoughts. They went to move things, not to participate in long-distance running activities.


Su Wenyu peeked at Zhongli, trying to figure out what she was thinking: "Then why did you run?"

"If you don't run away when you meet a zombie, is it possible that you can still kill yourself?" Zhong Li looked at Su Wenyu.

This group of people whose legs are weak when they see zombies, if they can really chop zombies, she will... just let them chop.

But looking at Su Wenyu's expression, it was obvious that they couldn't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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