Run, host she's not right

Chapter 61 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 60

Chapter 61 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 60
That knife really split the waves, and after a long time passed, there was no movement on the other side of the sea, probably because he was frightened by this sword.

Maybe she won't come to this side in the future, but Zhongli followed behind to pick up a bargain, otherwise when the waves come over, no matter how smart she is, she will be cool.

Zhongli quickly found Yan Meimei and asked her about the situation outside. This time, Yan Meimei, who had been dumb all along, spoke to Zhongli.

"Why do other candidates have this and that ability, why don't I? How did they obtain their ability? Isn't it on the same level as they entered this assessment?"

Yan Meimei said with a smile: "When you came in, you had already sealed your own power. When you first came in, you were all ordinary people."

Zhong Li: "Ordinary people?"

One can whiz thunder and lightning in his hand, the other can split the waves with a sword in his hand, and the other can control the waves. Are you telling me that this is an ordinary person?

Zhong Li frowned: "You mean, their powers were cultivated in this assessment space?"

"That's right." Yan Meimei nodded with a smile, and looked at the stunned look on Zhongli's face with satisfaction.

"The power cultivated by everyone will be sealed, but the memory is not sealed, and the tricks in the hand will not be forgotten. Now that you enter this world full of energy, it depends on your own cultivation in a month. How's the level?"

Zhongli: "..."

Good guy, she started desperately killing zombies this month, and the others began to practice desperately. At this last moment, if she doesn't die, who will die?
They have cultivated so well in a month, how powerful should their real abilities be?
"You guys are still unfair. To drag me, an ordinary person in the ordinary world, into the arena with these non-human beings, am I not a proper cannon fodder?"

Zhongli was dissatisfied. Isn't this just like pulling an elementary school student and a group of college students into the same examination room to take the high math test, how can a person who can't even understand the questions take the test?
Is this fair?

Is it reasonable?
But regarding Zhongli's words, Yan Meimei just smiled and said nothing, she stared straight at Zhongli, as if she was asking: Just you?ordinary people?

"Okay, that's all I can say. Please explore the rest by yourself." After speaking, Yan Meimei planned to hide.

After all, she is also a delicate and frail survivor, a piece of fat in the eyes of other candidates, since Zhongli can't protect her, she has to protect herself.

"Wait, don't leave, you haven't finished your question yet? Is there a store that can exchange these means of learning supernatural powers? Hurry up and give me a practice cheat book, and you can exchange as many points as you want."

Zhong Li grabs Yan Meimei, he hasn't finished talking yet, he wants to run, but there is no way!
After hearing Gravity's words, Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli with strange eyes, and seemed to ask her where these strange ideas came from.

"What mall?"

"I've said it all, their cultivation is all brought from memory." Yan Meimei ran away after finishing speaking.

Leaving Zhongli alone was very messy.

There is no shopping mall to exchange for cultivation cheats, and it is all up to oneself.

What she has in her mind is the practice secrets and martial arts cheats. She has five years of simulated three-year college entrance examinations in her mind. Could it be possible for her to do it with Chinese, mathematics and English?
It's too dangerous outside, Zhongli thinks, it's best to lie down in city A.

Anyway, she couldn't beat her, so she should wait quietly for the end of the assessment. If someone came to her door, she would take another step.

This is the end of the plan to get out of City A.

During these few days, Zhong Li was eating and drinking in City A. He also had a long-distance running training, avoiding obstacles, and doing a few traps, so that when he meets other candidates next time, he can run a few times and struggle before he dies.

Occasionally, when he is free, Zhongli will also check the navigation of his mobile phone to see how the outside world is going.

Visible to the naked eye, one city after another was shrouded in white fog and left early.

On this day, when Zhong Li started to continue running, suddenly, a person suddenly appeared, it was the handsome guy from Sancheng next door who didn't dress well.

Zhongli: "!!!"

Isn't it here to get her points again?
It can be seen from the sword a few days ago that the person in front of her is a physical attack, and she can't resist it!

The moment Zhong Li saw someone, she ran away quickly, but wherever she ran, the people behind her followed.

"What have you been chasing me for?"

"It's you who keep running. If you don't run me, I won't chase." The young man said with a smile on his face.

He is really handsome, and his words seem to be seductive, but it's a pity that Zhongli doesn't catch a cold.

In the end, Zhong Li couldn't run anymore, so he just lay flat.

Looking at the young man, he said, "If you want to share, you must die."

"Okay." As he said that, the young man raised his sword, ready to hit Zhongli, but Zhongli dodged it, and he came right away.

Seeing Zhongli dodge, the young man picked up his sword and continued stabbing at Zhongli. Zhongli also took out his Tang knife and began to resist.

Gritting his teeth to resist passively, Zhong Li spoke.

"Hey, don't do it!"

The young man had a smile on his face, and his fox eyes were extremely cold: "You told me to do it, why are you still unwilling?"

"Hey, your saber technique is really strange, I haven't seen it before."

The young man seemed to be testing Zhongli's sword skills, so he didn't kill her, but the impenetrable sword skills also beat Zhongli enough, and there were many wounds on his body that were visible to the naked eye.

Finally Zhongli jumped in from a window, followed by the young man, planning to go in, but there was a loud "bang" sound.

There was a smell of gunpowder smoke in the room. Zhongli held the gun and looked around vigilantly. Just now when the young man came in behind, Zhongli shot at him with the gun, but when the gun was about to fall on him, he hid passed.

"Pfft..." Suddenly a foot appeared and kicked Zhongli on the shoulder vigorously. Before Zhongli could react, he was kicked flying and fell heavily on the ground, the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

At this time the young man appeared, he picked up the pistol on the ground, looked it up curiously, and finally looked at Zhongli, "Tsk, I'm not bad, I didn't do anything to your face because of your good looks .”

Zhong Li fell to the ground, feeling that half of her body was falling apart, she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, she snorted coldly, looked at the man: "Then I can thank you."

"That's not necessary." The young man shamelessly accepted Zhongli's thanks, looked at her with the gun in his hand, and finally imitated Zhongli's movements and pointed the gun at her.

"I dodged just now. I don't know how powerful this thing is. Can you try and show me?"

(End of this chapter)

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