Run, host she's not right

Chapter 62 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 61

Chapter 62 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 61
The man is holding a gun, smiling as if facing a lover, and his tone is gentle.

His eyes sized up Zhongli's body, as if he wanted to hit somewhere.

Looking at the gun, Zhong Li dodged, she didn't dare to let the bullet fall on her body, this must be a joke.

Zhong Li looked at himself who was kicked half of his body and couldn't move, and then looked at the flour prepared in advance in the room, his eyes showed a trace of unwillingness, almost...

She looked up at the young man and said:

"and many more."

"Do you want more points?"

"As long as you let me go, I can guarantee that you will get more points than defeating me."

"Huh?" The young man looked at Zhongli.

It's strange, the little girl in front of her is different from others, others are cursing at this time, but she is fine, she still has the mind to bargain with him.

And dare to boast such a big seaport.

You know, defeating a candidate can directly get [-] points. Among the [-] point and [-] points in the entire assessment, this [-] points is already a sky-breaking score.

She actually dared to say that she could get higher points than defeating her, isn't that what she said when she was lying?
Seeing the disbelief in the young man's eyes, Zhongli became anxious, fearing that he would do something directly, so he spoke.

"Think about it, what is the purpose of this assessment? Did he ask you to kill zombies and save people? If so, why did they let you give time to attack candidates? Isn't this what happened with them at the beginning? Did it go against it?"

"I think that opening up all the examination rooms during the last period of time is definitely not to let candidates attack and hurt each other, but to cooperate with each other and work together. If you continue to fight like this, you will definitely not get good grades. .”

Originally, the young man just wanted to see what Zhongli had to say, but he didn't expect her to say such a truth. The young man removed the pistol from Zhongli's head, and looked at Zhongli with interest.

"Continue to talk about it, what are the candidates trying to do by cooperating with each other?"

Seeing the gun above his head move away, Zhongli secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said unambiguously, "The ones that appeared in your three cities before were also zombies, right?"

The young man went through the unfamiliar word "zombie" in his mind, thinking about the appearance of those monsters, and nodded. This word is a bit appropriate.

Zhongli: "In the past month, we have wiped out the zombies and saved the survivors in our respective cities. This seems to be the end of the matter, but in fact it is not completely over."

The young man had a smile on his face, with a nonchalant expression on his face, as if he didn't take this matter to himself. In fact, he was also secretly thinking about the possibility of this matter.

He sat sideways on the window sill, leaning his back against the window frame, propped up his delicate chin with his hand, and looked at Zhongli casually.

"You mean, the focus of the assessment is for us to work together to develop the connectivity between our respective cities?"

For that strange city, the young man frowned slightly. He couldn't understand how this strange place developed.

Zhongli nodded: "That's what it means. In addition to allowing the city to develop and return to a normal appearance, maybe we also need to study the source of this zombie virus, what are their components, and why did they appear."

"I think this is the reason for letting go of the white fog wall and letting the candidates come into contact with each other, not for us to kill each other."

The young man frowned; "We still need to study... the source of the zombie virus? Haven't they all been solved?"

"Although it has been solved, but the source of it has not been found, and all of them have been studied and solved. What if such a thing happens again?" Zhong Li said calmly.

"If you don't figure out all these things and their sources, what if the zombies reappear? Kill them again? What if the whole city is infected this time? Is it possible to massacre the city? ? So researching it is definitely necessary.”

This is also the reason why Zhongli is thinking these days. The spread of the white fog wall can't really be to let the candidates hurt each other and eliminate the survivors of other cities, right?

And after defeating the opponent's survivors, that city will disappear immediately. What about the survivors in the city?all dead?
This was contrary to the question at the very beginning of the exam, so Zhong Li felt that this was another obstacle question.

After listening to Zhongli's explanation, the young man seemed to believe it, or, he felt that such a thing was more interesting than defeating Zhongli directly.

After all, it's already this time, who is still short of that hundred points.

"Since you have said so much, what will you do? Do you know where to solve it?"

Zhong Li shook her head, she is just an ordinary high school student, not a graduate student in biology or finance.

"But we can't, there are still survivors."

The population of a city is full of talents. Since Su Wenyu and the others all have the talents to manage the city personnel, it is not impossible to find a few talents in medical research.

Besides, you can also study across cities. This city doesn't have it, so you can go to other cities to make up for it.

"Survivor?" The young man raised his brows, as if to rely on those ants?
Seeing his appearance, Zhong's heart skipped a beat: "You won't turn all the survivors into zombies and kill them?"

The corner of the young man's mouth raised slightly: "You are right."

Zhong Li couldn't help but took a step back: "..."

Digging, this is a murderous maniac!

Even though she often persecuted the survivors and let them hurt themselves, she didn't kill them.

Seeing that Zhongli seemed to be frightened by himself, the young man smiled viciously: "Haha, I lied to you."

Zhong Li twisted his face and smiled dryly: "Ha, ha, that's it."

"My name is Yinghuo, what's your name?" The young man jumped out of the window and asked, shaking his long hair behind him.

Zhong Li looked at the young man in front of him, thinking secretly.

"My name is Zhongli."

Hearing Zhongli's name, Yinghuo seemed a little curious, and sized her up: "Zhongli? Surname?"

Zhong Li shook his head: "The surname is Zhong, the first name is Li, not the one whose surname is Zhongli."

"Oh." Yinghuo nodded.

"Then Zhongli, you can tell me how to start."

Seeing the vigilant look on Zhongli's face, Yingzhuo smiled: "Don't worry, I won't harm your survivors."

Although Yinghuo said so, Zhongli was not completely relieved, she just found out some talents related to management and medicine.

For the others, let them hide in the shelter for the time being, if something goes wrong, at least they will be safer.

Yinghuo also went back to the three cities, and brought a group of survivors with her when she came back.

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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