Run, host she's not right

Chapter 65 Above the Starry Sky 2

Chapter 65 Above the Starry Sky 2
Ying Huo in front of her eyes changed from the loosely dressed flowered shirt that she didn't seem to know how to wear, to a rather gorgeous red ancient costume.

A head of smooth black hair hangs behind him, holding a familiar long sword in his hand, this sword Yinghuo has been holding in the doomsday world, looks like a certain young master in ancient times.

But that overly voluptuous behavior is really a bit coquettish, not like a good woman.

Zhong Li thought to himself, the appearance of coming to this starry sky should be their initial appearance, it doesn't matter how they got in, and Yingzhuo's attire, did he really come from a certain world?

Is it cultivating immortals or practicing martial arts?

It's really miraculous that people from several worlds are actually gathered together like this.

Zhong Li asked aloud, "Why did you come out? Where are the others?"

Judging from the fact that the three cities lagged behind city A, the assessment of the economic development of the three cities should not be completed after she left for a while, so Zhong Li secretly guessed whether the doomsday world and this starry sky are two places Time passes differently.

She and Yinghuo are the only two people in this place, and the other people who left the examination room early are gone. Does that mean that only those who have passed the examination can appear in this place?
Yingzhuo looked at Zhongli with a smile, stretched out her hand to brush her long hair, and said pointedly: "The others didn't appear so soon."

Zhong Li blinked his eyes, what does this mean? Could it be that something happened after she left?
"what happened?"

Yinghuo looked Zhongli's defeat up and down, and she looked like that, "You can't control these things, it's better not to participate."

Thinking about Zhongli's lack of strength and ability before, but she was very familiar with that city, it seems that she really didn't belong to the same world as them, it's better not to know about those who fight and kill.

Zhongli understood Yinghuo's meaning at a glance, probably because after she left, some interest disputes happened among those examinees and they started fighting.

She didn't care about this matter, but Zhong Li was slightly angry at Ying Huo's underestimation of her appearance, wouldn't she know how to cultivate a fairy, what's so great, she didn't get out in the end.

Zhong Li ignored his coquettish behavior, and immediately asked straight to the point: "Do you know what will happen at the end of the assessment? When will you be able to leave?"

Hearing Zhongli's words, Yinghuo blinked at Zhongli and winked.

"Why are you asking so many questions? There's no need to ask. Anyway, I tell you that you don't know."

Zhongli: "If you tell me, I'll know."

"No, you don't know, do you?" Zhong Li squinted at Ying Huo, making his teeth itch.

But then she thought of something, Yinghuo turned to look at her with a funny face, "Don't you understand anything?"

Zhong Li stopped talking.

She really doesn't know anything.

Yinghuo saw Zhongli's guilty conscience and was startled.

"You don't even know what kind of assessment this is, do you?"

Zhong Li's eyes are innocent.

Whatever it is, just take the test.

Let’s just say she passed or not.

"You don't know anything, how dare you come in?"

Yinghuo shook her head emotionally, admiring Zhongli's courage.

It's not that she wanted to come in, she came in out of nowhere, okay?
She didn't even know what happened to her college entrance examination!

Fortunately, Yinghuo is not a person who likes to make troubles, so she told Zhongli some simple things.

"This is the testing ground for the main god. From the creatures of all things in the world, suitable people are selected to maintain each world."

"And here is the place to pass the assessment and wait for the result."

Zhong Li frowned: "...that's a bit fake, can you talk about it in a more general way?"

What God, Lord, does not conform to the core values ​​of society!

Yinghuo: "..."

Is this what you should look like when you hear something?Shouldn't you be shocked that you actually took such an exam?
Yingzhuo gave Zhongli a white look, "I don't know how to tell you, anyway, if you are selected, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, if you are not selected, it is useless if you understand everything."

Zhong Li shook his shoulders, frowning with hot eyes.

"Oh, there are so many people taking the exam, but the two of us passed the test? It seems that the people who took the exam are not doing well."

Zhong Li summed it up, looked up, the starry sky was vast and boundless, but there were only the two of them.

"It's just the two of us, aren't they human?"

Yingzhuo stretched out her slender and white fingers, pointing towards the shivering light clusters gathered together.

As he said that, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The pervert they were talking about just now couldn't be you, could it?"

Zhong Li was taken aback for a moment, looking at those large and small light clusters, he turned his head stiffly, looked at Ying Huo and asked.

"Are they human too?"

"not human."

Zhong Li just breathed a sigh of relief, but Ying Huo continued to talk with a look of glee on his face.

"It's a candidate, another living race in the world."

Zhongli: "..."

It's over, in this examination room, she just molested a candidate.

No, more than one!
"The creatures of these races, they have no limbs, no mouth, nose, ears and eyes, and they all use spiritual power to communicate. Their bodies are forbidden areas. Even their fellow race are not allowed to touch them. Once they touch them, there will be very serious consequences."

Yinghuo looked at Zhongli gleefully, as if she wanted to see her suffer bad luck.

Zhong Li wished he could beat up the hand that touched someone with his cheap hand just now.

I call you cheap, call you cheap.

On the face of Zhongli, she was carrying it, with a calm look on her face. She was already an adult and capable of bearing the consequences.

"What are the consequences?" His throat was slightly tight. .

"that is……"

When Yinghuo was going to continue to scare Zhongli, several waves suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the boundless starry sky, and several strange-looking races appeared.

Some Zhongli knew, and some she didn't know.

Are these non-human beings also newly passed candidates?
One of them had antlers that were half its body in the shape of a big tree branch, surrounded by some small flowers, and a deer that was emitting fluorescence appeared, and those clear and clean eyes suddenly lit up when they saw Yingzhuo.

With a few bounces, it came to Zhongli Yinghuo and the two of them.

"Yinghuo, why did you come out so soon?"

Seeing the deer, Yinghuo ignored Zhongli and chatted with it with great interest.

"Not long after you came out, how did you do in the exam?"

"A little difficult."

The fawn's long ears hung down in frustration.

It turns out that Xiaolu is also afraid of exams.

Zhong Li was shocked at how the deer teleported in front of them all of a sudden, and was even more frightened when he heard the immature voice coming from the deer's mouth.


Sure enough, this world was no longer the one she knew.

(End of this chapter)

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