Run, host she's not right

Chapter 66 Above the Starry Sky 3

Chapter 66 Above the Starry Sky 3
But it was abnormal to appear here, her world view had already collapsed.

Thinking of this, Zhongli calmed down instead, and looked at the deer in front of him with interest.

Luming also found Zhongli, and looked at Zhongli with wet eyes innocently, as if he was very interested. Suddenly, his deer ears trembled, and he tilted his head to look at Zhongli.

"My name is Luming, what's your name?"

The voice is crisp and ethereal.

"Yo Yo Luming, what a name!"

Seeing this cute and well-behaved deer, Zhongli was filled with love.

Lu Ming tilted his head and looked at Zhong Li: "The little guy in our group is called Yo Yo, although I don't quite understand what you mean, but thank you."

Still such a polite deer, I like it even more!

Zhong Li's face, which had been tense all the time, pretending to be a grown-up and mature, could be regarded as smiling.

"Hi, my name is Zhongli."

"Zhongli... I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

Lu Ming tilted his head, his ears trembled, and he was thinking, "Ah! My elders seem to have mentioned that there used to be someone from the Zhongli family who was very powerful!"

"Are you from the Zhongli family?"

Lu Ming seemed to see his idol, his wet eyes shone brightly, staring at Zhong Li excitedly.

Yinghuo took the opportunity to stretch out her big hand and touched Lu Ming's fluffy head, "Her name is Zhongli, and her surname is Zhong Mingli, not the legendary Zhongli family."

Zhongli watched Yingzhuo's movements eagerly, and she also wanted to touch her.

Such a cute deer must feel good to the touch!
But Yinghuo also mentioned this Zhongli before, is there any problem with this name?

Who was there, what did they do, that they can't forget?

"Is there any difference?" Luming didn't quite understand this, it turned its head and shook off Yingzhuo's hand.

Yinghuo put away her hands resentfully, and took the opportunity to tap Luming's antlers with her fingers.

"There's a huge difference. Zhong has the same surname, and Zhongli has the same surname."

Zhongli added to Yinghuo: "It can be said that, but there is another way of saying that whether the surname is Zhong or the double surname Zhongli, they all belong to the same family and belong to the same family."

"By the way, is there any story about this Zhongli family?"

"Is there such a saying?" Lu Ming had a learned expression on his face.

Yinghuo was also a little puzzled, there was no such saying in his world.

"In that case, Zhongli, is your name just Zhonglili?" Lu Ming looked at Zhongli innocently.

Zhong Li frowned slightly.

Zhong Lili?
Hey ~ repeated words, disgusting ~
"Forget it, I think it sounds nice to be called Zhongli." Zhongli looked decisive.

Lu Ming's pure and clear eyes were full of doubts.

"Why? Doesn't the name Zhonglili sound good?"

How nice is this name!

Zhong Li looked at Lu Ming with a black face: "Then how about I call you Lu Ming?"

The little deer's ears stood up, and Zhong Li had a bad feeling. Sure enough, the next second, Lu Ming happily jumped on the spot a few times, exuding joy.

"Lu Mingming, I like this name!"

"Really like!"

"Zhonglili, thank you for giving me such a nice name!"

Zhongli couldn't say a word, so he could only say dryly: "...You're welcome."

Yinghuo looked at Zhongli and asked, "But, what are you doing with your pensive face?"

Zhong Li couldn't touch the deer's head, so he could only touch his own chin, with a deep expression on his small face.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, according to the traditional routine, this Zhongli family should have something to do with me."

Yingzhuo rolled her eyes, fascinated.

"What the hell are you thinking? That's the Zhongli clan. A person who became famous hundreds of years ago, how could he have anything to do with a little girl like you who doesn't understand anything."

"The Zhongli family we are talking about, even though the Zhong and Zhongli surnames have the same origin, I am sure that the Zhongli family we know has absolutely nothing to do with you!"

"Yeah, Zhong Li's family is very powerful!" Lu Ming was also nodding on the deer's head, and the little flowers on the antlers trembled.

"I'm not bad either..."

Zhongli looked at Yinghuo dissatisfied, don't forget how you passed the exam before, didn't you just fail like you, she will cultivate immortality sooner or later.

But looking at the clear eyes of the deer, the group of strange species, and the little light clusters probing the brain, this strange and strange world that he didn't understand at all, Zhongli, who was full of confidence since he was a child, felt a little vain.

Don't panic, don't panic, this is just getting in touch with it, and I will understand it later.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li puffed up his chest confidently again.

Yinghuo: "..."

Before he could say anything, the starry sky appeared one after another with vortexes, and then a group of species that Zhongli had seen or hadn't seen appeared, crowding the originally empty starry sky.

A few familiar humans also appeared from the vortex. These people had worked with Zhongli and the others to research vaccines, or bought vaccines with her later to develop the city.

As soon as these people went out to the starry sky, the clothes on their bodies changed immediately. They were all uncommon and did not belong to the clothes of the 21st century.

The only one that is somewhat similar is that the other party is also wearing a high-tech training suit, with a pair of glass-like sunglasses in the eye position, with blue lights full of technology flashing on it. future world.

Zhongli had never seen this human being before, and she probably never cooperated with them. Before leaving the doomsday world, Zhongli also found that several cities were isolated by white fog.

Candidates in the cities near them were all defeated, and the city turned into a white mist, unable to pass through, unable to connect to the outside world, trapped in the white mist, everything can only rely on themselves.

Looking at the time when this future person in a silver-white training suit came out faster than other candidates, one could guess that she should rely on herself to solve the zombie virus and restore the development of the city.

Zhongli doesn't know how these things are accomplished by only one person and one city.

She only looked at each other with admiration. It seemed that among these candidates, she seemed to be the weakest.

In terms of martial arts, abilities, they can't compare to those of Xiuxian, and in comparison to technology, they can't compare to this person from the future.

Zhong Li was a little frustrated, but she would not admit defeat easily, Zhong Li puffed up her chest again, and she won't lose if she loses!
Yinghuo nodded: "It seems that the exam is over."

Lu Ming nodded: "Well, it seems a bit difficult, so many things are over."

Zhong Li also looked at it together, these races were strange, there were animals and plants, but the number of humans that came out was wrong.

At the beginning, there were hundreds of candidates who had reached a cooperation with them, but after Zhongli and the others came out, there were only a dozen or so people who came out. What about the others?
Tens of thousands of cities, tens of thousands of candidates, in the end only these two dozen people came out. The success rate of this exam is a bit too low.

(End of this chapter)

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