Run, host she's not right

Chapter 67 Above the Starry Sky 4

Chapter 67 Above the Starry Sky 4
The few human candidates who came out all nodded politely when they saw Zhongli and the others, and some even came over to express their thanks.

After all, they were able to pass the assessment so easily because of Zhong Li's reason.

But their attitude is just to treat Zhongli a little better than them. For the candidates who come out with them, they all look at each other coldly, with vigilant or dark expressions on their faces. It is easy to imagine what happened to them in the end. .

When greeting these people, Zhongli nodded slightly and responded one by one, but as to what happened behind them, only these twenty or so people came out, and Zhongli wisely did not ask.

She was curious about something else.

"I've always had a question, are you going into a doomsday world like us?"

Zhong Li looked at Luming, and those races in the form of animals and plants.

She had never seen these non-human species in the doomsday world. In that world, all she saw were human beings, and even the candidates in a sea area were also human beings.

Is there another test room for these non-human beings?
Lu Ming tilted his head, his voice was clear and sweet: "The end of the world? No."

Yinghuo also answered from the side: "Different types, their assessment content is also different. If you pass the job successfully, the job content will also be different."

"Oh." Zhongli nodded and understood.

Adapt measures to local conditions and vary from person to person.

"Then you also have tens of thousands of animals... Tens of thousands of candidates are participating in the assessment together?" Zhong Li got stuck in the middle of speaking, looking at Lu Ming's smart eyes, which are different from Lan Xing's animals.

He had already made a mistake once because of species differences, so of course Zhongli couldn't make another mistake, so Zhongli immediately changed his words, and had to talk to them as candidates in the same position, not as animals and plants.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhongli's words, Lu Ming's expression did not change. It tapped its hoof lightly: "Well, there are tens of thousands of candidates. This time the exam is much more difficult than the previous ones."

Yinghuo on the side looked at Zhongli unexpectedly, it was the first time to see her appearance, she participated in the assessment without any preparation, but now she looks decent, it seems that she really can't underestimate anyone.

Zhongli nodded. There are tens of thousands of human candidates, tens of thousands of animal and plant candidates, and perhaps tens of thousands of spiritual body candidates. After these candidates are finished, there are only a few dozen of them left.

It seems that there should be a quantity limit.

After all, according to Zhongli's vision, if there is no time limit, at least hundreds of human candidates can pass the examination in the end.

It's a pity that only these 30 people have come out now, including Zhongli and Yinghuo, there are [-] people in total.

And other non-human candidates, spiritual candidates, if you count them, they are also thirty.

More than 1 candidates, and finally [-] candidates were admitted?

If this is the case, it is quite easy to pass, and it is much simpler than the public entrance examination.

But the most fearful thing is that this is just the first level of assessment, and there will be more to come.

Zhongli looked at Yinghuo: "Do you want to continue the assessment later?"

Yinghuo touched her chin with her hand, took a deep breath, "It's hard to say."

Zhongli: "What do you mean?"

Lu Ming said obediently: "In fact, this assessment already includes a lot of things in it. The invigilator supervises every move of the candidates throughout the whole process. That says it all."

Don't look at its immature appearance, in fact, it has lived for a long time and has learned a lot of things. Many elders have told it about these things about the assessment.

Zhong Li nodded half-understood, recalling all the things he encountered during the assessment, it turned out that someone was watching all the time.

Zhong Li frowned: "What is the score?"

If it is monitored from the beginning of the assessment, and the candidates' reactions are used to make the grades, what about the scores they get?
What about the highest score she had worked so hard to get?

Yinghuo smiled, her eyes seemed to be mocking Zhongli for his useless efforts.

"A reference, a reference for those examiners to observe you."

Zhong Li's face was a bit ugly, "That is to say, everything depends on the proctor's grades, and any grades are false?"

Yinghuo nodded.

This is also the reason why they didn't try their best to get points at the beginning.

In previous years, it is not that no one has continued to use scores to win the favor of the invigilator, but the facts have proved that this is useless.

As long as you don't get out of the assessment world in the end, all the grades are useless, even if you do, the grades will depend on the invigilator.

Zhongli: "Ridiculous!"

She had never heard of such a test result!

"This kind of assessment, who finally passed?"

Don't they all go through the back door? !

"No one has ever passed." Ying Huo shrugged.

Zhong Li frowned, "No one passed??"

"If you fail the exam, what do you want to do with this exam? Are you playing around??!"

Speaking of this, Zhong Li was really angry, he brought her here from the college entrance examination room just to play with her! ! !

"After all, we are the regulators of the world, so how can it be so easy to pass, these assessments are for finding people who are destined, and we are just trying our luck." Yinghuo said.

He could also understand Zhongli's reaction. If he didn't understand these things, the one who participated in the assessment in the end wouldn't be scolding.

Thinking of this, he patted Zhongli on the shoulder comfortingly: "It's always been like this, you've always come here like this, so you can relax, what if you're the destined person for a blind cat to meet a dead mouse?"

Lu Ming nodded: "That's right, it's been like this in the past years. It's been assessed all the time, and no one has ever passed."

Keep taking the exam?
Has no one passed yet? ? ?

Then do this assessment, is it because you are full?
Wouldn't it be good to go all over the world to find a new regulator?There must be such a broken assessment!

Zhongli, who learned the truth, was almost pissed off.

She wasted time, but she came here to play with her and watch the fun?

But what is this world regulator?
Yingzhuo and the others were about to say something when suddenly the starry sky began to change.

Those distant stars began to fly towards them, and then the group of dazzling stars gathered together and lined up one by one, as if they had become some kind of words.

In an instant, above the starry sky, except for the galaxy under their feet, that is, the huge star screen in front of them was lit.

The eyes of all creatures fell on it.

Zhong Li looked up and felt that his eyes were about to go blind: "What is this?"

"Score list."

Yinghuo said.

Although they say they don't care about the scores, those scores may be their weak luck. What if an invigilator takes a fancy to their scores and recruits them as new world supervisors?

(End of this chapter)

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