Run, host she's not right

Chapter 68 Above the Starry Sky 5

Chapter 68 Above the Starry Sky 5
Even if it was a waste of time in the end and didn't become a supervisor, it would be considered a blessing if it caught the eyes of a certain supervisor.

After all, the regulators are more powerful than Heavenly Dao. If Tiandao, who supervises the various small worlds, is favored, it is equivalent to getting the help of Heavenly Dao, and everything will be easier.

How can this make them not look forward to it.

"So this list is also called the list of gods in our clan."

Lu Ming said in a low voice, Shui Lingling's big eyes were full of starlight, and he stared at the "Feng Shen Bang" in front of him, looking for his name on it.

Suddenly hearing this name, Zhongli was a little bit playful. She raised her head and looked at the shape formed by the stars. It was obviously not in the form of words, but she could understand the content on it.

It seems that this is some black technology again.

The names on the score list are naturally only the creatures who have passed the assessment can be on the list, and as long as they have a name, they can get a little reward from heaven. This is a blessing that only happens once in a lifetime.

There are so many types of creatures, but there is only one list, and the scores of all creatures appear on the list according to their ranks.

The results appear from low to high, and Zhong Li soon saw Lu Ming's name in the 46th place.

8346431 points.

Although the scores are obtained point by point, the final results are not bad at all.

The achievement list appeared all the way up, and Zhongli also saw all kinds of strange names, and some even had a string of digital codes.

Yinghuo told Zhongli: "That's the coded name of the spiritual body."

Zhongli nodded and looked at the list without blinking. Soon there were only the top three names left, and neither her nor Yinghuo's names appeared.

"It seems that the two of us are in the top three." Zhong Li said.

She is quite satisfied with her results, after all, she has always been No.1.

But Yinghuo showed an embarrassed yet polite smile
No.3 on the list appeared, an unknown name.

No.2 appeared, a string of numbers, A9008.

No.1 is still flickering.

Seeing this, Zhong Li pursed his lips, looked at Ying Huo, and said in a slightly unfriendly tone, "Can there be two No.1 grades?"

Lu Ming blinked his innocent big eyes and immediately replied: "This should be impossible."

"Oh, yes, I also think it's impossible." Zhong Li turned his face and said expressionlessly.

If there are the same scores, there should be changes on the list, at least two positions will be left, but now they start with integers, not one.

Then there is only one possibility, Yinghuo is not this guy's real name.

Good guy, it turns out that even the name is fake.

Yinghuo also came to his senses, he smiled brightly, not feeling that he had done anything wrong, motioned Zhongli to look at a name, and sneered back.

"I wish my name had always been Yinghuo."

Zhong Li followed his gaze, the name was: "Zhang San?!"

Zhong Li's voice raised slightly, with an expression of disbelief, she turned her head and looked at Ying Huo.

"Your name is Zhang San?!"

Ying Huo didn't quite understand what was going on with that half-smile expression on Zhong Li's face, he nodded his head, his eyes were deep and his face was smiling like a star.

"Well, my surname is Zhang, the third in my family."

Then this name has been with him for the rest of his life, and he can't escape no matter what.

"But I prefer you to call me Yinghuo."

Zhong Li waved his hand: "The name Zhang San suits you quite well, it's very punishable and easy to handcuff, but I'd better call you Yinghuo, Zhang San..."

She can't help but have other reactions.

"Oh..." Yinghuo looked at Zhongli in a daze, wondering what she was thinking, that's why she had such a half-smile on her face.

Knowing Li's name, Zhong Li also knew Yinghuo's score ranking, "But your score..."

Too bad, actually ranked 82.

The score is also about 800 million. This number should be the population of a city, so whether it is killing zombies or saving survivors, most of the candidates' scores hover between this number. digits to rank.

Seeing this, Zhong Li's face was a little happy, it seemed that she did the right thing, as expected, every time she added points, it would be useful.

This is based on the second half of the ranking. In the first half, the scores have increased by tens of thousands of points. These should be the scores obtained from other candidates in the later stage of the assessment.

There are quite a few candidates who do this kind of operation, and there are all races.

"However, I remember that you haven't done such an operation, have you?" This time, Yinghuo looked at Zhongli and asked.

Up to now, as far as Zhongli's score has not come out, either she is the No.1 who got the highest score, or she also lied to herself and said a fake name, but judging from Zhongli's reaction, she should be the former one.

However, the population or territory of all cities are the same, and the points obtained for killing zombies or saving survivors should also be within this similar range. The extra points are various small tasks, or because the last big question added The score is divided, and there is the score for turning the survivors of other candidates into zombies.

Yinghuo frowned and looked at Zhongli. She would definitely not be able to turn the survivors of other candidates into zombies and kill them. It wasn't that Zhongli couldn't bear it, it was because she didn't have the ability.

Then she only got a head score from the city, how did she overwhelm a group of candidates and get to the front?
To believe that Zhongli did something to kill survivors in other cities, Yinghuo would rather believe that Zhongli found other bonus points.

Zhongli looked at Yinghuo with some surprise: "There are bonus questions, don't you know?"

There was surprise on Yinghuo's face, just like the expressions of those who have finished the exam and heard that there are additional questions from the top students.

"Extra points, question?" Yingzhuo felt her throat was a little dry.

"It means that you can get one point for saving an ordinary survivor, but you can get three points for saving old, weak, sick and disabled survivors. If you go to those areas surrounded by zombies, every time you save an area Survivors can also get three points." Zhong Li said simply.

Although these three points seem to be nothing, but when they all add up, it's a big deal. Without seeing her, she overwhelmed a group of candidates and became No.1?
"Can it still be like this?"

Yinghuo looked like she had opened the door to a new world.

Zhongli looked at him hesitantly, with some doubts: "You don't know, don't you know about this?"

When she met the old man from Leicheng back then, there was no reason why Yinghuo wouldn't know something that everyone who was out of the game knew.

"It's very simple, just test it casually, and you can find the pattern."

Yinghuo laughed dryly twice, refusing to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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