Run, host she's not right

Chapter 72 Above the Starry Sky 9

Chapter 72 Above the Starry Sky 9
Zhong Li was no fool, he hit the snake with the stick and shouted, "Thank you, Uncle Cang Zhu."

The man in Tsing Yi Cang Zhu: "..."

This is really a father and daughter, they are exactly the same!
He waved his hand speechlessly: "The time is only different during the assessment, and it is almost the same in this starry sky. If you still want to take the exam, please return to me quickly."

"A Li, you listen to your father and become the supervisor of Blue Star. Your mother and I have already arranged a path for you. Dad can't leave for too long. For the rest, you can just listen to your uncle Cang Zhu. "

Zhong Jingmo looked at Cang Zhu and said, although the two of them don't like each other, but now Zhongli is the best person to entrust, and the person who makes their husband and wife feel at ease is Cang Zhu.

Zhong Li looked at Cang Zhu, this man looked extraordinary and unlike his father, he seemed to be a reliable person.

Zhong Jingmo looked at the time, and finally looked at Zhongli softly: "A Li, you will no longer be an ordinary person after becoming a supervisor, and your lifespan will be greatly increased..."

In this way, even if we cannot accompany you for a long time now, there will always be a chance to make up for it in the long years to come, as long as we live long enough.

This is also the reason why their husband and wife let Zhongli get involved in these dangerous things, otherwise they would rather let Zhongli grow up under their wings for the rest of their lives than let her suffer from these things.

Zhong Jingmo wanted to reach out and touch his daughter's hair, but his hand went straight through Zhongli, leaving nothing. If it was somewhere else, even if he threw a clone over, it would be real and touchable, except Not this place.

And he can't stay here forever, his wife and the others need him in that world.

"Ah Li, goodbye."

Saying that, before Zhong Li could react, a vortex appeared, sucking Zhong Jingmo's figure into it.

Zhongli nervously took two steps forward, watching his father leave with worry in his eyes, thinking about his mother whom he hadn't seen yet.

After all, now she understands that the departure of her parents was not because she once thought they were traveling outside, but they went to other worlds, which was dangerous.

These two unreliable parents really worried Zhongli a lot.

At the moment when Zhong Jingmo's figure gradually dissipated, Zhong Li saw a long spear transformed into Zhong Jingmo's hand, raised the gun and slashed, and she had never seen the incomparable aura between his eyebrows.

Until everyone left, Zhong Li was still staring blankly at the direction he left, and Cang Zhu waved his hand to switch the two of them.

From that piece of starry sky, I came to a piece of bamboo forest, with deep and shallow turquoise everywhere, which makes people feel relieved.

There are too many things experienced in these days, Zhongli is no longer surprised by the sudden transfer to another place, she pondered for a moment, and looked at Cang Zhu.

Cang Zhu looked at Zhongli and showed a kind smile: "Have you considered it clearly?"

Zhongli nodded.

With a wave of Cang Zhu's hand, a piece of yellowed paper appeared in his slender and perfect fingers, and he handed the paper to Zhongli.

"It's a contract."

Zhongli's eyes looked at the paper held by Cang Zhu's fingers, it was blank, nothing?

Could it be that this is still a wordless book?
Cang Zhu smiled slowly and explained: "Whenever you can see the text appearing on it, that's when you can sign a contract and become a supervisor."

After all, it is not so easy to become a supervisor of the way of heaven. The supervisor's exam has passed, but the exam of the way of heaven depends on oneself.

Zhong Li nodded slowly, and after thinking for a moment he understood, Cang Zhu raised his eyebrows seeing Zhong Li still didn't reach out his hand.

"What? Scared?"

Zhong Li shook her head, but didn't answer, she looked at the yellowed paper and asked: "The contract you took out for the first time just now is not like this."

Although the Cang Zhu contract was interrupted by Zhong Jingmo before it was fully released at that time, Zhong Li could still vaguely see something. The texture of the contract was not a dry piece of paper.

It is probably because of Zhong Jingmo that Cang Zhu changed his plan.

Cang Zhu looked down at the contract in his hand, and he smiled slightly, "This is your father's order."

"But that's my life." Zhong Li said, her heart became firmer while talking.

She didn't want to continue waiting for her parents to come home in Blue Star, worrying about their situation outside.

To do it, she must become a supervisor like her parents, learn what they have learned, follow the path they have traveled, and do what they have done, instead of just obediently waiting at home like when she was a child They, she's going to help them! ! !

Thinking of this, Zhongli's gaze became firmer, and she looked straight at Cang Zhu.

"I don't want to go through the back door and become the supervisor of Blue Star directly. I want to be the supervisor of other worlds like you."

Cang Zhu looked at Zhongli in surprise, the gaze in his eyes gradually became gentle, and his temperament gradually changed.

"you sure?"

"Very sure!"

"Even if there is danger?"

"I'm not afraid of danger!"

"Okay." Cang Zhu looked at Zhongli appreciatively, it's true that the blue is better than the blue.

With a wave of his finger holding the contract, the contract was replaced with a thin piece of flower paper covered with patterns of stars.

Seeing that Zhongli wanted to reach out to accept the contract, Cang Zhu slightly raised his hand to stop Zhongli's excited hand.

"There is one more thing to tell you. For some reason, you, the supervisor, cannot take office alone. You will have an extra deputy to help you."

Zhongli: "Deputy?"

Is it to guide her work?Or supervise her? ?
"After all, you are very clear about what you have done in the assessment world. After discussion, you cannot work alone." Cang Zhu leisurely reminded Zhong Li of what he had done.

Zhong Li felt guilty and touched his nose, what did she do?Isn't it just a few explosions that almost flattened City A, and threatened and lured those survivors to hurt themselves, and then eliminated a candidate, such a trivial matter.

Well, it was also because she knew it was a fake world that Zhongli dared to do these things. If she changed to another place, she wouldn't dare to do these things like being imprisoned.

As for being supervised by someone, isn't it just an extra helper?

no problem, no problem.

That also helped her a lot!


As soon as Zhongli opened his eyes, he was surrounded by the sound of birds chirping and insects chirping, and the glare of the sun shining through the branches.

Zhong Li squinted his eyes, looking at the place he was in, feeling like he was dreaming.

Suddenly, he realized that he was holding something in his hand, and when he lifted it up, it was a piece of flower paper covered with stars.

Those golden stars, when the sun shines on them, seem to be able to radiate huge energy.

(End of this chapter)

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