Run, host she's not right

Chapter 73 Above the Starry Sky 10

Chapter 73 Above the Starry Sky 10

There was a roar in the bamboo forest.

I saw a projection appeared in the void, and the person inside was Zhong Jingmo, who was far away. The blood stains on his body at this moment were much more than what Zhongli had seen just now.

His face was covered with bloodstains, but it didn't affect his handsomeness at all. The gun in his hand flashed silver. After harvesting a few ghosts, he looked at Cang Zhu angrily.

"Cang Zhu, you old bastard, my good daughter, I have arranged everything for her, what kind of ecstasy soup did you give her to make her change her mind?!"

"Cangzhu, you bastard, you old bastard!!"

While Zhong Jingmo was cursing, he dealt with the spooky and screaming ghosts.

Cang Zhu, who had sent Zhongli away, sat leisurely in the bamboo forest, watching Zhong Jingmo's performance with a teacup as if watching a play.

"After so many years, your vocabulary is still so low." Cang Zhu commented after taking a sip of tea.

He looked noisy, but he only had those few words in cursing and swearing. His daughter was different from him, her mind was full of a bunch of weird ideas.

Zhong Jingmo was immediately furious, he gritted his teeth fiercely, this nasty old... bastard!
Zhong Jingmo yelled angrily: "I knew it, you are still angry because I took away the little junior sister you raised since childhood, but you can't push Ah Li into the fire pit!!"

The woman in the red dress who just walked into the bamboo forest felt as if she had eaten a big melon, a wonderful big melon!
Cang Zhu looked back, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he was not moved by Zhong Jingmo's words.

He said slowly: "Ah Li said that she doesn't want to be protected by you all her life, and she also wants to walk the path you have walked."

After hearing this, the angrily expression on Zhong Jingmo's face changed slightly.

Sure enough, the daughter is the caring little padded jacket of the father~

But soon he came to his senses and looked at Cang Zhu suspiciously: "This is impossible, Ah Li would never say such things."

Although he knew that his daughter was very well-behaved and sensible, but she was a small and arrogant girl with a paralyzed face, so he didn't want to hear these words from her mouth.

Cang Zhu reminded: "Mind reading..."

Oh!By the way, mind reading skills can be used in the starry sky hall, and those candidates have no secrets from the supervisors.


Zhong Li looked at the flower paper in his hand, and then looked at the surrounding environment, it seemed that he was on Linshan Mountain, Zhong Li walked down the mountain along the steps.

Looking at the flower note in her hand, she still felt like a dream. What kind of assessment did she really take?Are her parents really amazing saviors? ?

But looking at the pattern on the flower note, Zhong Li had a feeling in his heart telling her that it was real, very real.

Halfway down the mountain, Zhong Li thought again that he had suddenly gone through the back door to become a supervisor, and he hadn't said a few words to Lu Ming and Ying Huo yet. Although they met by chance, a talking deer is really too rare.

Time didn't make Zhongli think too much, before he reached the foot of the mountain, Zhongli heard the voices of people all over the mountain, all calling her name.

Zhong Li blinked his eyes, and instantly recalled what happened before.

Without her knowing, her parents applied for an assessment, which was at the same time as the college entrance examination, so she was sent to Linshan to take the supervisor's assessment on the way to take the college entrance examination that day.

On the way, she also reported a letter to the class teacher, and now most of the people who are calling her name in the middle of the mountain are looking for her.

I don't know how the college entrance examination is going, which one I have passed now, whether she will be able to catch up when she comes back at this time!
Zhong Li responded to the call and went down the mountain.

When we arrived at the foot of Linshan Mountain, we could see many cars parked, including three or four police cars.

Seeing the police car, Zhongli, who had been in the doomsday assessment world for three months, was eager to go up and chop up a zombie to find some guns.

"Zhongli, Zhongli! How are you doing!!!" A piercing voice shouted.

Zhong Li saw that it was her homeroom teacher, who was in her 40s, and she was covered in sweat from running, her clothes were soaked in sweat, and the hairstyle on the four sides of her head was also wet in strips, revealing That smooth head.

"Zhongli, how are you? Are you okay?" The homeroom teacher looked at Zhongli worriedly, fearing that she might be hurt.

Although he rushed over immediately and caught the black man, the head teacher was still worried.

Zhong Li shook his head and told a lie: "It's okay old Ban, I just ran up the mountain to avoid that person."

"That's good, that's good." The class teacher breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhong Li couldn't figure out the time in his mind, so he hurriedly asked, "Old Ban, which subject did I get in the college entrance examination now, and how many subjects did I miss?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, you just passed the Chinese test now, and you only missed one subject. We still have a chance. The most important thing for you now is to adjust your mentality. We will continue to take the college entrance examination in the afternoon."

The homeroom teacher looked at Zhongli nervously, afraid that she would be stimulated in some way.

Although Zhong Li is now missing a subject, and Zhong Li is far behind his original grades, he can get into a good university by keeping a good attitude and catching up.

I'm afraid that Zhongli's mentality will collapse, and everything will be over.

Zhongli nodded.

She is not nervous now, but suddenly she has been blank for three months. During these three months, she has been busy killing zombies. Regarding the college entrance examination, it seems like it happened in her previous life.

But there is still time, enough for her to calm down. According to her ability, she will be able to adjust soon and go to the college entrance examination in the afternoon.

The person was found, and all the people who searched all over the mountain withdrew. When Zhong Li followed Lao Ban back to the examination room, he noticed that there seemed to be a person imprisoned in a police car.

The man hugged the railing, looked out pitifully, and kept saying that he was wronged!

Like an eagle guarding his cub, Lao Ban spread his arms to block Zhongli, and spoke to her cautiously.

"The black motor driver who brought you here has been caught, Zhong Li, don't worry, the police will take him back to the police station to ask what his purpose is."

Zhong Li looked at the figure and nodded.

After going through those things and knowing the true identities of his parents, Zhongli can more or less guess it now.

No wonder this black man called her little ancestor when he was on the road. He should be her parents' subordinates or friends, but he didn't tell her because it involved unscientific reasons.

This morning, it should have been entrusted by Zhong Jingmo, or because she knew she was going to take part in the assessment, so she was brought directly to the foot of Linshan.

It's just that it's not easy to talk about these things in public, so please ask this black brother to go to the police station to calm down.

Yes, let you not tell her!
(End of this chapter)

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