Run, host she's not right

Chapter 81 Gold Broker 6

Chapter 81 Gold Broker 6
Zhao Sirong has seen through all of this, so naturally she will not continue to cooperate with Xing Ji, she wants to divorce, expose all this, let the world see Xing Ji's viciousness, and give herself an innocence.

But these things, netizens will naturally not believe it.

Compared with Zhao Sirong, the "gold worshiping girl", they are more willing to believe in the "peerless honest man" Xing Ji.

But Xing Ji was afraid, he was afraid that Zhao Sirong would cause trouble, and he was afraid that he would not be able to continue eating this bowl of rice.

So one day, Zhao Sirong died.

Seeing this situation, the netizens clapped their hands and shouted that God opened his eyes and accepted this villain.

But Xing Ji didn't make a show, even if there was a huge compensation for Zhao Sirong's death, he didn't hold back, and continued to throw himself in front of Zhao Sirong's grave, creating a character of an affectionate and good husband.

No matter how vicious and money-worshipping the person he likes, he still loves her and spoils her.

As soon as this character came out, Xing Ji immediately became popular and became a model of contemporary "masculine virtue".

Xing Ji put on the mask of a "good husband" day by day, and kept using Zhao Sirong to brush money, winning the sympathy of the public.

But he couldn't pretend for long, and Zhao Sirong's parents soon discovered the problem.

Zhao's father, Zhao's mother and the others didn't realize that it was his son-in-law Xing Ji who killed Zhao Sirong. They just thought that he was using Zhao Sirong to make money every day, and he felt a little uncomfortable being scolded every day when his daughter was gone, and wanted her to be buried in peace.

At the same time, because of the death of her daughter, Zhao's mother was greatly stimulated and her health was not good. They found out that Zhao Sirong said that she had lent money to Xing Ji before, and planned to ask Xing Ji to return the money lent to him to treat Zhao's mother.

Who knows that the frenzied Xing Ji once again designed to turn Zhao's father and Zhao mother into the second Zhao Sirong, saying that what kind of daughter there is, there is what kind of parents.

In an instant, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother's half-life reputation was ruined, and cyber violence struck again. Zhao's mother died of illness in the hospital bed after suffering such a big stimulus.

The only daughter died, and his wife also passed away. Finally, Zhao's father couldn't stand it and committed suicide by jumping off the building, while Xing Ji took advantage of his son-in-law's status to swallow all the Zhao family's property.

In the end, even though he got married again, he didn't forget to eat the human blood steamed buns of Zhao Sirong, his ex-wife, and continued to create a character set that would never forget her, deceiving piles of netizens.

She was murdered, her parents were killed, and half her life's reputation was ruined. Zhao Sirong hated Xing Ji to the core, and at the same time hated those keyboard warriors hiding behind the network cables.

So she is willing to sacrifice her body, everything she has, as long as Zhongli helps her avenge her, and let Xing Ji get what he deserves.

After reading Zhao Sirong's experience, Zhongli was really angry, how could there be such vicious people, so many netizens who have no brains and rhythm to violent others online.

It made her want to take out a big knife and hack all these bastards to death.

However, Zhongli did not forget what kind of work he needed to do, "Although I am happy to help Zhao Sirong rehabilitate, in this situation, I have one job and two things to do?"

Didn't she just help Wen Yanyue, the daughter of the interface, back to the top?Why is there another Zhao Sirong?
This must be clarified.

A9008 said: "Although we are above the way of heaven, all life in the world is worthy of respect, and we must not wantonly plunder their lives. Only with their consent can we enter their bodies."

"And the condition they agree to is naturally that you need to help them complete their regrets. Just like now, if there are no problems that you can't solve by yourself, how can you ask someone to help you?"

Zhongli: "...well, it's reasonable."

Co-authoring is still a soft rule.

On the surface, it is the job of saving the daughter of the interface, but in fact it has to help two people.

Moreover, Zhao Sirong's body was obviously more difficult than Wen Yanyue's.

"Then where is Zhao Sirong now? Time still can't flow back?" Zhong Li asked.

This is not like Wen Yanyue, even if she was stepped on by Zheng Qiuqiu, all the luck in her body would be sucked out, but she had a lot of luck in the past, so she didn't die so easily.

But Zhao Sirong is just an ordinary person, he was plotted to death, and it would be bad if we don't go back a little bit and let her go into Zhao Sirong's body to take revenge.

"Aren't you asking knowingly?" A9008 wanted to roll his eyes.

I answered Zhao Sirong's cell phone just now, and I knew what stage it was now after listening to those stupid calls that were full and had nothing to do, why did you ask it?
"Heh, I just want to make sure, isn't it impossible to rewind time?"

Zhong Li said sadly.

Of course she guessed what time it was now, at the beginning, when Zhao Sirong was bullied by the Internet, and now she was dismissed by the company because of her information being raped and social death.

There was still delicate makeup on her face, but her eyes were already red from crying with grievances. Soon, it would be time for Xing Ji to propose to her.

A9008 also said with some guilt: "Zhao Sirong's time backflow is not caused by me, it is because of Zheng Qiuqiu's reasons, time backflow, so Zhao Sirong has also returned to the past."

"Bang bang bang."

Just when Zhongli wanted to continue the discussion with A9008, there was a knock on the door. The sudden sound startled everyone.

A9008 asked carefully: "Who is knocking on the door, could it be those crazy netizens who came to the door?"

It will first filter and filter the information that Zhongli has read, so A9008 also feels angry and scared about what Zhao Sirong has experienced.

Zhongli listened carefully to the knock on the door, held his breath, shook his head, and told A9008 in his heart.

"Probably not."

Those netizens who dared to come to the door, either quietly groped like a stinky mouse to dump garbage and sewage to cause damage, or they seemed to come to collect debts, knocking and yelling.

Such a quiet knock on the door, the knocking force is not strong, it should not be a netizen, maybe it is that vicious man Xing Ji.

No, as soon as he guessed him, there was a voice at the door.

"Rongrong, I'm Xing Ji, open the door quickly."

Hearing the man's voice, Zhongli's and A9008's expressions were the same disgust.

Originally Zhongli wanted to pretend to be dead and ignore Xing Ji for now. After all, this man is too disgusting.

But after thinking about it, Zhongli plans to return to this punishment season, he can act, and she is not bad either.

But before that, Zhongli asked A9008 in his heart, "Since you say you are an advanced life form, what role do you have?"

"It shouldn't be a problem to be a surveillance camera and take pictures of everything, right?"

A9008 had a stinky face, originally wanted to say what it is, it is an advanced life form, how could it be used like this.

But Zhongli couldn't hold back and shouted at it.

"Hey, with a mental body that doesn't even have a physical body, you probably won't be able to do such an advanced job. I'd better find a mobile phone to record it."

A9008 hurriedly said: "Who said I can't do it? I can shoot 360-degree videos without dead ends!"

A smile appeared on Zhongli's face: "Okay, then I'll leave everything to you."

(End of this chapter)

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