Run, host she's not right

Chapter 82 Gold Broker 7

Chapter 82 Gold Broker 7
Seeing Zhongli's smile, A9008 also belatedly realized that it was Zhongli who provoked it.

It was so angry that it gritted its teeth in Zhongli's mind.

Zhong Li was of course very happy when the goal was achieved, but at the same time, she also thought about what kind of creature A9008 is. Although it is said to be a spiritual body, she doesn't know what the spiritual body is.

It's just that since the A9008 directly stuffed the data into her mind just now, and it can also do monitoring, 360-degree shooting without dead ends, Zhongli feels that this is very similar to the system in the novel she has read before.

The situation of A9008 is really like an advanced and intelligent system.

It seems to be a good idea to use it as a portable system.

While brewing his emotions, Zhongli didn't forget to ask A9008: "Your teeth grinding sound won't be recorded in the video. If someone hears it in the video, they will think there are mice."

"of course not!"

A9008 said angrily!

What are you talking about, who is the mouse!
Zhongli, who had been aggrieved for a long time, was in a better mood, but when she thought of the disgusting man outside the door, her eyes showed disgust.

But soon she adjusted her mentality, her face turned slightly, her face was weak and pale, and she looked very stimulated.

In this way, it is definitely Zhao Sirong and Ben Rong who have suffered from cyber violence. A9008 was so surprised to see it.

As soon as Zhong Li opened the door, he saw a man in an irritable and angry mood. He looked pretty good, and he was very fair and clean, but there were too many calculations in his eyes.

Seeing Zhongli open the door suddenly, Xing Ji quickly put away his phone, the irritable and dissatisfied expression on his face changed into an affectionate expression in the blink of an eye.

This acting is really good.

He looked at "Zhao Sirong" worriedly: "Rongrong, why did it take you so long to open the door, and I can't get through to you, I'm so worried about you."

Zhong Li poked his head out, intending to look out, but was blocked by Xing Ji without leaving a trace, A9008 carefully reminded Zhong Li: "Someone is filming outside."

Zhongli understood.

Xing Ji has already tasted the sweetness, looking for materials to build a character set for himself, so naturally he has to keep a close eye on Zhao Sirong.

As long as she shows a little emotion, and after they edit, the characters of Zhao Sirong and Xing Ji will be fuller, and netizens will hate Zhao Sirong and sympathize with Xing Ji even more.

Now that Zhao Sirong is suffering from cyberbullying, the traffic is undoubtedly very large. Others want to come to find Zhao Sirong to rub the traffic and become popular. Of course, Xing Ji will not let it go.

Xing Ji, who harbored an evil intention, took a careful look at Zhongli, pulled Zhongli on his lips and said, "Don't think too much, baby, I'm going to work overtime. I've been very busy recently."

On the one hand, he was calculating in his heart that according to Zhao Sirong's usually delicate temper and what she had suffered recently, Zhao Sirong would definitely lose his temper at him.

What to say: "Is work more important than me? Do you know what I went through today?"

As long as they recorded what Zhao Sirong said and edited it into a video, they would immediately receive a lot of traffic and gain the sympathy of a group of people.

After all, he "doesn't know" what Zhao Sirong went through, and he is also working hard, so why can Zhao Sirong vent his anger on him so inconsiderately?
Of course Zhongli also understood this point, because in the memory materials given by Zhao Sirong, she happened to have experienced all of this.

Suffering from grievances, she wanted to ask her boyfriend for help and lose her temper, but the matter became more serious because of it. Of course Zhongli would not let herself fall into this situation.

So I saw a haggard and aggrieved expression on the woman's face, and she said softly, "Well, I know that work is very important."

"I also know that you have a strong heart and don't want to owe me money. You want to work overtime to pay back the money you borrowed from me."

"I..." Xing Ji, who had pretended to be loving and was about to endure his girlfriend's crying and asking, was stunned, unable to recover.

So "Zhao Sirong" changed gender?Could her Miss Jiao be so weak-tempered?

After he understood what Zhong Li said, the expression on Xing Ji's face became even weirder, because he never thought that "Zhao Sirong" would ask him for this money.

After all, the two of them have been in love for so many years, and they are about to get married. By then, wouldn't Zhao Sirong's money be the money of the two of them?
And the money was not spent on other places, it was for his parents to see a doctor, shouldn't this be filial as a daughter-in-law?
So Xing Ji never thought that Zhao Sirong would ask for this amount of money, especially this amount of money, which was labeled as Zhao Sirong's money worship in the online video. As usual, Zhao Sirong would definitely bypass this corner and forget about it. .

Of course, Zhongli understood Xing Ji's thoughts, and Zhao Sirong did not ask Xing Ji for the money back before.

It's really funny, it was Zhao Sirong who subsidized Xing Ji's boyfriend and his family in various ways, but in the end, he was said to be a gold digger who was greedy for money and kept asking for money.

This sum of money is also the beginning of all crimes, Zhongli does not escape like Zhao Sirong, she is going to settle for this money!
"This, this matter, Rongrong, let's talk about it later."

Xing Ji's eyes drifted around, intending to avoid this topic, his eyes fell on the hiding place of his good brother, wondering if this was recorded in the video.

But it doesn't matter if it is recorded, it will be fine to edit it when the time comes.

It seems that today's shooting video is not good.

Xing Ji, who was suddenly provoked by Zhong Li, thought to himself that he had to go back to the house quickly. Zhao Sirong had already been fleshed out, the information was leaked, and the nearby neighbors also knew about it.

Who knew that they were talking here at the door, and whether someone secretly filmed them from behind.

Xing Ji wanted to stop filming, and hurried back to the house, but Zhong Li didn't want to, she was still shooting videos.

She said with a weak face: "I have experienced too many bad things recently, and there is no need to ask my uncle how his body is like this. Is the 10 yuan I lent you before enough for his treatment expenses?"

"Oh, there's nothing I can do if it's not enough. I lost my job. You can't even get 10 yuan out of your work for so many years. What should you do next?"

At this moment, Zhongli looks like a good wife and loving mother. Even though dirty water has been splashed on her body, she is still thinking about her boyfriend's parents even though she is out of work. It is really tearful.

But Xing Ji wanted to shut up "Zhao Sirong" and tell her to stop talking.

Because his girlfriend Zhao Sirong's family background, education and work have left Xing Ji in all aspects, overpowering him makes Xing Ji, who is a macho in his heart, very dissatisfied.

But he didn't want to give up Zhao Sirong, a high-quality woman. After all, although she has a bad temper, she is easy to coax, and if the family has money, she can make money herself.

 Ahhh!There are already so many chapters in this volume, I actually forgot to create a new volume, and it is still under the name of the doomsday assessment. Now I can’t modify it, and I don’t know if the editor can change it (*)
(End of this chapter)

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