Run, host she's not right

Chapter 88 Gold Broker 13

Chapter 88 Gold Broker 13
When A9008 was in class before, the teacher had earnestly told him not to use power to affect the operation of that world after arriving in other small worlds.

Those powers that do not belong to the small world should be used sparingly, and it is best not to use them.

Zhongli chuckled: "Then you can get me some money to remove the trending searches."

Wen Yanyue's trending search, at first glance, seemed to be a trending search bought by Zheng Qiuqiu. If you want to cancel it, you will need a lot of money.

And since Zheng Qiuqiu wanted to mess with Wen Yanyue, how could Wen Yanyue be so easily searched for? He didn't know how long it would take and how much it would cost.

Isn't it the easiest and easiest thing to hack in directly and list the trending searches quietly?
Why do we have to take the complicated path instead of taking the simple path?

A9008: "???"

Isn't spending money the easiest thing to do?

Girl, your thinking seems a little dangerous.

Didn't the information it found say that students of Zhongli's age are all law-abiding, enthusiastic and kind-hearted people?

Why did she come the other way?

Making money out of thin air, and using technology to remove Wen Yanyue's hot searches, A9008 chose the second one.

Just like that, several hot searches began to gain popularity, and the rankings began to rise. Wen Yanyue's hot search rankings dropped down quietly, and then fell out of the ranking and disappeared.

Then Zhong Lizai found the mailbox of this small media, and sent a warning letter and a few pictures to it.

"Ding dong" A certain paparazzi who was working overtime in an office building heard the sound of an incoming mail, and immediately clicked on the mailbox. Looking at the loaded picture, he was so scared that he just took a sip of the coffee in his mouth. Spit it out.

"what happened?"

This movement attracted the colleague on the side, who asked with disgust on his face.

The paparazzi quickly wiped his mouth with a tissue, and pointed to his computer screen, "Someone sent a warning letter for Wen Yanyue's hot search."

"Bah." Upon hearing this, the colleague had a chuckle on his face, "Looks like he's another crazy fan, isn't he stupid, and even sent a warning letter, haha..."

The colleague laughed, but the paparazzi had a constipated expression on his face. He said slowly, "To be precise, it's not a warning letter, but a threat letter."


The colleague stopped laughing, and he approached the paparazzi's computer with a puzzled face, and after seeing the things sent in the mailbox clearly, the expression on his face became exactly the same as his.

"He, does he have these things?"

The two seemed to have seen a ghost.

The paparazzi immediately carried the computer and entered the boss's office. Within 3 minutes, he heard the roar of the boss in the office.

"Where did he find these things!!"

"Withdraw, withdraw, quickly withdraw Wen Yanyue's trending search!"

"The queen of fart, now we can't protect ourselves."

"Hurry up and tell this person to shut up, he can talk about anything he wants..."

After a while, the paparazzi ran out like shit, and immediately deleted Wen Yanyue's post, and then called the phone number on the letter.

As soon as the call got through, he said cautiously: "Well, hello, God, I'm from Xingxing Entertainment, and I've already deleted the post."


There was a cold snort from the opposite side. It sounded like a woman, which confused the paparazzi. Could it be that Wen Yanyue, a fan of the great hacker god, is not a man, but a woman?

"Then, those materials, you..."

"You delete all the photos about Wen Yanyue, I will delete these things naturally, but if..." Zhongli's cold voice came from the phone, and the paparazzi nodded quickly as a guarantee.

"Deleted, deleted, I have already deleted all of them, and we will not publish any bad things about Wen Yanyue in the future."

"That's good, send me the account number."

"Huh? Oh, okay, okay."

As he said that, the paparazzi sent the account number to the other party accurately, and the other party hung up the phone, and then suddenly there was a sum of money in his account.

? ? ? ! ! !

After transferring the money, Zhong Li clapped his hands heartily.

He quietly resolved Wen Yanyue's public relations crisis.

The first job after graduation, perfect completion!

A9008 is numb, it doesn't understand, "We have already threatened that Xingxing Entertainment, why do you still have to send money?"

The black material it found was enough to make Xingxing Entertainment disappear from the entertainment industry. Since they were all used to threaten them to shut up, why did they still have to pay? Isn't this one action many times?

"You don't understand that."

"It's the truth to give a date with a mallet. Wen Yanyue will continue to hang out in the entertainment industry in the future. One more friend is naturally better than one more enemy." Zhong Li said it clearly and logically, without saying that she was also giving according to the information. Accumulate contacts by yourself.

An excellent agent, in addition to outstanding business ability, also has a wide network of contacts, ranging from actors and reporters to directors and endorsement companies.

Zhongli now belongs to the middle road and crosses in. He has no personal connections. Now he can make friends with the next small studio, and he can be notified and helped by any news in the future.

You can't threaten people once, and you will threaten them every time in the future.

And money is the universal lubricant. Giving a stick of red dates is better than making swords drawn.

A9008 nodded half-understood, "Why don't you just pay them? Why do you threaten them?"

"If you don't threaten, who will be obedient and ask for a price, how much money can you give them!"

It's like now, she decides how much to give, and the other party is still grateful.

"Money must be spent wisely!"

Zhong Li said with a serious face.

Although she is rich and has a lot of money, Zhongli is also a very picky person.

She can't spend any unnecessary money!
The color of A9008's rounded body changes quickly, and I feel that human beings are really complicated.

Somewhere in the capital city, a stunning woman with perfect facial features and a body that sinks at the first sight, is sitting on the sofa in a bit of a mess, her beautiful eyes are a little confused.

She grabbed the phone vigorously in her hand, but she dared not read the information inside. She was a little afraid to see things on the Internet.

"Are you okay?" A tall man asked at the side, his eyes looked at Wen Yanyue with tangled eyes, and he spoke distantly.

Wen Yanyue quickly came back to her senses, she bowed her head in thanks, "Thank you for saving me just now, if it wasn't for you, I don't even know what would have happened."

"It's nothing more than a little effort." The man said lightly.

Wen Yanyue also knew that the other party didn't want to see her, even though they hadn't met a few times, they didn't know why the other party had objections to her.

Wen Yanyue didn't stay long, and immediately got up to leave, "Thank you very much for your help, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

Looking at Wen Yanyue, the man couldn't bear it, and blurted out: "Why don't you stay and rest for a night, I usually don't live here."

After saying this, both of them looked surprised.

But Wen Yanyue insisted on leaving, with a beautiful smile on her face, she shook her head: "No, leave."

The man wanted to stop him, but at this moment, the phone in his hand rang. He stopped and watched Wen Yanyue walk out of the gate.

After answering the phone, the voice was rare and gentle: "Qiuqiu..."

(End of this chapter)

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