Run, host she's not right

Chapter 89 Gold Broker 14

Chapter 89 Gold Broker 14
On the way back by taxi, Wen Yanyue finally couldn't help but turned on her phone, wanting to see what was going on.

Her whole face was covered tightly with a mask, her big eyes were narrowed into slits, and she clicked on Weibo cautiously, as if she wanted to read it, but didn't dare to.

In the end, she didn't see her name on the homepage, so Wen Yanyue opened her eyes wide in surprise, and hesitated to click on the trending search.

As a result, unexpectedly, I did not see my own information on it.

It's another hot search that has nothing to do with me hanging up on the Internet.

At this moment, Wen Yanyue was shocked!
This is how the same thing?

It shouldn't be, every time after these pretentious things before, there would be trouble everywhere, causing her reputation to drop again and again.

This time, she was betrayed and plotted by her most trusted agent, and almost encountered an accident, but there was no word on the Internet, which is not normal!

It was obvious that she had sensed that someone was secretly filming her before.

Wen Yanyue caught her hands in her eyes, and couldn't help but gritted her little silver teeth, "Could it be that that person wants to hold back, and when the time comes, we'll make big moves together?"

Thinking of this, Wen Yanyue's eyes were a little worried and angry, angry that she didn't know people clearly, and the world was impermanent.

The manager who had been with her all the way to the present, was the one who hurt her the most in the end.

If she hadn't met Yun Hechuan, she wouldn't have known what would have happened to her.

Thinking of this, Wen Yanyue's eyes turned red, and soon filled with tears, but she stubbornly did not let the tears flow down.

Wen Yanyue sniffed, and searched her name on Weibo with her small hands, but there was still nothing. Just when she was about to close Weibo, a new post appeared.

It was asking why Wen Yanyue's hot search was deleted, and how was the matter between her and that man?
Wen Yanyue: "!!!"

Wen Yanyue regained her spirits all of a sudden, and quickly clicked on this person's homepage to take a look. This is her black fan, and the homepage is full of scolding things about her.

Then click to see the content of the post.

After looking at it carefully, Wen Yanyue still didn't understand something. Her photo was sent out, but in the end it was nothing.

Wen Yanyue has also been in the entertainment industry for many years, she understands the rules, and understands that there should be some big explosion, which will squeeze her trending searches down, and there is no noise at all.

She immediately thought of the number one hot search on Weibo, quickly searched and opened it, and looked at the details of the video.

After reading it, Wen Yanyue didn't stop, she continued to search for the name Zhao Sirong, and got to know everything about her.

Being framed by people all the year round, Wen Yanyue can see things that other people didn't notice at a glance. After watching the video on the hot search tonight, she believed that Zhao Sirong was also framed by someone.

What a vicious heart, a good girl, but want to discredit her, put those disgusting labels on her, what a money worshiper, greedy, snobbish green tea, is really vicious.

Wen Yanyue began to complain about Zhao Sirong in her heart, and she also vaguely understood it in her heart.

It was probably because Zhao Sirong's affair broke out that no one cared about her black material, and she passed the night safely.

Thinking of this, Wen Yanyue felt a little grateful to Zhao Sirong. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't dare to imagine what it would be like online at this moment.

Looking at the hot topics on the mobile phone list tonight, Wen Yanyue immediately liked the video, hoping that she could support her.

After finishing all this, Wen Yanyue started to search for her dirty media all over the Internet. Although it was removed from the hot search, if the matter was not deleted, it would be reposted sooner or later.

It's just that after being busy all the way, I couldn't find any trace, even the post she found at the beginning was gone.

Wen Yanyue began to have some doubts, did she really experience these things tonight?
Wouldn't it all be a dream?
She rubbed her head with a headache, just as the car arrived at the residence.

After getting out of the car and returning to her residence, Wen Yanyue turned on her phone and looked at the wallpaper on the lock screen. It was a photo of her and her manager.

Seeing this, she immediately felt physically uncomfortable with the wallpaper that had been used for half a year, and quickly replaced the wallpaper.

After the change, Wen Yanyue let out a long breath, and began to think about her future. Of course, if something like this happened, she would not continue to use this manager.

You have to find another agent.

How to find it...

Contacting the company might not work. If the contract hadn't ended, Wen Yanyue would have wanted to leave the company, so it might not be possible to find an agent from the company.

Wen Yanyue was afraid of those people.

In the end, she didn't know why she thought about it, but she started recruiting on the recruitment website, and the more she thought about it, the more she worked hard.

After finishing all this, she washed up and went to sleep. The next day, Wen Yanyue came to her senses and realized the stupid thing she did last night.

He quickly took his mobile phone, intending to cancel the recruitment information.

How could an agent recruit online like those ordinary positions?

It turned out that only one night had passed, and someone actually submitted a resume.

Wen Yanyue: "???"

Who is so fast!

Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of the rope for ten years.

Wen Yanyue is now even worried about the agent provided by the company, so how can she trust an agent randomly recruited online.

Just when she was about to reject this job applicant, she saw the other party's name.

Zhao Sirong, the bright three words shook Wen Yanyue's eyes.

She couldn't help but think back to the poor woman who was on the trending search yesterday, also named Zhao Sirong.

Thinking of this, Wen Yanyue did not reject Zhao Sirong's job application in the end, and planned to go to the company today to talk about the need to find an agent again, and then come to interview Zhao Sirong to see if she is available.


Early in the morning, Zhongli got up, after some exercise, he asked A9008 to order takeaway for her.

A9008: "Eat takeaway every day, can't you cook it yourself?"

While brushing his teeth, Zhong Li said, "You're not my mother, you're really lenient."

Even her mother ordered takeaway with her, okay?
A9008 looked dissatisfied, but finally ordered a takeaway breakfast for Zhongli.

After breakfast, Zhongli started to work again.

She has to solve her own affairs quickly.

Last night, when she was reminded by A9008, she discovered that Wen Yanyue, the daughter of the interface, had actually posted a job posting on the Internet, and Zhongli, who had a quick eye and a quick hand, immediately threw Zhao Sirong's post on it.

She has to deal with everything and then go to work quietly.

Last night, Zhongli accidentally discovered that Wen Yanyue had actually liked Zhao Sirong's whitewashing video, which gave Zhongli a great deal of favor.

You must know that even if this video is clear, many people still don't want to believe it. The comment section is mixed, and even some big Vs are afraid that things will turn around and dare not touch their hands.

And Wen Yanyue was already in a lot of difficulties at this time, but she still dared to give her a thumbs-up with a tuba, this courage, these three views, very much in line with Zhongli's taste.

Now she can't wait to get along with this daughter of the interface and see what kind of person she is.

Zhongli is happy today, but there are many people who have not been happy since the early morning.

Because they received a call from the police station!Someone called the police to sue them!
 All the chapters left behind by the previous leave are added~
(End of this chapter)

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