Run, host she's not right

Chapter 90 Gold Broker 15

Chapter 90 Gold Broker 15
Zhongli's plans from yesterday can be regarded as the beginning one by one.

Although the police were not able to arrest and shut down these people who talked about it online, most of them were submissive in reality and attacked hard online.

The reason why they dare to be so arrogant on the Internet is entirely because they have no scruples by covering up their identities through a network cable. Now their vests have been stripped off.

Facing the call from the police, some people were immediately scared, and quickly apologized and deleted the post.

There are also some people who are very stubborn and insist on their own ideas. Besides, he has done nothing wrong, and even the police can't do anything to him.

So these people, after hanging up with the police, dare to put down their bold words on the Internet, they are determined not to change, they are right.

When he saw this, Zhong Li sneered, "You are quite stubborn, I hope you can be so stubborn later."

Since these people are unreasonable, she doesn't have to obey any discipline.

A9008 is even more afraid to speak, it remembers the information in its mind, these words are like this, only those "villains" will have quotations.

Why would Zhongli, an official hand-picked supervisor who passed the assessment, look like this?
Zhong Li didn't just talk casually, he immediately started to search from the accounts of these people, collecting their information bit by bit.

Through a few more small links, they successfully hacked into their mobile phones and computers. Seeing what they found, Zhong Li raised his eyebrows.

Good guy, these people all look like human beings, they are executives, teachers and students, and even have public jobs. They are glamorous in front of them, but they actually look like this on the Internet behind their backs.

Do you think that you can do evil by putting on a piece of skin? It is absolutely impossible!
Zhongli likes to deal with such people the most.

Immediately, he began to clack and tap on the keyboard under his hand, and the two small hands made a sound with a fast rhythm.

Soon, Zhongli found out the things that these people cared about most, such as secret files, chat history and browsing history.

As she tapped her finger and clicked send, these unrepentant people immediately received a new email.

Some people ignored it as spam, others clicked on it, and then broke out in cold sweat.

Well, how come there are these things on this email! ! !

Even their mobile phones or computer wallpapers have changed.

On a blue background with white stripes, it reads in bold bold letters, "A place beyond the illegality of the Internet", which looks very handcuffable.

Let them immediately recall the fact that they are fighting the air on the Internet.

Being threatened suddenly, these people still had a burst of anger in their hearts, and wanted to scold them back, but after thinking about the wallpaper that suddenly changed on their computer without anyone noticing, those things he had hidden well were picked up. , These people were suddenly frightened again.

He shouldn't be bullied by the Internet like those people he sprayed!
The other party was a hacker, and he was dragged by others for black information, and had to obey the other party's orders, but when they saw the last request in the email, they panicked again.

What does it mean for him to make a real-name apology to the people he hacked? !

He has hacked so many people, even a dog, he would post a comment "Better to a dog than to his own parents" to lash out.

So he himself doesn't remember, with so many people, who knows where this hacker came from and who he is seeking justice for.

The man gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to refuse the request and call the police.

After all, once the police are called, who knows if the hacker will be angry, and he will not die if he sends these things.

But asking him to make an apology with his real name is not an easy matter, both of which will make him lose face and die, this person is hesitating, and he doesn't know how to choose.

I clicked on the call interface to call the police, but it was turned off again in the next second, and suddenly another email came in, so I quickly clicked on it to have a look.

Before he finished reading this email, he made up his mind. Isn't it just a real-name apology? I don't need to be a human anymore.

But he still struggled a bit, and tried to reply an email, "Master, can you tell me where I offended you, and if you want to apologize, what is it?"

Seeing this, Zhong Li replied directly, very quickly.

Seeing the word "all", the man's face twitched.

What's wrong with everything, he can't find the comments he left.

Regarding this person's worries, Zhongli said that there is no need to worry, she will take care of everything.

So, a freshly released comment record, the time is accurate to every second of every year, every month, every day of the body, and all the comments he sent are there.

Seeing this, the man panicked even more, what is the background of the other party, he can actually find out these things! !
Under pressure like this, the man still chose to confess and apologize in real name.

After all, once this record comes out, even if he calls the police, he will be guilty and die without a burial. It is better to apologize vaguely now, so as to save some face for himself.

There are not many people who choose like this person.

As a result, a group of inexplicable people suddenly appeared on the Internet today and began to publicly apologize with their real names.

To say who they apologized to, no one knows, because the names and incidents they said one by one that lost traffic all sound a little strange to people, and it takes a long time to think back before they know what they are talking about. one thing.

When they found out, they immediately became agitated.

Good guy, it turns out that those "friends of the parties", "I saw it with my own eyes" and "the parties at the scene" who spoke clearly and clearly are all fake, and they are all talking nonsense and spreading rumors! ! !
Weibo, which hadn't exploded yesterday, suddenly exploded today.

Because there is more than one such person, and they have done more than one or two things.

Things got so big that even the police, who they didn't want to face, were alarmed.

Because of these emails, Zhongli not only sent them, but also sent them to the local police station.

After all, she didn't promise that these things were only shown to them, so when these people finished apologizing vaguely, Zhongli directly packed the documents and sent them to the police station.

There are so many things, and some people even abetted a girl to commit suicide. With this pile of crimes, several people can always be arrested and sent to prison.

It's been a few days since I finished these things.

Zhong Li stretched his waist, squinted his eyes and looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, couldn't help but nodded, and said something emotional.

"Another good deed! I'm such a good student!"

"I should be given a good citizen award!"

(End of this chapter)

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