Run, host she's not right

Chapter 91 Gold Broker 16

Chapter 91 Gold Broker 16
Hearing this, A9008, who had been shy for a few days, couldn't help but say something.

"What reward? Reward you for being a big mouth?"

Zhongli narrowed his eyes, showing an angry look, and snorted coldly: "A9008, do you think I can't deal with you if you hide?"

"Of course!"

A9008 said quite proudly.

No matter how smart Zhongli is and how many methods she has, she is an ordinary person now, and she can't do anything about it!
Because it is a high-level creature, it has no entity, it is a spiritual body!

For an ordinary human like Zhongli, she couldn't even see it except for the special space, let alone do anything with it.

Thinking of this, A9008 trembled. In this case, it was afraid of what Zhongli would do. Anyway, she couldn't help herself!

Zhongli sensed A9008's little thoughts and immediately knew what it was thinking.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, obviously Zhao Sirong has a bright face, but at this moment the whole person looks gloomy.

"Yo yo, little guy, you don't think I'm alone, do you?"

"I still have my parents. I am an ordinary person, but they are not. Besides, I am incapable now, but it doesn't mean I will be incapable in the future~"

The Zhongli tail sound was pulled up for a long time, which made A9008's mellow q-bomb body jump uncontrollably.

A9008: "!!!"

Yes, Zhongli's parents are not ordinary humans.

After realizing this, the color of A9008's body changed abruptly and he froze. After realizing it, Zhongli was really not an ordinary person.

There are people above them!

But it was still stubborn, and said dissatisfiedly: "So what if there are people, if you have the ability to do it yourself, you will rely on others, even the assessment depends on people."

Zhong Li's playful expression suddenly turned cold, and she became serious again. She narrowed her eyes and asked.

"What do you mean relying on others?"

"I was able to get the first place in the assessment, it was all due to my own ability, your own grades are not as good as mine, so you're being silly here, what's the difference between you and those people on the Internet."

"Do you dare to say that there is no trick in it? If there is no trick, how can you, an ordinary person without power, in a world full of zombies, be able to compare with those who have spells and get the highest score."

A9008 said angrily.

This matter has been pressing in its heart, making it unwilling.

It works so hard, is so smart, and has such high talent. At first, it thought that No.1 belonged to it, but a Zhongli appeared!
Thinking that he had molested her before, and now he still wants to be her underling, A9008 was indignant, and said all the things he had kept in his heart.

Zhong Li snorted coldly, she was aboveboard and not false at all.

"Why can't I be the number one? In the assessment, it doesn't matter who has the strongest spells. If anyone has the most powerful spells, he will be No. 1 directly. Why bother to conduct this assessment and let so many creatures participate. "

"Then if there is no trick, how can you, a person who hurts humans casually, pass the level and become a supervisor!"

Speaking of which, A9008 gets angry.

They all exhausted all kinds of methods to get points, but Zhongli was lucky, he went straight to the front, harvested a lot of points, and finally left him, the No.2, with the highest score.


Zhong Li showed sarcasm, if she didn't know where A9008 was, she had appointed to knock its little head to see if it was full of water.

"Did I kill someone? Did I do something inhumane? I just got the highest score within the scope of the rules and in a way within the rules. I have a clear conscience."

A9008: "You made half of humanity self-mutilate!"

"Then did I kill them? Did I force them? Did I forcefully stab them with a knife? They even did it willingly and automatically."

Zhong Li spread out her hands, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, at this moment, she looked like a big villain.

"Within the scope of the rules, using your mind to accomplish things in the simplest way is called cleverness!"

She parted her red lips slightly, stretched out her slender fingers to point to her own brain, and said slowly.

Just like now, she used hacking technology to make the gangsters "willingly" apologize, which soothed the hearts of many victims.

Even Zhao Sirong's wish was easily fulfilled.

To achieve such a goal, it doesn't matter if you play some small tricks, right?

Hello, hello, hello everyone!

A9008's head is about to crash. It is just an advanced mental body. Simply put, it is a virtual computer that is carried around. It can calculate all kinds of complicated and difficult things, but it can't understand people's hearts.

Zhongli's words simply overturned A9008's world view, it has never seen such a shameless human being!

People's hearts are really terrible.

"But you committed a crime!" After a while, A9008 said stubbornly after quietly checking the laws of this world.

Zhong Li spread out his hands with an innocent face.

"What crime? Do you have evidence? Who knows about this?"

With Zhongli's hacking methods and A9008's black technology, she can guarantee that in this small world, no one can find her along the network cable!

And she didn't do anything that endangered the country, and she didn't persecute the people. She just used this to teach a few scumbags a lesson, let them apologize to the victims, and bring some belated comfort to the victims.

After doing such a thing, she won't even hurt her conscience.

"You are shameless!!"

A9008 didn't know what to say in the end, so he could only growl with a weeping voice.

Zhong Li said it doesn't matter.

"Those people are even more shameless!"

For example, a group of Xing Ji came to Zhao Sirong's house to look for Zhong Li again.

Zhong Li had changed the door lock a long time ago, so Xing Ji couldn't open the door with that old key.

Angrily, he threw away the keys in his hand. This time, he believed even more that "Zhao Sirong" was actually at home.

Why did he go to a distant mountain? In fact, he was lying to him! !

As a bunch of people on the Internet confessed and blew themselves up, Zhao Sirong's affairs were quickly cleared up, and those people who kept pace and scolded her began to apologize.

There are too many melons and follow-ups on the Internet, and no one pays attention to Zhao Sirong's affairs.

But in the hearts of everyone, they have already realized that they have wrongly blamed the girl Zhao Sirong.

Not only did she not worship money, but she also took the initiative to lend money to Xing Ji to live a luxurious life on weekdays. Although there were different voices, at least some people understood that she spent her own money and had nothing to do with others.

On the contrary, Xing Ji is a man who has no manly role at all.

He has worked for many years and has no savings, and even his parents can't afford the medical expenses. When his girlfriend suffered from cyberbullying, his teasing and teasing not only failed to help his girlfriend, but also stepped on her to take advantage of the situation.

Realizing this, who is not disgusting!
Although there are a lot of melons on the Internet now, it will not delay them from burying Xing Ji this man.

(End of this chapter)

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