Chapter 11

For the second group assessment, the program group arranged up and down sessions, which were updated once a week.Countless netizens scolded the shortness of the program group and clicked on the program.

When he saw that Sheng Qing had chosen Qianqian and his team, a bunch of question marks were sent over.

[I always feel that King Sheng seems to care about Qianqian. 】

[No, no, how can my Sheng Yingdi care about this kind of woman. 】

Seeing Yu Lan and Ren Qianqian being yelled at, and Ren Qianqian being called by Sheng Qing alone to talk about their shortcomings, Ren Qianqian's black fans instantly swiped across the screen.

【Didn't Ren Qianqian be praised for her acting skills in the last group? She was called out for tutoring no matter how she started filming. 】

[Sure enough, Ren Qianqian is still a vase. 】

[The acting skills are so bad, I feel sorry for the other team members. 】

But as the progress progressed, Sheng Qing's close teaching made the barrage gradually more pink.

【Didn’t Actor Sheng play a female role before?】

【I can actually act, but I don’t want to teach anyone except Qianqian. 】

[The film emperor Sheng just wants to teach Ren Qianqian, it's so sweet to save lives! 】

But apart from the passer-by who craves cp, there are more black fans and only fans of Sheng Qing.

[CP fans are indeed the most mindless, eating everything.What kind of stuff is Ren Qianqian, there is a lot of black material, Sheng Yingdi taught her because she is the worst actor. 】

[Ren Qianqian stay away from my brother! 】

No one paid attention to the performance of other people behind, and the scolding war spread directly from the video website to the blog.

A netizen who just apologized on Ren Qianqian's blog a few days ago scolded her again under her blog post.

The program team originally edited the videos of several seeded players, but before they were released, they found that no one was interested in the seeded players, and everyone was paying attention to Ren Qianqian.

"Director, should we clarify? This has been scolded under our official Weibo. I went to their group to give away props a few days ago. Ren Qianqian's acting is obviously very good."

"Clarify what! Not only don't we want to clarify, but we have to add more fire. You quickly edit all the NGs in their group together, and add a few shots of Ren Qianqian in it."

"Ah, so, don't netizens think that her acting skills are bad and keep NGing, and scold her even harder."

"I told you to do it, so do it quickly!"

Before the show started, the director thought about many ways to get out of the circle.But after the show started, he never expected that it was Ren Qianqian who was stuffed in by Leshi.

This player, who was supposed to be a rotation player, made him out of the circle with almost no promotional fees, and occupied the number one blog discussion list several times.

The director was delighted to scroll through the trending searches, and while he was thinking about whether he could add a few more advertising spots to the show, he saw "See you, Young Master Jiang at [-] o'clock" squeezed into the hot searches of the program group.

The hot searches climbed quickly, and most of the hot searches in the program group were suppressed below.

The director was aggrieved and clicked into the hot search terms.

"The popular actress Morning Glory and the super-popular and good father and male artist, you don't know the past and present.See you at eight o'clock! "

There are not many actresses who have become famous recently, and the title of Jiang Shaozhu's trailer is often a homonym of the protagonist's name, so everyone immediately suspected Ren Qianqian.

[rqq? 】

[The upstairs can't type Chinese characters?Now I have to guess the riddle when I read the comments, please tell me the answer. 】

[The last time someone exposed Ren Qianqian as a mistress, I didn't believe it at the time. 】

[Wow, hurry up and watch it, Acting 3 cut out Ren Qianqian's part, hey, Thor's Hammer. 】

The video collection of Acting 3 has been updated. All the clips that Ren Qianqian appeared on camera alone have been deleted, and the clips that cannot be deleted are directly mosaiced.

Generally, only when there is serious negative news and the artist turns into a bad artist, will he do this.So everyone locked on Ren Qianqian at once, and without waiting for Young Master Jiang's short composition and photos, they rushed to Ren Qianqian's blog to insult him one by one.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Young Master Jiang posted a short composition, directly naming Ren Qianqian, who had turned her into a well-known male star, Bai Yueguang, who cheated and broke up many years ago, and came back to intervene many years later.

At the end of the article, there is a photo of "her" embracing the male star. The person in the photo is indeed very similar to Ren Qianqian.

Eleven flipped through the comments quickly, and from time to time, he also collected a few curse words that he thought were very creative, "Familiar operation, familiar netizen, tsk tsk."

"But it is indeed an effective method. If there are many times, netizens will believe it."

Every sentence in the article was attacking her, and the words were so sincere that Qianqian almost believed it.

But for this nose, the doctor's level is not very good.

There was a new message on WeChat, and when I opened it, it was from Wu Chen.

Wu Chen: Have you checked the trending searches? Is that you in the photo?

Qianqian: It's not me, her nose is transparent, but it looks more similar from this angle, it should be Jiang You from Leshi.

Wu Chen: Okay, I understand, you must not respond now, I will contact the PR team and marketing account, and find some insiders to come out and break the news.

Wu Chen came back from the call and didn't see Qianqian replying to him. He felt bad and opened Weibo. Sure enough, Qianqian updated a new blog.

It's a profile selfie, and opening the screen is a beauty crit.

The fly in the ointment is that the nose is marked with a circle, which seriously affects the mood of the viewer.

Blog accompanying text: My nose is opaque.

A group of comments scolding Ren Qianqian quickly mixed with a lot of Yan Gou's speeches, and Wu Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

[Ren Qianqian is so pretty, I'm hungry. 】

[The photo of Young Master Jiang seems to have a bright nose, isn't it Ren Qianqian. 】

[Such a beautiful woman will definitely not do bad things. 】

The public opinion calmed down a lot, Wu Chen acted according to the situation and arranged a marketing account, and released some plastic surgery hospital templates as announcements from Ren Qianqian, secretly guiding them to the owner of the photo.

The comments scolding Ren Qianqian gradually decreased, but suddenly the comments below became lively again.

[Super explosive video, if you want to watch it, privately pay me 1 yuan. 】

[Purchased for five yuan without deletion, super value private! 】

The intimate kissing video with Ren Qianqian's face began to spread. Although the platform was blocked in time, the group of people who believed in Ren Qianqian began to suspect and abuse again.

Qianqian watched the video carefully for a while, and confirmed that it was an AI face change, and the technology was not very good.Unnatural facial contours can be seen in many shots.

It's just that the video is a bit blurry, and the original protagonist looks a lot like her. Ordinary viewers just want to eat melons, and they don't know how to identify them carefully.

Even if it was carefully identified and confirmed to be fake after the fact, there was no attention at that time, and Ren Qianqian's reputation was already rotten, and it is always the most difficult to refute rumors.

This video should be made by the video producer who circulated at the last time of the original owner's life. Although the content is different, the operation technique is the same.

Opening a popular short video website, Qianqian found an exercise teaching video of a muscular man, used technical means, made an AI face-swapping video, and posted it on her blog.

The muscular man is teaching with his back to the camera, and he can only be seen turning around at the end.Mighty and majestic, but with Ren Qianqian's beautiful face.The technique is perfect, and it looks like the face of the muscular man himself, but it's funny no matter how you look at it.

Then, compared with the intimate videos, I made several videos of the process of changing faces with AI, replacing them with old man animation characters, etc.

No words were posted, but the effect of dispelling rumors is better than a million public relations.

In this world, the AI ​​face-swapping technology is just in its infancy. Qianqian's way of doing so is extremely real, with 100% matching of mouth movements and voices. No one has done it before.

Moreover, it took a very short time. Ren Qianqian made a few god-like videos in just a short time since the matter fermented.

While the people who eat melons were surprised, many people in the industry were blasted out.

[Kneeling and begging the Great God to start teaching! 】

[Maybe the company hired someone to do it, so don't brag about Ren Qianqian. 】

[There is no such powerful company in China, please start a class! 】

[Great God, please advise, it would be great if I could achieve this level. The last time a supporting role in a drama asked our company to change his face, he was ridiculed for half a year later because he was too fake. 】

[According to my professional analysis, the previous video of the Great God Qianqian was fake, the general public must not be cheated of money again.It is suggested that Master Qianqian take up legal weapons and sue these rumormongers. 】

The marketing account bought by Wu Chen began to fail, and they all condemned this rumor-mongering behavior.

Qianqian invaded the computer of the blogger who was the first to post a video. There were very few things in his computer, but Qianqian still found his chat software in the hidden files.

In the recent chat, there was a very familiar profile picture - former manager Shi Lei.

Shi Lei paid a client to make her fake video and published it, and paid the other party a large sum of money.At this price, a third-rate agent like him couldn't afford it.

Qianqian checked his financial transactions again, and it was the finance company of Leshi Entertainment who called him. Going forward, it was a leather bag company.

Flipping forward, after a few links, it was Mr. Jia, one of Shen Anran's suitors.

Sure enough, it was Shen Anran's hands and feet.

After handing over all these evidences to Wu Chen, Qianqian hooked her mouth and got in touch with the trumpet of Leshi Company, which hacked her, and contacted Young Master Jiang's biggest competitor.

 Ask for collection~

(End of this chapter)

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