Chapter 12

This is a week that will go down in showbiz history.

It is also a week when people who eat melons say they can't eat it.

First, the outdated and popular actress Ren Qianqian was rumored, and then her innocence was easily proved.

The Acting 3 program group belatedly said it was a system failure, re-uploaded the video, and apologized to Ren Qianqian.

Then there was another two-hour lawyer's letter, all of which were issued by Sheng Qingkai's entertainment company. The defendants were all users who spread Ren Qianqian's false information, and they also asked for Leshi's liquidated damages on Ren Qianqian's behalf.

Except for a few passers-by, almost all of these users are members of Leshi Entertainment.

While everyone was surprised that Ren Qianqian had signed a contract with Sheng Qing, Jiang You was threatened by Leshi not to terminate the contract when she was a mistress, and was also exposed.Countless people were shocked that a big company like Leshi would do this to its former employees.

In less than an hour, the local public security agency issued an announcement, arresting Shi Lei, the manager of Leshi Entertainment, who first-hand planned and arranged the dissemination of false information and indecent videos.

After Shi Lei entered, he not only explained the incident, but also explained many illegal things he did for entertainment.

When the market opened the next day, Leshi Entertainment directly dropped the limit.

Just when the melon-eating crowd had just rested for noon, the big paparazzi in the circle exposed countless news about Shen An's harem.

The men involved include bosses in the real estate industry, senior producers and directors, outside artists, etc., young, old, handsome, ugly, fat, and thin.The background details of Shen Anran's blog many times can be matched with the man's circle of friends or blog, plus a lot of intimate photos, directly confirmed.

When Qianqian saw Shen Anran again at the shooting scene, her eyes were black and blue, her mouth had a lot of blisters, and her face also had a lot of blemishes.The makeup artist put on four layers of powder but couldn't cover it well. Shen Anran's eyes were cold and fierce, which scared the makeup artist to finish in a hurry.

When she was finally on camera, Qianqian didn't need to look behind the camera to know that she was very ugly in the shot. Qianqian couldn't help laughing out loud, in exchange for more vicious eyes.

The matter of the scandal has not been resolved, and Shen Anran has no intention of troublesome Ren Qianqian. The daily shooting is resolved in a hurry, and in the end, the shooting task was even completed two days ahead of schedule.

After the filming of the short play was over, Shen Anran finally solved the scandal problem, and several male protagonists came out and explained that they were just friends.

The few who really couldn't explain it turned out to be ex-boyfriends from different periods, leaving only the chubby upstart Mr. Xu who hooked up with recently, and the car that Shen Anran came to record the program also dropped several grades.

Shen Anran sat on her seat with a gloomy expression. Although there was no evidence, she always felt that Ren Qianqian had exposed her scandal.

Otherwise, how could it be at this time that Ren Qianqian, who was at the center of public opinion, was directly rescued.

This time, as Ren Qianqian's mentor, she has no way to comment on her.But she will never make it easy for Ren Qianqian. She has already contacted Yanlun to rate the players and control the points, giving high scores to other players and low scores to Ren Qianqian.

The audience at the scene was arranged randomly on the surface, but in fact they were carefully selected. 90.00% of them were fans of other players, and only [-]% were real passers-by.

The first group is the group led by Peng Chao. Although Peng Chao is following the group every day this time and teaching them hand in hand, several newcomers still performed poorly.

The short drama they chose was a segment of the classic Gongdou drama. The affair between the imperial concubine and the prince was discovered. The emperor asked the concubine to poison her beloved to death with her own hands. The two drank in the warm pavilion in the heavy snow. The prince knew it was poisonous but was still willing to drink it. Glass of poisoned wine.

Peng Chao's fresh meat idol An Cheng is very good-looking in modern clothes, but the shortcoming of his face is exposed in ancient clothes, and he always has only two ways to express sadness - staring and gnashing his teeth.

As for the actor Xu Zixuan who plays the heroine, it is always so difficult to distinguish between crying and laughing.

With a serious expression on his face, Director Han scolded them mercilessly and gave them 60 points.

Sheng Qing's tone was milder, but the score was only 65 points.

An Cheng and Xu Zixuan's self-esteem was hurt, their faces were extremely pale, and their jaws trembled slightly. Other actors who had not been rated looked at them with sympathy.

Shen Anran hit an 85, which attracted the attention of others. She smiled slightly and said, "We should encourage young actors to dare to challenge such a classic role at such a young age, and An Cheng and Zixuan are not from majors. Their courage is commendable." Not bad. I give 85, I believe they will definitely perform better in the future."

Immediately afterwards, Yanlun hit a 95. There was an uproar in the contestant area, but excited cheers came faintly from the auditorium.Sheng Qing sighed, and said in a gentle voice: "Mr. Yanlun, I don't recommend giving such a high score now. Their performance in this group should have a more appropriate score. What if there are people who perform better than them later? Full marks There are only 100 points, how many points will you give then?"

Peng Chao came out to be a peacemaker, "Old Yan, I brought them up. I know their level best. 95 is indeed a bit higher. We can't make young actors proud."

Yanlun snorted, and said angrily: "The acting skills of an actor are very important, but the popularity of the audience is not important. If an actor has strong professional ability, but there are always negative news, I personally can't stand her performance." Yes," he squinted at Ren Qianqian, and continued, "Scoring is a personal preference. I personally like their performance very much. They are also actors who are very popular with the audience. 95 is well-deserved."

Director Han also turned his back, but Peng Chao still insisted on his own score.

In the next few groups, Shen Anran and Yanlun always gave higher scores than the others no matter how good or bad they performed.

In one group, he still wanted to score 100 points, but changed it to 96 under the strong opposition of others.

Finally reached the last group, the lights went out, and the faces of Ren Qianqian and Yu Lan appeared on the big screen.

On Ren Qianqian's flawless face, the slender willow-leaf eyebrows have been widened into sword eyebrows, and the contours of the face have been deepened to make it more masculine. Coupled with those eyes that are always shining even in the dark, it made some people present The young girl could barely breathe.

Already tall and slender, the clothing has been slightly changed, the shoulders are broad and the waist is thin, and every move is full of youthful air.

After watching for 2 minutes, all viewers have forgotten that Ren Qianqian was originally a woman, and they are completely immersed in the ambiguous feelings of teenagers and girls who are ignorant and respectful.

But after a while, the two young people who love each other are forced to separate. The night before parting, the young man finally couldn't help but confide in his heart.But the emperor's order is hard to violate, and the whole family's life, the girl still rejected the boy.

The young man fell ill, and was still calling the young girl's name when he was dying. Many viewers watched with red eyes.

The following plot progressed very quickly. In order to still see his beloved, the boy set off for the capital alone, and rescued the little princess who came out to play on the way, and the arrow shot into the hearts of the audience present.Even if the young man used the princess later, everyone just couldn't hate him.

After the short play was played, the scene was quiet, and everyone was still reminiscing about the plot just now, and reminiscing about the handsome young man.

Yanlun couldn't wait to start scoring, holding up a 60-point sign.

(End of this chapter)

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