Chapter 13

There was an uproar at the scene, and there were whispering audiences everywhere.

The host hurriedly interrupted and explained the process, "Mr. Yan, it's not yet the commenting session. Let's ask the contestants to speak first, and then you can think about how many points you will give."

"Okay, but I won't change my score."

The assistant director in the backstage observed the audience's reaction, and said to the director with some concern: "Ren Qianqian obviously acted very well, and it's obviously unfair for instructor Yanlun to score like this. Should we remind you?"

"Reminder of what?"

"It would be very controversial to broadcast that way."

"Don't let the enthusiasm you send be in vain. If there are no such troublemakers on the show, the reputation will be good, and you won't be able to see the splash. Don't worry about him. It's better for Ren Qianqian to quarrel with him."

According to the order of standing, Yu Lan and Yan Yan spoke first; the two raised official smiles, thanked everyone in the group, and shared their understanding of the roles.

Then it was Qianqian's turn to speak, and everyone was ready to listen to everyone in the thank you group for the nth time tonight, when Ren Qianqian picked up the microphone and put on a mocking smile, "Teacher Yan, Didn't you pay attention just now?"

Yanlun slammed the scoring board on the table, and became angry immediately, "What do you mean, I can give you as many points as I want."

"Each of us will be taught one thing by our teachers and parents since we were young, that is to respect others. And when we get to work, we will learn to be dedicated. When the video of our group was playing just now, you only spent one-fifth of the time watching it. In this case, I don't think your rating is accurate and fair."

"Okay, Qianqian, Master Yan is a senior, so don't say it," Sheng Qing said to Qianqian, then turned to look at Yanlun, still smiling gently, but always giving off a dangerous atmosphere, "You Don't care about young people, your rating is indeed quite controversial."

Yanlun felt hairy all over his body, but seeing Shen Anran's expectant gaze, and remembering Shen Anran's cry, without saying a word, he still gave a score to several people, Yu Lan 75, Yan Yan 95, Ren Qianqian 60.

Peng Chao smiled and said slowly, "Qianqian is really amazing in acting. If I wasn't a man, I would have been so moved by watching it. She is so malleable! Yu Lan also made good progress this time, Yan Yan showed Not bad. An Ran, how do you evaluate your group as a mentor?"

"There is indeed improvement, but I think it can be better. However, Yan Yan works harder and more seriously in normal filming. I believe she will perform better. Yu Lan is also good and works hard. Although Ke Ke and Lin Wen have fewer roles, they have both performances. Significant progress has been made.”

Shen Anran focused on praising Yan Yan, using the acting skills she had learned all her life, which made people feel very sincere, and also praised Yu Lan.But when he finished speaking, his expression began to pretend to be a bit embarrassed, and he paused for a while without saying anything else.She praised four of the five members in the group, but she didn't mention Ren Qianqian.

The comments given to everyone are hard work and seriousness, not to mention Ren Qianqian, it means that Ren Qianqian is not hardworking or serious, and the audience whispered again.

Shen Anran's flamboyant guts couldn't fool the well-informed Director Han. He stroked his beard and looked at Sheng Qing with a smile, "I read the news, Ren Qianqian has signed with your company, how many points do you think she can get? My old man is very Satisfied with her performance, I will definitely let my old man choose her next time."

Peng Chao and Han Dao were all praising, Sheng Qing stared closely at Xia Yun on the stage, raised the scoring board and said slowly: "[-] points."

Ever since finishing scoring, Yanlun has been too lazy to speak, turned his head when he heard this, and frowned dissatisfiedly: "Want to give one hundred?"

Director Han Peng Chao did not refute, obviously thinking about how many points to give.

Ren Qianqian's performance was perfect, she scored [-] points, and she felt okay.

"Today, the general scores are relatively high. As the best, shouldn't one hundred points be taken for granted?"

Yanlun just proposed 95, and several mentors disagreed, and even gave [-] a lot of opposition. Now Sheng Qing proposed [-], but no one said anything.

Just because of Shengqing's high popularity and background?The more Yanlun thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said coldly, "Do you think it's normal to give [-]%?"

Director Han didn't look at Yanlun, he just looked at the stage and said: "This group is the best performer in this round. Ren Qianqian's performance is bright and powerful. I think it's okay to give [-] points. After all, there are some The seriously unqualified group also scored in the [-]s."

Peng Chao smiled: "If Shengqing doesn't give 98 points, I might give it too. But I think it's better to give others a little room to catch up. One or two points less is quite appropriate. I'll give [-]."

Director Han wrote quickly on the scoring board, and also gave 98.

Several people said a few words, all of which were saying that Ren Qianqian deserved the first hundred points of this season.

If things go on like this, won't the first [-] points go to Ren Qianqian?

Shen Anran's eyes darkened, and she hurriedly said, "As his mentor, I don't think this is [-]% fair."

Shen Anran looked at Xia Yun with a cold expression on the field, tried hard to swallow her disgust, and pretended to be fair and just commented: "An actress who wants to play a man in a play is inherently more interesting and more attractive than other contestants. Attractiveness, this is a plus point in addition to strength, a little better acting will make people feel very good. Others don’t have such a plus point, and we should also take this into consideration when scoring.”

When the scene was a little anxious, Sheng Qing said, "Qianqian is very popular with me as an audience, and audience popularity is also part of my strength."

"Well, my old man is still firm on my rating." Director Han Peng Chao also confirmed his rating.

After everyone's selection was completed, Qianqian ranked second in the instructor's rating by 4 points. If it wasn't for Yanlun's deliberate lowering of the score, she would definitely be No.1 this time.

The final ranking depends on the votes of the audience. One vote of the audience is equal to 0.5 points, plus the instructor's score to calculate.

"Wow, Qianqian, how many places do you think you can get? You have never won the first place in this world, so you have regressed!" Eleven's tone was weak, and he kept twisting its body.

Twisting the mole, causing the top cancer Eleven to shut up, Qianqian looked in Shen Anran's direction.This woman must have a back hand, but her operation is never very good, and it is only because of her cute and pitiful face that people don't suspect much.

But has she forgotten that her current reputation is not that good.

Such an obvious operation score has not been very successful, but she doesn't look particularly disappointed, and there is a bit of expectation and pride in her expression.

"The statistical results are out, let's take a look at the results together."

As the host's voice fell, the result also appeared on the big screen, and Qianqian was still No.2.The original No. [-] fell to No. [-], and No. [-] and No. [-] were replaced by two popular players with mediocre performances.

Shen Anran's eyes are tearing apart, how is it possible?

The camera swept over, and although she changed her face in a second, she was still captured.

The specific value is also displayed, Ren Qianqian and No.1 are only two votes behind!
"It's so close to my brother's value!"

"Did you vote for Ren Qianqian? Didn't you agree to vote for your brother?"

"You still say me, don't you too."

"Oh, I can't help it. Ren Qianqian is really handsome this time, just a little worse than my brother. There are so many people from our family who came here today, so I don't think it's worth my vote."

(End of this chapter)

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