Chapter 23

Wu Chen originally wanted to pick up Qianqian to live broadcast at the company, but there were many reporters around the company, so he had to change his destination halfway and went to Shengqing's villa.

Sheng Qing doesn't live here often, many rooms are not used very much, and the decoration and layout of the previous owner are still maintained.

The previous owner was an art lover and happened to have a studio.

Large floor-to-ceiling mirrors make the whole space bright, and the wildly growing garden outside the window has a unique flavor, coupled with the extravagant European-style decoration style, it brings an artistic atmosphere.

The mobile phone to be broadcast live has been fixed, and Wu Chen adjusted it for him, so that Qianqian's profile and the entire drawing paper can be photographed.In order to allow the audience to see Qianqian's face, a full-length mirror was placed on the side facing the camera.

Qianqian took out a pen. She held the pen with very slender fingers, like a goddess of art in the sun.

Wu Chen clicked to start the broadcast, and all the waiting netizens poured in, the barrage was overwhelming, and it was stuck because of the large number of people.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly 】

[Where is this?The environment is too beautiful. 】

【Sit and wait for a slap】

[I don’t draw any references, it looks like a rookie at first glance, and the posture of holding the pen is not very standard. 】

Qianqian looked at the garden outside the window, got an idea, dipped the paint directly, and spread the color on the canvas in a seemingly casual way, the picture looked very scribbled and messy.

Her posture with the pen is also more casual, because her wrist is extremely fair and her fingers are slender and beautiful, most of the netizens don't pay attention to what she is drawing.

Is it because the hands are not good-looking, or the face is not good-looking enough?Anything looks better than a painting.

There are many kinds of pigments squeezed on the palette, piled together in big lumps, which looks very wasteful and completely devoid of intention.

【...It's true that I can't draw, I don't even make drafts. 】

[Not only do you pretend to be someone else's painting, you don't even intend to pretend to be a fake, you don't learn basic poses, you don't understand the basic painting process, you really treat the audience as fools. 】

For a short while, the screen was full of sarcasm.

They all waited for Qianqian to be reminded by the agent, and then started drafting as if waking up from a dream.

As a result, under the gaze of everyone, Qianqian seemed to dislike the slowness of the brush, so she lowered her eyes and picked up the scraper.Pick up more paint than before and start to apply it quickly.

[Forget it if you don’t know how to draw, what are you doing with such a waste. 】

Qianqian's hands were fast and steady, without any hesitation, and each stroke was very decisive.

Blue is stacked with red, red is stacked with yellow, and various colors are superimposed in an extremely chaotic manner, and then mixed into other colors at the intersection position. After a while, more than ten or twenty colors have appeared on the entire painting.

Qianqian is still so good-looking, with slender fingers, but no one is in the mood to pay attention to her hands now.

[Crazy by netizens? 】

[It's worse than my kindergarten son, he can't see the intention at all, he just keeps scribbling. 】

After the large-scale smearing was over, Qianqian didn't even change the scraper. The whole process was just dipping in the paint and wiping, and began to paint the local details without any pause.

When white began to appear on the painting, the audience suddenly noticed it.

The work that was inferior to the kindergarten just now has begun to show its true face.

The color matching that I couldn't figure out before is the most suitable and irreplaceable color at the moment.

When the painting was finally completed, many people in front of the screen gasped.

A pair of slender and clean hands with distinct joints, holding extremely bright flowers.

The three-dimensional effect of the accumulation of pigments brings unparalleled texture and layers, which is real and extremely impactful.Many people seemed to smell the aroma of the bouquet of flowers, and also saw the dewdrops falling from it.

A beautiful, warm atmosphere lingers.

In addition to the flowers, it seems that the owner of the hands holding the flowers is smiling and shy, looking forward to the acceptance of the sweetheart.

[It turned out that the clown was actually myself. 】

[I painted for a week, changing different pens, but I couldn't get the effect of her scraper. 】

[It's amazing, the painting is the flowers outside the window, I started directly without a draft, it's still so strong! 】

[This sense of color makes art candidates envious!Just now I thought the color was too outrageous, but now I think I am too stupid! 】

It's been a long time since I tried this painting method, and Qianqian is also a little addicted. Seeing that there is still some paint left, she asked Wu Chen to change the easel.

【Ahhhhhh, my god, I have to draw again!The baby is very good at drawing, don't get tired! 】

[I don't know what's going on, I've already ordered a full set of painting tools. 】

[People are different, good boy, let's get a refund before it's delivered. 】

[I can't find any other words to describe my mood except 666]

For the second picture, Qianqian directly chose Mo Fei's previous work. She didn't want to wash the brush, so she hesitated for a while, and chose to use a scraper.

For the same composition, the tool is not even as good as Mo Fei, but anyone can see the difference.

The lines are confident and free, and the colors are extremely bold. Many teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts who were attracted by the platform's recommendations couldn't help but comment on how well Qianqian's paintings are in the barrage.

Netizens have been convinced.

[Where is the person who said that Ren Qianqian set up a person before? 】

[Could it be that the upstairs said?Qianqian's painting skills are so much better than his, is it necessary to use his paintings to pretend? 】

[Hahahahaha some microscope bloggers have released a video, go and watch it, although the scene is the same, but the composition, color and lines are different in many places.Could it be that I misread it, thinking that my own painting is so good. 】

Mo Fei has been following Qianqian's live broadcast room with a trumpet account.

He has been speechless since Qianqian used white paint for his first painting.

He has been learning to paint since he was five years old. Although he has been pursuing commercial painting, how could he not be able to judge the quality of his painting skills.

With Qianqian's level, no art academy in the world would reject her.As for Mo Fei himself, it took a lot of effort to get into the Academy of Fine Arts.

Mo Fei looked at the jeering sounds that kept flashing across the barrage, his face extremely embarrassed, and he quickly clicked on his Weibo.

The number of comments is constantly rising, and the netizens who originally supported him have turned their backs one after another, criticizing him one by one.

[Don't you remember your level? 】

[Ren Qianqian's level doesn't need to use your paintings at all! Liar to die! 】

[Zhabo deserves to be a scumbag, so many people have reported false news, and they haven't been banned yet. 】

Could it be that his fingers were trembling, he clicked on Qianqian's promotional video again.

Could it be that his fingers couldn't help trembling, and he clicked several times before pausing at the position of the painting. He looked at the painting carefully, and took out his own photo for comparison.

These two paintings are very similar, they both depict the same scene, and they look very similar at first glance in the quick camera cuts.

But put it all together, and no professional with a good eye could fail to see the difference.

Ren Qianqian was not in the same rank as him at all.

Could it be that his mind went blank, he hastily deleted his previous Weibo.

How to do how to do?It was Shen Anran who said to use his paintings.

By the way, Shen Anran agreed that Shen Anran would give him the third male role... If he can't get along in the painting industry, he can go to the entertainment industry.

He looks good, black and red are also red, no one will remember this in a few years.

Could it be that he immediately contacted Shen Anran: [Mr. Shen, does the male third you mentioned earlier still count? 】

Shen Anran answered quickly: "Do I know you?" Then hung up.

Mo Fei refused to give up and called again, "I am Mo Fei, didn't you give me a note?"

"I don't know you. If you come to me again, I will sue you for harassment."

"Hi, hello." Shen Anran had already hung up the phone, could it be that if he called again, it would show that he could not be connected, obviously he was blocked.

Could it be that his eyes were dark, and he waited for a long time before clicking on Weibo. Unexpectedly, the netizens had picked out the school he was studying in, and they swiped the screen to leave messages under his school's Weibo.

He quickly clicked in to have a look.

@景市艺术学院: [Student @默飞 posted false news on the Internet, causing serious impact on others. The school immediately checked after receiving the report. It has been confirmed that the student did have bad behavior. After the school The leaders discussed and unanimously decided to give a notice of criticism and demerit punishment. [picture]】

The phone rang, and it was his parents. On the phone, his father scolded him, and his mother cried while scolding.

Could it be that his face was pale, he obviously just wanted to take advantage of this to gain some popularity and have a chance to enter the entertainment industry...

Now he didn't get anything, but he was ridiculed by everyone, and the school even punished him!

If he hadn't accepted Shen Anran's invitation at the beginning, these things would not have happened.

Everything is Shen Anran's fault, he must not make Shen Anran feel better.

Could it be that he put all the chat records and voices with Shen Anran on his blog, and he, who was already on the cusp of the crisis, received hundreds of thousands of views once he posted it.

Qianqian downloaded the broadcast, saw Mo Fei's blog, quietly entered the backstage of the platform, and added several official promotions for him.

"Wow, this woman's true face has been exposed again, but it's still too early to quit the entertainment industry. There are many big bosses behind her." Eleven looked at the wind reviews, and there were many people speaking for Shen Anran, "You You have to work harder, if you really can't do it, you can use points to buy props from me."

Qianqian rolled her eyes, this little thing wanted to trick her into buying high-priced Sanwu products.She was tricked once when she first took on the mission. Not only was it invalid, but she also owed points to the Space-Time Administration, which took eight worlds to pay off.

Qianqian raised a "kind" smile and blasted the hammer eleven, "No thanks, wouldn't it be too boring to quit the entertainment circle at once, it would be more interesting to watch yourself lose the things you care about step by step."

That night, Shen Anran's public relations team finally wrote the public relations document, but they couldn't publish it anyway.And Mo Fei's Weibo was officially deleted or even banned. When netizens became suspicious, all posts discussing Shen Anran began to be deleted on a large scale.

Netizens refused to admit defeat, and all kinds of homophonic Weibo posts were posted, and then continued to be deleted.

Controlling commentary is a routine operation, but Shen Anran is the only celebrity who refuses to say a word, and countless passers-by turn black.

After going back and forth all night, when Shen Anran's public relations team was finally able to post a blog, the trend of public opinion could no longer be dealt with.

"Queen Shen" became Shen Anran's new black name, and Shen Anran's popularity with passers-by was hit hard again, and several scripts that were supposed to be signed were temporarily replaced by others.

(End of this chapter)

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