Chapter 24

During the live broadcast, at the suggestion of Wu Chen, one of the paintings drawn by Qianqian was drawn for a lottery in the fan station, and the other was auctioned.No matter how much profit is made, it will be donated to mountain children in the end.

Sheng Qing, who participated in the event in France, first criticized Wu Chen for not informing him to watch the live broadcast at five o'clock in BJ's time, and then asked for the highest-definition video resources from the other party, and then ruthlessly stopped replying to any of the other party's questions. a message.

Neuropathy?Participate in activities abroad and watch live broadcasts, but there are still too few jobs for him.After secretly slandering Sheng Qing for a while, Wu Chen opened the auction link, and one night passed, from the starting price of 2000 to 10.

For an actor whose popularity has just started, although it is not as good as most artists' charity auctions, it is not bad. Wu Chen nodded in satisfaction and continued to sleep, completely unaware of how much this number would become when he woke up.

In the center of the picture, people who are serious about painting are shining in the sunlight.This is a video that has not been compressed by the live broadcast platform. It is better in quality than the video circulated on the fan site, and Qianqian is also more beautiful.

After watching this video seriously, the resentment of missing the live broadcast dissipated a little.A few seconds later, Sheng Qing opened the previous video again, stared at it calmly and finished watching it, and then silently pressed the "replay" button.

The live broadcast returns to the beginning again and continues to play.

Just like that, Sheng Qing watched the video calmly, watched it again...and watched it again!
When he was finally satisfied, he found out that Qianqian's paintings were being drawn and auctioned during the live broadcast.

Really want.
[Qianjia Little Sake: Lovely and cute, Qianqian is the best!She is the best! [Love]]

After posting the blog, I silently watched the video again, then clicked into the auction to participate in the auction, and entered 1314000.

After closing the auction for a few seconds, he opened it again.

No, in case someone bids with him, raise it again, 5200000~
The onlookers witnessed Shenhao's two bids in a short period of time, and were a little speechless.

【.Does he think that someone will rob him. 】

[I'm honored to be regarded as a competitor, but my bank card doesn't even have a fraction. 】

Qianjia Xiaosake, the name Qianqian is still fresh in his memory.

The last live broadcast paid more than 100 million yuan. In the end, Qianqian asked the platform to refund it, but the other party refused. This time, he directly bid for 520 million yuan.

It is absolutely impossible for a person who can spend so much money without blinking an eye to only have so much, at least hundreds of millions of assets, to be so bold as to take a picture of a starlet for 520 million.

You know, even when those rich and superstars do charity, they will publicize it so that everyone knows it and spread a good name for themselves.

It is absolutely impossible for such a person to silently photograph 520 million paintings for charity to be an unknown person.

[Qianjia Little Sake: I like Qianqian the most, okay?]

[Qianjia Xiaosake: I can’t see Qianqian for the third hour, I miss her]

These daily speeches are really not suitable for any successful person.

This charity auction is a good thing and has received support and praise from netizens, but the auction price may cause trouble.

In order to prevent being tempted to say that Qianjia Xiaoshen was entrusted by Qianqian himself, Wu Chen decided to send a pennant to the other party, and asked Qianqian to customize an additional painting according to the other party's needs, thanking her for her support for the auction.

Then find the marketing account to send some press releases, and conclude the matter as a fan's personal behavior.

The method was very good, and Qianqian immediately agreed that it would not be too troublesome to draw another painting.

Without further ado, Wu Chen asked his newly hired assistant, Siwen, to contact Qianjia Xiaosake immediately.He also contacted Qianqian's big fans, asking them to pay attention, control the fans' speech, and don't be too impulsive and be led by Heizi.

[Si Siwenwen is me: Qianjia Xiaosake, hello, I am Siwen, Qianqian's assistant.Thank you for taking pictures of the paintings this time. We will send all the proceeds to the mountains as soon as possible. Please rest assured. At the same time, I would like to ask you for the address.In addition to the painting you took, Qianqian will draw another one according to your request, and the company also wants to send you some small gifts]

A trace of surprise flashed in Sheng Qing's dark eyes, but he didn't answer immediately.

Until 5 minutes later——

[Qianqian: Hello, @Sisiwenwen is me, my new assistant]

On top of this message, there are actually several messages that I haven't seen before!
Sheng Qing: "!!!"

what to do?Qianqian must think he is extremely rude.

I typed a few words, too serious to delete, and added an expression, too frivolous to delete.I typed it again several times, and in the end only two words were left——

[Qianjia Xiaosake: Hello. 】

Originally, it was just to prove Siwen's identity. The other party did not reply to the message last time, and Qianqian did not expect the other party to reply this time.

Seeing the reply, Qianqian was slightly stunned, then raised the corners of her lips, and replied: 【Thank you for your support all the time, I'm glad you like me [heart][heart][heart]]

After a long time of no reply, Qianqian narrowed her eyes and stared at the short "Hello" on the other side.

... Weibo seems to be her diehard fan, who keeps confessing her love every day, and her tone is extremely soft and cute.Why do you seem to be a little too calm when talking to her?

[Qianjia Xiaosake: You're welcome. 】

Qianqian: "..."

To be reasonable, this is not the tone that a diehard cute girl fan should have at all! ! !

Feeling that the chat could not continue at all, Qianqian just found an excuse to let her and Siwen continue to communicate.

After watching the dialogue between myself and this "Qianjia Xiaosake" several times, I felt a sense of familiarity.

Who is it? People from the entertainment circle that I have met?

Sheng Qing looked at the screen of his mobile phone with grief, obviously he didn't want to say that, but when it was time to send it, it turned into——【You're welcome. 】

She pursed her thin lips, not wanting to speak.

Siwen got an address and a phone number, and she told Qianqian and Wu Chen the address and phone number.Qianqian looked at it for a while, but didn't remember the name.But Wu Chen stared at this address for a long time, thinking he had seen it somewhere.

When Qianqian decided to give up this question and do other things, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Qianjia Xiaosake's Weibo from yesterday.

"Three in the morning? Coordinates in France?"

"Has she gone abroad in the past few days?"

On the other side, Wu Chen finally remembered that Sheng Qing had a villa in Xiaoqingjiu Tong Community, and called Sheng Qing: "You participated in Qianqian's painting auction?"


His tone was very calm, not like lying.

Wu Chen still wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Sheng Qing, "Raphael invited me to their big show, and I can bring a female companion."

"Recently, there will be a show recording and some offline activities. If you just watch the show, are you sure you didn't participate in the auction?"

"Raphael designed women's clothing this time, but he hasn't found a model yet."

Raphael's women's clothing, Wu Chen's eyes widened, and he forgot the address, fans, and said: "I'll ask Qianqian for leave immediately."

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets~(><)

(End of this chapter)

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