Chapter 25

Raphael is over seventy years old and is a legend in the fashion circle.Since entering the fashion circle at the age of 20, her design has never failed, leading one trend after another.

After years of not getting married, he finally met his true love at the age of 50, but ended up dismal after a few years.Since then, even though he has been accused of sex discrimination many times, Raphael has never designed any women's clothing.

Everyone knows that this year is Raphael's last show to bid farewell to the fashion circle.But unknown to the outside world, Raphael designed women's clothing in this show.

As the only female model in the fashion master's curtain call, this is definitely a performance that can be boasted for decades.

Although only a few people know about it, there are more than a dozen models who come to interview.They are either frequent visitors to major shows or models with family backgrounds. They are all hot models in recent years.

They have already passed the stage of interview competition, and the organizer will invite them to any show they want to appear in.But at the moment they are all crowded in the small waiting room, without the slightest complaint or impatience.

A newcomer like Qianqian who has never been to a show before looks out of place here.

After Qianqian entered the arena, most people just glanced lightly and didn't pay attention to Qianqian.

Sitting next to Qianqian was Elena, the prettiest female model outside of her. She was charming and energetic. She was an Internet celebrity on the Internet before, and she only started catwalks the year before last.Although the business ability is average, but the popularity is extremely high.

Elena glanced back at her assistant, and her assistant received the order and took out the prepared sugar-free drink and gave it to Qianqian.Qianqian glanced around, every model had such a drink next to them, almost everyone had drunk it.

Qianqian said thank you politely, brought the cup to her nose, and smelled a strange smell.The taste is very light, mixed with the smell of the drink, if you don't have training in drug discrimination, you won't notice it at all.

This is a drug that stimulates intestinal peristalsis. It may not be a problem for ordinary people, but for models who often go on a diet and have a bad stomach, they will fart frequently.

The method is not very clever, but the people present are all respectable people, but if they fart a few times suddenly, no one would think of drugging.

But a few farts are enough to fail the interview.

A few unscheming models had already drank it, Qianqian just put it in his mouth, pretended to drink it, and then put it aside and stopped moving.

After a while, several models who drank drinks came out in disappointment.

Elena was the second to last to enter the interview, and her interview time was the longest. When she came out after a while, she looked smug and full of confidence.

Wu Chen warned a few more words: "Remember, it's not walking on the red carpet, don't laugh, just follow the way we practiced and those videos we watched on the plane."

Qianqian put down the magazine in her hand, "What he wants is not a traditional model."

The characters in this issue happen to be some of Raphael's early business partners.At the time when the fashion circle was just emerging and everything was traditional and old-fashioned, this group of young people were rebellious and bold in their designs.

They each developed their own design style and found many interesting things in the process.From everyone's description, Qianqian extracted the common information that Mr. Raphael is a rebellious and avant-garde designer who pays attention to the sense of ritual.

In the early days of their debut, all designs were extremely bold, but later some doubts made Raphael's designs more conservative, although still genius.As a person who pays attention to the sense of ritual, the last show will definitely be as bold and rebellious as the first one.

If what is needed is a traditional and ordinary model, it will not take so long to find a suitable candidate.

When she saw the sample clothes, Qianqian was even more sure.

Qianqian stood on the stage wearing a sample dress, and Raphael's eyes lit up the moment he saw it.

But the eyes of others were not friendly. The interviewer on the far left asked directly in English: "You have no experience in catwalks, do you?"


As soon as the voice fell, several interviewers turned their heads to communicate in French in a low voice.

No one thought Qianqian would do well, they just wanted a quick end.

"The big show is about to start, I think it's better not to pick, Elena is still very suitable."

"Everyone walks the catwalk like that, clothes are the most important thing, and the models don't need to be too good-looking. Mr. Raphael, I think it's more appropriate to choose the first one."

Raphael didn't reply to them, but just looked at Qianqian, "Please start."

Qianqian lowered her eyes slightly, her demeanor changed instantly, she was casual and lazy, like a cat just waking up.

The next moment, she smiled slightly.

The faces of the interviewees immediately changed. Where did this wild model come from? No high-end brand model smiled during the catwalk.

Pulling up the hem of the skirt, biting the gloves, stroking the hat, and swinging with the steps, there is hardly a moment when the hand is honestly attached to the side.

The steps are free and easy, as if she is not walking on the catwalk, but shopping with charm on the crowded streets.Demonstrating every low-level mistake that cannot be made, Qianqian stepped on all the thunder points of the interviewer.

But the interviewers didn't say a word to stop. It was obviously an inappropriate move, but Qianqian made it without being annoying at all. She was elegant, casual, playful and rebellious.

She shines with the clothes, while the extra small movements attract people, and at the same time, no one will ignore the clothes.Clothes are more memorable than previous interviews.

This is the feeling that Raphael wants. Unconventional models walk unconventional catwalks. Although they have been bent down by the world, the rebellious soul will always exist.

This is his muse. Raphael decided on Qianqian on the spot, measured Qianqian's size, and immediately went back to his office to design new clothes.

Raphael finally figured out how he wanted to change this one, and he had more design ideas. Maybe he could add a few more clothes to this show. The goddess can't have only one dress.

When Qianqian went out, Elena was still waiting outside, she didn't pay attention to Qianqian at all, she waited for Raphael's assistant to discuss signing with her with a smile on her face.

But it was indeed the news that Ren Qianqian had been selected.

"Sorry, Ms. Elena, our director finally chose this Ms. Ren."

Elena pinched her palms for a while before she recovered, and immediately began to think about how to prevent Ren Qianqian from participating due to an accident. At that time, she will definitely be a substitute.

Although Elena controlled her expression, the maliciousness at that moment and the rolling eyes all showed that she was thinking of bad ideas.

Qianqian saw through her thoughts at once, picked up the drink that Elena gave her, and walked to Elena's side.

"The taste of this drink is very good. I don't know what can be found if it is sent for testing?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you make trouble for me, I don't mind sending it to a testing agency for testing. There are also your and your assistant's fingerprints on it. It should be very interesting if the previous seniors know the reason for their abnormal performance."

Elena's face was a little more flustered, and she said viciously: "Fuck you!" Although her tone was still not friendly, she panicked and nearly fell when she left.

Elena was very angry after going back, but she didn't dare to directly target Qianqian, fearing to expose her drugging, so she secretly exposed Raphael's big show to the media.

Raphael's big show used a Chinese actress who had never been on a show!
Huaguo netizens who love the fashion circle were shocked when they saw the news, and wanted to know who it was.

But Raphael has no habit of hype, and usually two days before the start of the big show, he will know who it is.

There was no media report, and netizens could only use their detective skills to search for information everywhere, and finally found Elena's social media.

In Raphael's waiting room, Elena took a photo where she was 90.00% of the frame and everyone else was in the corner.

There are a few small human faces in the corner. After the netizens continue to improve the picture quality, they finally see a face of a Chinese.

Hmm. How could it be her?
 I'm stuck, I'll save Chapter 2 for tomorrow, woo~ Ina, the reference model for the catwalk, I like her catwalk very much, I feel very energetic~
(End of this chapter)

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