Chapter 48

It was a long way to Moscow, because it was still early, and the sisters were not sleepy, so the program team directly guided them to chat.

Shen Anran has been listening silently, but as long as Qianqian speaks, she will chime in and chat together.She made up her mind to lie on Qianqian's body to suck blood. With such a docile and respectful attitude, after the broadcast, no matter whether the audience thinks that she has repented, or at the extreme point that Ren Qianqian bullies her, she can attract some heat.

Because the radio and television did not officially ban her, if there are merchants or program groups who don’t want word of mouth, as long as they are popular, she will still make announcements. As long as there are announcements, she will have money, and then she can pay off the debt and return to the entertainment circle.

As for the program team, they were very clear about Shen Anran's thoughts, and they didn't want to stop them.The program team is eager for some of the sisters to tear it apart. The first two seasons have already attracted fans with the warm and affectionate route. It is better to break through the routine in the third season.

Of course, Qianqian also understood the plan of the program group and Shen Anran. The program group wanted to make a variety show, and what Shen Anran wanted was topicality. The two hit it off.

But Qianqian didn't intend to follow their wishes, her mission still had to be completed, and she hated being sucked blood very much.

As long as there is topicality, it doesn't matter if she doesn't follow the route they imagined. As long as she can ensure the excitement and topicality of the show, the program team has nothing to do with her. .

It's also fun to fight wits and courage with the program group.


When the plane arrived in Moscow, few people could recognize them on the streets of foreign countries. In the eyes of foreigners, the Hua people looked almost the same, and they were relieved that they did not pay too much attention.

From the moment I walked out of the airport, the program recording officially started.

The director simply announced the start, and left with most of the staff, leaving only the necessary filming personnel, and asked them to reach the residence arranged by the program group by their own ability, and the funds left behind must not be enough to take a taxi, only enough Take public transportation and walk.

Generally, the process of setting up this link is——

They live on the streets of a foreign country where they are not familiar with each other. They cannot speak the language, have no relatives, and have to drag heavy luggage.

In order to reach the destination, I tried to find someone to inquire about it. After inquiring, I changed cars and walked and changed cars. I struggled until I was exhausted before I barely reached my residence.They are all well-known big names, it is difficult to obey others in this process, there will definitely be friction, this is the earliest point to watch.

A program group with a darker heart will artificially create more difficulties and ignite more topics.

Russian is much more difficult than English, and the local residents here basically don't speak English, even if some of their sisters have good English, they are in a hurry here.

The program group expected this, but Qianqian didn't intend to follow the program group in this way.

Having studied Russian, she speaks an authentic and proficient Russian language. With her beautiful appearance and friendly and polite attitude, she successfully asked passers-by for directions. Some people even saw that they had too much luggage and took the initiative to drive for a while.

With little effort, Qianqian led a few people to find the bus route closest to their destination.

Passing by a shop selling local delicacies on the way, she also used the extra money to take a few people to explore the delicacies, replenish some energy, and then change trains and walk.

The program team was dumbfounded.

Why is this completely different from what I expected!

But after being confused, I was very excited!Although the routine is popular, the guests of each travel show have to encounter a lot of troubles. In fact, the audience may get tired of watching it.

Such a completely unconventional performance, they have a hunch that the third season will definitely be more topical.

When the sisters came to participate in this variety show, they were already prepared to be tossed about by the program group since the program group was unwilling to disclose the list of guests.They are all old people in the circle, and they know the procedures of general variety shows by heart.

But unexpectedly, I ran into Ren Qianqian who didn't go with the program group.

I thought it was a bitter day, but it turned out to be relaxed and happy. I saw the scenery on the street and ate the authentic food. Although I need topic points, who wouldn’t be happy to get topic points comfortably?
Except Shen Anran.

Qianqian is the absolute protagonist today. Her Russian language skills allow the camera to follow her all the time.And she didn't only care about her own shine, but also kept taking care of other sisters. She went to chat with the sisters of the girl group for a while, and earned extra funds by performing street performances with the old opera sisters, and bought beautiful accessories for the female supporting sisters.Then communicated with the oldest sister about her acting experience, and laughed happily when talking about interesting things on the set.

Everyone has a lot of shots, and they are unusual and interesting. These sisters have the impression of Qianqian as a polite, kind and capable female artist, and their attitude is even more friendly.

Only Shen Anran, although Qianqian had inevitably been in the same frame with her, did not bring her in all kinds of things that could have a lot of shots.

After the first episode is obviously broadcast, Shen Anran's income will be the smallest.

How could Shen Anran be willing to give up the only chance to stand up, so in the following journey, she either accidentally fell behind, or had a little accidental collision with passers-by.

Because of the language barrier, Ren Qianqian could only help to communicate, and after going back and forth, she got a lot of camera shots.

After a lot of tossing, they still arrived at the location earlier than the scheduled time of the program group.

There are six rooms, including two double rooms, one top-equipped deluxe single room and one bottom-equipped single room.

How to move in is decided by lottery.

When the results were drawn out, Qianqian began to wonder if she hadn't washed her hands before, and she was in the same room with Shen Anran.

The oldest sister got the worst room,

Before the other party spoke, Qianqian took the initiative to change rooms with the eldest sister. The other party was embarrassed at first, but Qianqian's tone was soft and polite, and she cared about her body. The elder sister could not shirk and agreed.

The eldest sister in the grade is not very popular, and the fans are also in older grades. Obviously, the program crew will not use her as the main subject.

And Shen Anran's reputation is bad, if it is not with popular guests, the program crew will not give priority to her shots.This time, Shen Anran directly missed an opportunity to rub the camera.

The program team will never admit defeat easily. Although Ren Qianqian has resolved everything before, they will never easily give up the opportunity to hype the friction between the guests.

In this variety show, most of the time they act together, but sometimes they act separately.

The program team directly appointed Qianqian to take Shen Anran to act together to help farmers work in the farmland behind the residence.

Where did the star do the farm work? The program team was already prepared for Shen Anran and Ren Qianqian to rush around and blame each other.

When they met in the afternoon, Shen Anran dressed up meticulously, probably due to the variety show, she looked much more radiant than the previous few days.

Qianqian is completely different from Shen Anran, wearing the borrowed hostess boots and apron, with almost no make-up, looking very plain, perhaps drowned in the crowd working in the farm.

But when she and Shen Anran stood in front of the camera and listened to the farmer teach how to work, the two were very different.The grade and appearance are one thing, but the temperament is also something that cannot be ignored. Qianqian naturally does not pretend to be generous and beautiful, but Shen Anran seems a little too exaggerated in order to better show herself, and the whole person also has a gloomy temperament.

The audience will definitely like Qianqian's unadorned beauty more, and the camera directly gives Qianqian more proportion of the screen.

The two of them fertilized the crops together with chemical fertilizers. Shen Anran pretended not to do well several times and asked Qianqian to help.When Qianqian was teaching, she pretended not to understand, and she missed Qianqian's half body.

She hurriedly apologized to Qianqian, her tone was extremely coquettish and a bit contrived, she had ridiculed Qianqian in such a tone before when she was superior.She doesn't believe that Qianqian is not angry about the past events and hatred.

Some viewers are very holy, no matter right or wrong, they will unconditionally favor the seemingly weak side, which is a very useful means.

But Qianqian would not be so stupid as to give her the camera, and she didn't smile, she just nodded and did her assigned work on her own.

She listened more seriously, her physical strength was much better than Shen Anran's, she did it extremely fast, Shen Anran was unwilling to be thrown out of the screen and gritted her teeth.

When it was over, Qianqian's complexion was still as beautiful as usual, but her hair was disheveled, her makeup was slightly scratched by sweat, and her clothes were also dirty a lot.

The farmer gave Qianqian a thumbs up, was very friendly to her, and even taught her how to make local delicacies.And Shen Anran wanted to study on the sidelines, so the farmer didn't have much strength and ignored her.

She was out of camera for a long time again.


After a while, the trip to Moscow was coming to an end, and Shen Anran still hadn't made any outstanding moves.The others are also human beings. It can be seen that Qianqian deliberately did not show Shen Anran a shot, and Qianqian has a relationship with Sheng Qing, and is now very popular, so it goes without saying how to choose.

When she arrived in Paris, she didn't get many shots.

Seeing that the two months were coming to an end, and she had earned nothing except a little notice fee, Shen Anran couldn't sit still.

At the dance party on the last night, Sheng Qing came.

Taking advantage of Sheng Qing's invitation to Qianqian to dance, Shen Anran touched their wine glasses.

Tall and slender, with an extremely good-looking appearance, he immediately attracted everyone's attention when dancing on the dance floor.

Many foreigners who clearly did not know the faces of the Hua people recognized them as the two people who were the finale of the Raphael show that year, and booing and blessings rang out in the audience.

Seeing Qianqian who had already attracted the attention of the audience, and looking at herself who had been reduced to no one's attention, Shen Anran gritted her teeth, took out the medicine powder she had prepared, and poured it into Shengqing's wine glass.

Ren Qianqian's today depends on Sheng Qing, if she sleeps with Sheng Qing, can the two of them continue?
And if she was caught by the program crew, Sheng Qing would never want to get rid of her for the rest of his life.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Shen Anran was about to leave quickly after pouring, but collided with the waiter.The brooch fell to the ground near the table, she didn't notice it at all, she stabilized her figure and walked away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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