Chapter 49 The Black Material Artist Counterattacks the Actress (End)

After the dance was over amidst the booing of the crowd, Sheng Qing pulled her hand off the stage, and from an angle where no one could pay attention, he put a diamond ring on Qianqian's index finger.

The program team had already gone to record other sister's material, but the camera was not there, so Qianqian raised her finger and carefully observed the ring on her hand.

This is an obvious wedding ring style. She glanced at Sheng Qing suspiciously, and the other party said slowly: "Whenever you like, you can wear it on another finger."

The blunt words made Qianqian a little panicked, and wanted to pick up the wine glass on the table to take a sip to calm down the shock, but took Sheng Qing's glass by mistake.

When the cup was about to reach her lips, Qianqian smelled the smell of medicine covered by the strong smell of red wine.

It's too bold to drug Sheng Qing at the shooting scene.

The suspicion was confirmed when Qianqian saw the brooch at the foot of the table.

What Shen Anran is doing, Qianqian can already guess, such a trick is because she was not blackmailed in the show, and she is going to blackmail Sheng Qing.

It's better to drink the food by oneself, so Qianqian recruited a waiter and asked him to deliver it to Shen Anran.

The potency of the medicine is not very strong, if you go back to your room honestly after drinking it, it will be just uncomfortable for a day. Shen Anran's room is the closest to here, and it is enough to go back to the room if you are still not confused in two or three minutes.

Shen Anran didn't notice it, and drank it directly.

When she felt something was wrong, her first reaction was not to go back to her own room, but to go to Sheng Qing's room.

Sheng Qing lived in room 906, Shen Anran found out early in the morning, she searched along the corridors, and soon found 906, the door was not locked and she went in directly.

The next day, when she woke up, she found that she had entered room 609, and there was a strange foreign man lying beside her.


After "Sister's Journey to Happiness" was broadcast, Qianqian, who is proficient in multiple languages ​​and versatile, not only surprised the Chinese people, but even attracted the attention of a foreign director. After the audition, Qianqian boldly used Qianqian as the heroine in the new movie.

The careers of the other sisters have also been more or less boosted, with the exception of Shen Anran.

Her shots didn't have the slightest bright spot, and compared with others, they were extremely bleak. Many times, the audience thought that there were only five guests.

When she appeared, the audience became disgusted with her. Compared with other sisters, she is very ordinary, and she has so many bad deeds. The occasional cuteness is not pitiful but annoying. The audience resisted Shen Anran's camera.

Fruit Channel, where she can make trouble, directly released an edited version without Shen Anran. Since then, Shen Anran's comeback dream has been completely shattered, and Shen Anran has also disappeared from everyone's sight.

It wasn't until Qianqian finished filming the new movie that she vaguely heard some information about her.

It was rumored that a few male stars who had a lot of fun in private had some kind of disease, and they all had a relationship with Shen Anran, and there were a lot of people wearing masks and sunglasses in the hospital.

It's just her own fault, Qianqian forgot about it after hearing it, she still has activities to attend after filming is over.

It will be the eighth anniversary of her debut soon. In order to celebrate her hard work, the fans decided to hold a grand celebration this time.After contacting Wu Chen, the manager, it was decided that the manager would take the lead in holding a fan meeting.

Big Fantou immediately organized a registration in the fan station, and the current fan station is no longer what it used to be, competing with Sheng Qing's family for the first and second place all the year round.

Now that the first fan meeting is going to be held, everyone has signed up enthusiastically.What puzzled the big fans was that Qianjia Xiaosake, who has always been active, did not sign up this time as if he had never seen it.

After waiting for several days, she couldn't wait anymore. As one of her big fans, she was so disappointed not to participate in Qianqian, so she chatted privately with the contact information left by Xiaosake.

[Guoguobutian: Little Sake, have you seen the latest news on the fan site? 】

[Qianjia Xiaosake: I saw it. 】

[Guoguobutian: Why didn't you sign up? I reserved a spot for you. 】

[Qianjia Xiaosake: It's a bit inconvenient, so I won't go. 】

[Guoguobutian: Qianqian is so sad if you don't go, you have to go. 】

Guoguobutian annoyed Sheng Qing all afternoon, Sheng Qing thought that Qianqian might be disappointed and sad, so he decided to go, but he needed to pretend.

On the day of the meet and greet, fans from all over the world dressed up in all kinds of clothes, including lo skirts, Hanfu, and cosplay clothes, all of which are the best-looking outfits for fans.

Sheng Qing, who was wearing a super big rabbit doll costume, stood out in the crowd without being obtrusive, not because there were quite a few people in strange costumes, but because he was the only one who didn't show his face.

Guoguobutian and him finally shook hands with Qianqian to get an autograph, and he was already sweating profusely in the doll costume.

After Guoguobutian finished getting the autographs, she introduced to Qianqian that this super big rabbit was Qianjia Xiaosake.

Hearing this ID, Qianqian raised her head and observed the rabbit carefully.The big pink rabbit is very cute, the type that girls will like, and there is a doll of the same style on her bed.

This set of clothes is completely an enlarged version, but it is extremely heavy.

This weather is so hot.

Guoguo Butian walked down, and Qianqian wrote her blessings on the back of the photo that Rabbit handed over.

The rabbit, who was afraid of being discovered, did not dare to say much, took it and left, and waited until he got off the stage to carefully read the card written by Qianqian.

"TO Shengqing, the new movie is very popular, I want to eat hot pot, wait for me at the backstage door~"

The horse fell off, and this incident made Sheng Qing frightened his colleagues, and he didn't know how to get to the small backstage door.

Qianqian said that she had something to stay and take care of it for a while, Wu Chen didn't doubt him, so she took a step first, halfway there, she realized that she had forgotten something.

When they came back, at the small door in the backstage, a young couple was kissing passionately.

The side profile of the woman is extremely beautiful, and the profile of the man is not inferior. The sweat-wet hair is a little messy and covers the face, but it does not look sloppy. It is more masculine, and the side profile is also extremely handsome and perfect.

It's a pair of faces he'd want to sign any time he sees it, and he's already done so.

The woman, he is very familiar with, is his artist Ren Qianqian.

The man, he is also very familiar with, is his artist Sheng Qing.

When exactly?Internally, he didn't know, and thought that Sheng Qing was supporting the younger generation. The so-called scandal was a misunderstanding, and they refused to respond because they wanted to hype.

As his agent, he has no dignity at all. He agreed that he is not allowed to fall in love, and he is here to hide.

"When exactly were you guys?" Wu Chen stepped forward and asked, saw Sheng Qing's clothes, and recalled that the last fan was wearing the same clothes, "You are Qianjia Xiaosake."

Wu Chen hates iron but not steel. Did he fall in love with it so long ago? Is it too late for him to find someone to write a PR draft?

In December of the same year, Qianqian was successfully shortlisted for this year's best actress award at an internationally renowned film festival.

Except for Qianqian, they are all local actresses from the country where the film festival is located, and Qianqian is the least favored one because of her nationality.

But Qianqian became a dark horse, becoming the first Chinese actress to win the Best Actress Award at this film festival.

When everyone was waiting for her acceptance speech, she saw Qian Qian moved the ring from her index finger to her ring finger, and then said "I do" to a certain direction in the audience.

The following year, the two international film kings and actresses held a wedding of the century on the island, and their love has remained the same for decades since then.

It's a pity that no matter what blessings from the outside world, they have never had children, and all their property was donated to welfare institutions after death.


"Leaving the world, the host is ready to go to the new world."

 I have convinced myself that it will always exceed my own expectations. I originally thought that we should not be together in this world, but after thinking about it, even if every world is him, every experience is independent and should have own full stop.

(End of this chapter)

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