Chapter 54 90s Get Rich (5)

Jiang Sisi came to the reception room and couldn't help showing a surprised expression when she heard their intentions.

During the math competition, she felt that the questions were extremely difficult, and she finally finished it before the end. Could it be possible to win prizes like this?
But this time, she was the only girl among the students organized by No. 22 Middle School, and Li Qianqian was the only one who signed up by herself.

Li Qianqian cheated in the monthly exam this time, which means she doesn't know anything at all.The last time was a competition in the city, it is absolutely impossible for the test questions to be leaked.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone else to win the award except her.

Jiang Sisi thought for a while and felt that it must be her.

Jiang Sisi looked very well-behaved, completely in line with the appearance of a good student in their minds, several teachers who came to inform them nodded, and the leader told him again, "Take your admission ticket and go to the No. [-] Middle School with us to receive it." Award, this time, if you win the award, you will enter the city team. If you can get a place in the national competition, you can choose any school at will, and the two best ones will not be unable to enter."

The head teacher of the third class was originally very upset because Qianqian didn't want to admit to cheating, and she was snatched away by her at the end of the year, but now he knows that his student won the award and can enter the highest school, and he is in a good mood.

Jiang Sisi took the good things, and followed a few people to the destination No. [-] Middle School to receive the prize.

Before entering the door, the inspector asked her to take out her test admission ticket to register.Thinking that he would be on the podium under the envious eyes of many people, Jiang Si trembled with excitement, and took a long time to take out his admission ticket.

I thought that the registration would be over soon, but after the inspector took it, he repeatedly looked at the admission ticket and compared it with her.At the end, he repeatedly flipped through a book next to him.

A few minutes later, the other party returned the admission ticket.

Jiang Sisi took it and was about to go inside, but was stopped by the inspectors.

"Sorry, you can't go in."

"Why? Didn't you check everything just now?"

"It's not you who won the prize, you can't go in."

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, it exploded in her ears with a "boom".

Li Qianqian was in a hurry, "It was these teachers who notified our school! If you take a closer look, it couldn't be me!"

Several teachers who were in charge of picking up the students were also puzzled, "Yeah, how could it not be her? Their school said she was the only one who participated and had the best grades."

"Didn't I give you a list?"

"I forgot to bring it, but how could it be wrong for her to participate alone?"

"It's really wrong. The classmate you brought is called Jiang Sisi, and the one who won the award is called Li Qianqian, so it sounds like a double word, but the name is completely different. If you don't believe me, read it for yourself!" The inspector impatiently turned the notebook Give it to the leading teacher.

The teacher who led the team corrected it several times, and it was indeed the wrong person.

Seeing the change in the other party's eyes, Jiang Sisi knew that something was wrong, but she couldn't believe it, how could it be Li Qianqian who won the award.

Either Lu Sinian or Jiang Chu would do, or Zhang San and Li Si would do, how could it be Li Qianqian?
With such a big fuss, the awards ceremony had to wait for a while, and several leading teachers took Jiang Sisi back and brought Qianqian back.

When I came here, Jiang Sisi felt how beautiful she was, but when she went back, Jiang Sisi felt how lonely she was.

It's completely impossible to imagine what it would be like to be ridiculed if someone who didn't deal with him knew about it.


In the office, after Jiang Sisi and the others left for more than half an hour, several teachers finally made new test papers.

Because time is a bit tight, there is no way to reasonably arrange the ratio of simple and difficult questions, and most of the questions are very difficult.

However, if Qianqian can make two-thirds of it, she will be able to prove her strength.

Qianqian picked up the test paper and took a look at the questions first. It was much more difficult than the monthly exam questions, but it was generally a high school question.It's just that it is still too difficult for current high school students to fully understand the knowledge points of high school.

No, it's very simple for her.

Qianqian's movements were fast, and the pen almost didn't stop, making it very smooth and smooth.

Except for Chinese, basically every subject is finished in less than half an hour.

As soon as she finished, the teacher of this subject rushed to grade the paper.

The first one was an English teacher. She thought that the test paper written so quickly must be full of mistakes, but after reading it one by one, she really couldn't find the mistakes.

If you insist on deducting a few points, it is probably because you wrote in a hurry, your handwriting is poor, or it is a symbolic deduction of two points in the composition.

But she was really reluctant, and gave 100 with a tick of the red pen.

The other teachers also saw the English teacher's hesitation while waiting. They didn't understand it at the time. After a while, when it was their turn to correct, they perfectly reproduced the expression.

From not optimistic to amazed to entangled whether to give full marks, and finally gave full marks decisively.

When writing the last piece of Chinese, Qianqian was about to pick up a pen to write the composition, and the class teacher of the third class came back.

She took the test papers from other teachers and saw that they were all full marks, and she didn't care if she said it would affect Qianqian who was doing the questions, so she asked loudly: "You guys gave very simple questions? Is this score correct? Is it wrong?"

"It's true. As teachers, we should get rid of prejudice. Some students are indeed very talented. They just didn't try their best before. It's normal to improve a lot when they are serious."

The head teacher of Class [-] is still not convinced. How could she miss a student with good grades, and continued to ask other teachers: "I don't believe it. She may have seen the questions you asked, so let's try again."

Several teachers were obviously emotional, "Mr. Xu, we have been delayed for a long time. Fortunately, there is no class, otherwise it will affect other students to attend class."

At the time of the stalemate, the dean came.

As soon as she entered the office, she went straight to Qianqian, who was still working on the problem, and pulled her away.

Seeing that Qianqian was about to leave, the head teacher of the third class was anxious: "Director, she hasn't finished yet."

"What to do, a student who can win a prize in the city's math competition, still needs to cheat to get the first place?" The dean reprimanded the class teacher of the third class, then turned to Qianqian and said, "Hurry up, I made a mistake earlier." Yes, I wasted a lot of time, waiting for you to receive the award."

Mistaken?The head teacher of the third class stopped immediately when he heard this word, and chased after a while, and saw Qianqian was taken away by the teachers who came to pick her up, and Jiang Sisi came back in a depressed mood.

Therefore, the winner was indeed a girl from No. 22, but not Jiang Sisi, but Li Qianqian.

The head teacher of the third class hurried back to the office to check the remaining half of the Chinese paper that Qianqian had done. He had a clear thinking in solving the questions, and his Chinese scores were also very good.

Such a good student, she gave it to class ten, this is a great achievement!

She immediately cleaned up her emotions, squeezed out a very kind smile, and found the teaching director: "Director, Qianqian's grades are so good, staying in the tenth class will affect her, why don't you let her come back, the teaching resources of the third class And stronger."

"It was you who told her to leave, and it was you who told her to come back. You can decide for yourself when Li Qianqian comes back!"


The main character arrives late, and the award ceremony of the mathematics competition can finally be carried out.

Plastic trophies and somewhat rough certificates were awarded one by one, and several well-known newspapers took pictures of the award-winning students, and they would publish them tomorrow.

The other students holding the certificates and trophies were very excited. Qianqian wondered if the money she would get in a while, plus the money she got from Shen Lanchun before, would be enough to start a small clothing processing workshop.

The person in charge of the math competition is an old teacher in his 50s, who happily approached them, "Congratulations to the students, don't relax after winning the prize, we will have a national competition next, and we will start training in a week. If the results are good enough, it is possible to participate in international competitions in the future.”

Qianqian thought that participating in the competition might delay a lot of things, so she wanted to refuse, but when she heard this, she spoke again for the old teacher.

"This time the national competition is held in Shenzhen City, which is close to Xiangdao, and the development there is much better than our Haishi City."

Shenzhen City, this is where Uncle Li Qianqian has gone.It is also the place where countless people flock to in this era.

Many people made their first pot of gold here and then soared to the sky, and their families will be rich and healthy in the next few decades.

There are also people who, after going to fight, are still stuck in the mud.

In this era, it is indeed the place full of opportunities.She can take advantage of the time to participate in the competition to assess the market and create a supply chain. With orders, the small workshop can survive and grow bigger and bigger.

When I returned to school, school was almost over, and there was only one Chinese class left.

The lively Class Ten students are always honest and honest in the Chinese class, even the most arrogant students will barely pull themselves together in this class.

A man in his 50s walked in with a cane. This is Mr. Jiang, the Chinese teacher of Class [-], and the class he leads is only Class [-].

Mr. Jiang had a car accident a few years ago. Since then, he has had limited mobility and poor physical strength. His language function has also been partially affected, and his speaking speed and clarity are not as good as before.In order not to affect the students' grades, the school stopped the class he led before. Due to the reason of the establishment, he could not persuade him to leave, so he gave Mr. Jiang a class with the worst grades every year.

The school and the students don't think that the current teacher Jiang can lead a college entrance examination class well, but Teacher Jiang still works diligently, and his serious and responsible attitude is completely different from other teachers.

There is no difference in class ten because of poor grades in class ten, so the students in class ten also respect Teacher Jiang from the bottom of their hearts.

He looked down the stage and was puzzled when he saw Qianqian's existence, but he opened the textbook and started teaching.

Mr. Jiang speaks very slowly. He tried his best to explain every word clearly. He explained every basic part very clearly. He sincerely hopes that the students in Class [-] will also have a bright future. .

Looking at the expressions of the students around me, I really learned it.

Qianqian sat down, opened the book, and took notes carefully. Before writing a few words, she felt attention from all directions.

The first grade was taken by the tenth class. At first, many people were amazed. Later, when they learned that they were called by the teacher for suspected cheating, many people felt balanced.

After tossing and tossing for several hours, the final result turned out to be that there was no cheating, and the first place in the grade was really taken by a poor student in class ten.

Moreover, this poor student actually won the No. 1 math competition held in the city, making No. 22 High School shine.

The class ten students who had been ridiculed by the students in the elite class all afternoon, after knowing the result, also ridiculed them back.During the class break, the flames were on the verge of igniting, but finally subsided under the deterrence of the dean.

At this moment, the protagonist of the topic came back, which naturally attracted everyone's attention.If it wasn't for Mr. Jiang's class, they probably would have gathered around Qianqian curiously to ask questions.

A class ended under the attention of all parties. Before Teacher Jiang left, Mr. Xu, the head teacher of class three, came in, followed by the head teachers and teaching directors of class one and two.

The head teacher of Class [-] changed his usual attitude, his tone was extremely gentle, and he said with a smile on his face: "Student Li Qianqian, your grade will be delayed in Class [-]. The teacher misunderstood you before. I have re-investigated what happened last time. It's all Jiang Sisi's fault, I'll ask her to apologize to you later, you can pack up and go back to class three."

"The transfer is for better conditions. Your third class is just average. Come to our second class."

"No matter how good it is, it's better than our class."

Several class teachers fought, all wanting Qianqian to go to their class, but Qianqian didn't want to switch: "I think the atmosphere in Class Ten is very good, and everyone is very friendly."

Mr. Jiang was stuck inside and didn't leave. After listening to the words of a few people and thinking about it, he couldn't hold back anymore: "Leader, the children in Class [-] have been working hard recently, and their grades have improved a lot."

The dean glared at Mr. Jiang. The style of study in Class [-] has always been the same, so how could it be any better, but Li Qianqian was angry with Mr. Xu and seemed unwilling to leave.

The dean thought for a while and made a decision, "Li Qianqian, you should go to class one."

"Director, you can take a look at the average score this time. I heard other teachers forget it in the office. There is only a little difference between Class [-] and Class [-]. It has improved a lot. I will go to the training camp soon, and it doesn't matter if I change classes. Makes too much sense."

Qianqian said so, but seeing that she couldn't persuade her, the dean smiled and looked at Qianqian, "I will be promoted soon, and the third year of high school will be a turning point in my life. If you have any learning difficulties, you must bring them up immediately."

Qianqian nodded, and then threw a shocking thunder lightly: "There are indeed some difficulties. I think it is more important for Class Ten to resume teaching history than for me to transfer classes."

The dean didn't understand for a while, and subconsciously repeated: "Resume history teaching?"

In the next second, he suddenly realized something: "You mean, your class [-] is not in history class right now?" Then he suddenly turned to look at Mr. Xu, the head teacher of class [-].

Teacher Xu was stared into a cold sweat. Is there any difference between the poor students in Class [-]? Let them study by themselves. Wouldn't it be better for her to save time and prepare more lessons for Class [-]?

The dean couldn't believe it. Sophomores were vacant in history classes for a long time, and they were going to be seniors soon, and it wasn't long before the college entrance examination.Even if Class Ten's grades are poor, the basis for being admitted to high school is still there.At that time, even if you can't get into college, you can get into other vocational schools.That school also has high and low scores, and there is a world of difference between good and bad.

This is something that determines the fate of a student's life.

His face immediately became frighteningly serious, and he slapped the podium in front of him.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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