Chapter 55 90s Get Rich (6)

"You mean, your tenth class doesn't have any history lessons?"

Qianqian nodded calmly as usual: "There used to be."

Used to have!Used to have!Used to have!
The dean couldn't believe it, she was so angry that her hands were shaking, she pointed to Teacher Xu, the class teacher of the third class, and asked, "Is this true or not?!"

The head teacher of class three was too frightened to speak out, and explained in a panic, "Listen to me, there is a reason for this. The students in class ten don't want to go to class themselves, and they always make trouble in class..."

Before she finished speaking, a few bold students beside her couldn't sit still, stood up and yelled loudly: "What do we mean we don't want to go to class? Teacher Xu, don't you know what class you are taking! Except you Has it taught us anything besides self-study and homework?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The head teacher of class three turned serious, "Sit down quickly!"

"No!" The dean became angrier as he listened, "You let him talk."

"When I enter the classroom every day, I just sit by the podium and cynicize, saying that we are rubbish, that we will be the scum of society in the future, who would want this kind of teacher! Our former head teacher is also like this, so we don't want to!"

"It is! It is!"

The head teacher of the third class felt her legs tremble when she heard this, and she was so angry that she gritted her teeth, and secretly decided that after this incident, she must severely teach this group of ignorant students.But at this moment, a deep and majestic voice came from the top of the head——

"Mr. Xu, I hope you can go to the principal and give a reasonable explanation for this matter!"

The head teacher of class three panicked completely. She just came to pull Li Qianqian back to class three. How did this happen?

In the end, because of Teacher Xu's slack in teaching Class [-], the school canceled her opportunities for promotion in the next few years. Whether she can keep this job depends on her follow-up performance.

A serious and responsible history teacher was directly transferred to class ten. Because of this incident, everyone became more serious about teaching.The tenth class has a strong learning atmosphere for a while, and it looks like a key class.

After all, there is a first grader in their class, so I can't be too bad, or I will be too embarrassed.

Qianqian counterattacked from a poor student to be the first in the adult grade and won the first place in the city's math competition. When the students wentssip about buying skewers after school, Liang Yuqing heard the news.

The huge sum of money in the math competition also attracted his attention, which was worth the money he had paid for many days.

However, it is still too little.

When Qianqian visited as usual, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Qianqian, "If a person hasn't studied for a long time, can he keep up with the progress of school?"

"Of course, as long as you work hard, nothing is impossible."

After Qianqian finished speaking, Liang Yuqing fell silent again.After Qianqian left, when he was cleaning the table, he found a thick handwriting book left by Qianqian. He looked around, but didn't see Qianqian, so he put it away in silence.

When there were few people, for some reason, he couldn't hold back and opened the handwriting book.

The handwriting is neat and written very carefully, and the knowledge points are written very clearly. All high school knowledge points will be extended from the knowledge of junior high school.Even Liang Yuqing, who has dropped out of school for a long time, can easily understand it.

It wasn't until the customer came that Liang Yuqing recovered from his handwriting.

This is by no means the handwriting of Qianqian's daily class, it is too systematic and basic, and it is obviously reserved for him.

He clutched his notes tightly, turned his head into the bookstore when no one was there, and bought a few high school textbooks.


In order to help Haishi prepare for the national competition, No. [-] Middle School sent the best math teacher, the devil, to train the child for a month.

The geniuses from various high schools suffered setbacks from the outside world for the first time, because they discovered that there was a monster that crushed everyone here.

She knows the questions that the teacher knows; she also knows the questions that the teacher doesn't know, but I didn't see her thinking about any question for more than 5 minutes.

The teachers were very excited, and the national competition medal seemed to be in their pockets.The other students are happy and miserable. The happy thing is that there may be medals in the team competition, but the painful thing is that the individual competition has nothing to do with them.

In the day-to-day preparations, the time for the national competition is coming soon, and five students and three teachers from the Haishi team also set off for Shenzhen.

Ba Haiming from No. [-] Middle School and Deng Jiayi from No. [-] Middle School in the participating team have been dizzy since getting in the car and vomited several times on the way.

But when they entered the area of ​​Shenzhen City, none of them got motion sickness anymore. The two of them and everyone else were in a state of shock the whole time, marveling at this magical place with rapid development.

The fast-growing city is full of construction sites, and the new buildings that bring together eastern and western designers look psychedelic and strange.

People walking through the streets and alleys are wearing beautiful and trendy clothes, as if they are from a different time.

After getting off the bus, because the receptionist hadn’t come yet, the teacher led a group of hungry people to make a makeshift meal at the noodle restaurant next to the bus station. Haiming looked at the price sign of the noodle restaurant, and wanted to drag others away. : "A bowl of noodles sells for one yuan!"

In Haishi, you can get a good meal for three or four cents in a noodle restaurant!
The teachers who led the team had sufficient funds, and they didn't intend to let this group of half-grown children starve to the hotel, so they ordered a bowl of noodles for everyone.

Haiming pulled it out with chopsticks for a long time before finally finding two slices of beef as thin as cicada's wings at the bottom of the bowl. After staring at it for a long time, Haishi couldn't bear to eat the first bite.

His actions made Qianqian laugh, the children of this era are really cute.

After eating noodles, the reception bus finally arrived. After checking everyone's identities, they headed to the temporary hotel arranged by the organizing committee.

Many students looked out of the window full of curiosity, and Qianqian also leaned against the window to appreciate it quietly.

In the 90s, Shenzhen City, an economic city that has been developing rapidly all the time, can’t yet see the scale of housing prices in the hundreds of thousands of later generations. Some areas are still dilapidated and backward, but compared with other third-tier cities in the same era, it is everywhere advanced. .

When the vehicle left the old city, the dilapidated old residential buildings gradually disappeared, leaving only scattered buildings and those high-rise buildings with a western style, as well as high-speed buildings under construction.

All kinds of traffic lanes neatly divided on the interface, beautiful green landscape, young people who are hurrying and full of energy, can vaguely see the developed city in the future.

The minibus drove for another section, and after passing the most bustling road, it stopped in front of the most obvious white gate in the night.

They finally arrived at the destination of this trip, a hotel.Slightly different from the contemporary hotels, this place has learned foreign hotel services. The doorman quickly stepped forward to greet the guests, and the eager service of opening the door and carrying luggage made the participating teams feel at a loss. Only Qianqian calmly asked them to help carry the luggage. .

The others hesitated for a moment, then imitated Qianqian and handed it to the doorman.

The minibus drove away, and an extremely luxurious car in this era drove up to the door.

Several of the doormen rushed over to help immediately.

A young man in his twenties came out of the passenger seat, wearing a particularly coquettish floral shirt and flared trousers, with the same hairstyle as Elvis Presley and a pair of exaggerated big sunglasses, and a pair of strangely shaped big leather shoes that were well polished reflective.

He was very dishonest, with an unlit cigarette in his mouth crookedly, squinted his eyes and looked around, his eyes stayed on the backs of the two girls from the participating team, Qianqian and Deng Jiayi, showing a strange look. He smiled seriously, and then whistled.

Both Qianqian and Deng Jiayi turned their heads to look at her. The two of them were not particularly good-looking, and as students in this era, it could be said that they looked very rustic.

The young man immediately lost interest and turned to pull the driver's door.

The person in the driver's seat didn't come out for a long time, and the young man stayed inside for a long time before taking out a key.

He casually threw the car keys to the waiting doorman, touched his body, and then took out 20 yuan and handed it to the doorman.

The person in the driver's seat finally stepped down. This is a very handsome man, about forty or fifty in terms of temperament, but with proper maintenance, his face looks only in his thirties.

Without even raising his eyelids, the man nodded to the other doorman who was waiting, and said, "Thank you." At the same time, he refused the waiter's move to help him carry the luggage bag.

Then he walked in quickly, and the young man hurried to catch up.

"Dad." The car was driven away, and the two walked towards the hotel side by side. The young man in the floral shirt was still chattering: "We lived well in the United States, why did we come to this shitty place? I even made a golf appointment with John, but now I'm in this place..."

"Liang Shaojie." Liang Guohua kept walking, without looking at him, and said slowly and casually, "You throw away the cigarette before talking to me, I told you that you are not allowed to smoke, and this is the place where I was born , it’s not a broken place.”

Liang Shaojie was so choked by him that he stopped in his tracks. After standing still for two seconds, he found that Liang Guohua was still walking forward. He really didn't mean to wait for him, so he could only throw the cigarette into the trash can and chase after him quickly.

"Can we walk slower?" Liang Shaojie only saw Liang Guohua who was walking fast in front of him, he didn't pay attention to the people around him, and knocked Qianqian to the ground.

The voice from behind finally made Liang Guohua stop in his tracks. Immediately afterwards, he saw his son bump into someone and kept on stopping. He gave him a hard look, and turned around to help Qianqian.

"I'm sorry, the dog is naughty, did you get hurt somewhere?"

In front of Qianqian, Liang Guohua's handsome face was more clearly seen than when he saw it from a distance.

She was stunned for a moment, and shook her head a few seconds later. The other party saw that she was fine, apologized a few times, and then pulled her naughty son away.

Seeing that Qianqian hadn't fully recovered, Eleven sneered, "Qianqian, you don't like uncle's money, do you?"

"Is it okay to just take a look at it? I just think he looks quite familiar. He looks a little like someone, but I can't remember it."

The boats and cars were exhausting, and the participating team members were exhausted. The luxurious decoration and fine dining that had never been seen made other students excited, but Qianqian was thinking all the way, and she was already exhausted from body to mind. She directly room to rest.

After washing her body with warm hot water, lying on the soft duvet, in the fragrance of the hotel room, Qianqian closed her eyes and fell into deep thought.

He came to Shenzhen not only to participate in the competition, but also to open a factory later.

90s, this is the era of economic take-off, although there are many opportunities, they are all fleeting.

She was calculating her own funds and felt that it was enough to start a family business before coming here, but the expenses and travel expenses along the way can prove that the transportation costs will be much higher than expected.

The money in hand is obviously not enough.

The original body passed away only a few years later, and he has never paid attention to lotteries and various competitions. It is absolutely impossible to rely on this kind of money.Only focus on the Shenzhen stock market, which will officially start in the near future. There have been many things happening in the Shenzhen stock market in the past few years, and many people have made a lot of money from these things.

Stocks have always brought money faster.


The lounge on the other side of the hotel was full of business people from Shenzhen who were making business appointments.They are dressed in suits and shoes, talking loudly with high spirits, or handing out business cards, or talking softly.

Qianqian, who was dressed in plain clothes and had newly permed long curly hair, looked extremely abrupt. Li Qianqian's face was not good-looking, but Qianqian summed up the hairstyle based on other world trends, which sublimated the whole face a lot.Coupled with the fact that she is clearly dressed in plain clothes, but she has a faint aura of a superior person, which makes her look extremely mysterious.

Qianqian didn't seem to notice anything. After showing her room card, she went to a table and chairs near the garden, ordered a glass of the lowest alcoholic drink, but didn't take a sip. She put it on the table and picked out a popular magazine to read. .

The magazine is not related to finance and economics, but the upcoming opening of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is the biggest news recently, and even this kind of lifestyle magazine has reported in depth.

However, the editor is not very optimistic about the development of the stock market, and cited many things that happened in foreign stock markets. Many people who don't understand the stock market must have doubts about the development of the newly opened Shenzhen stock market after seeing it.

Qianqian hadn't read the last few paragraphs when she heard the sound of footsteps, and a pair of very clean men's leather shoes came into her sight.

She raised her head. This man was about 30 years old. He was wearing a regular suit, carrying a briefcase, and had a curly back that is popular among business elites nowadays. He was slightly fat and had an obvious business temperament.

Looking at the visitor for a moment, Qianqian caught the flash of surprise in the other person's eyes.

Qianqian closed the magazine, put her fingers together, and made a gesture of invitation to the chair opposite.

The other party looked at the magazine in her hand, then looked at Qianqian carefully, and said uncertainly: "Hello, are you... Miss Li?"

Qianqian nodded slowly.

Really? !

The other party's heart was turbulent, but he moved quickly, and immediately put the bag on the table and sat down.

Zhang Dali obviously didn't think that Qianqian would be so young or look like this, he was stunned for a few seconds before he realized it, and quickly reached out his hand: "Hello, hello, I'm Zhang Dali, just call me Xiaozhang."

Zhang Dali has been in this business for many years. He used to help those upper-class people in Xiangdao. He only returned to Shenzhen after hearing about the development policies of Shenzhen.

He has come into contact with quite a few privileged classes. Although the Qianqian in front of him is not good-looking, but the lazy posture with lowered eyes clearly carries the same temperament as those people.

Which rich family or aristocratic family is this young lady?Although the appearance is slightly worse than the young ladies I have seen, but some rich people have average appearance, and it is normal that the children are not particularly good-looking.

Zhang Dali raised his spirits, his attitude became more correct, and he said with a smile: "To be honest, I was really scared when we met just now. Ms. Li is really young and promising."

 Overhead and overhead, the history process is different

(End of this chapter)

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