Chapter 79 90s Get Rich (30)

They had just arrived in Beishi and had no foundation. It was difficult to inquire about such a person, and there were quite a few dignitaries with the surname Ma.Without access, it is difficult to know who it is.

Qianqian could only agree to temporarily reconcile and let the two go back, and secretly hired a few people to investigate who they were in contact with.

But the following month was uneventful, they had no contact with any special person, and no one went to the studio to cause damage.

In a blink of an eye, Qianqian's first winter vacation after entering university came.

Liang Yuqing's grandfather's health has gradually recovered after many visits. Liang Guohua bought them a new small building to live in. The old man can't live in the front and back yards, and when they come back, many small sprouts have emerged. , It will be lush and lush in the coming spring.

The land area is not big, and the old man is busy for a while every day, and then thinks about setting up a stall to sell snacks.

Many of the materials that Liang Yuqing sold in the past were prepared with the help of the old man, and his craftsmanship has always been excellent.

Although Liang Guohua is rich, he has another son after all. The old man is very worried that Liang Yu will not be able to settle anything in the future, so he wants to save money for him after his health improves.

Taking time out every day to set up a stall does not earn much, not as good as production workers, and far less than Liang Guohua.

He brought home-made dishes and bibimbap sauce, and looked at Liang Guohua and Liang Yuqing worried. Qianqian sat aside and took his look into his eyes, and had a vague guess in his heart.

Qianqian carefully tasted the dishes in her mouth. Compared with the last time, the recovering Grandpa Liang Yuqing fully demonstrated his cooking skills, and he was no worse than a five-star chef.

But where is there a market for mass-produced products in this one-by-one meal?How much money can I save?And he has just recovered, so how can he work hard.

Qianqian shook her head, tasted the bibimbap sauce he made again, and narrowed her eyes for a moment.

This taste is indeed very delicious. It is moderately spicy and can be accepted by both the north and the south. The market must be very wide.

In this era when there are no additives, original ecological materials can make this kind of taste. If mass production is put on the market, the business will definitely not be bad.

Nowadays, social commerce has just begun to develop, and all walks of life have just started, especially the food industry, which is still like a baby just born in the swaddling womb. At present, most of the market is occupied by foreign products packaged as domestic products.

Ordinary people's income is not high, their lives are frugal, and they don't have extra financial resources to add extravagant condiments to the daily necessities of the family. But after a while, when the spring breeze of economic development blows through thousands of households, whose life The conditions did not improve, and the variety of food began to increase, and chicken, duck, fish, pickle sauce began to appear in the refrigerator.

Human's demand for food will become more and more intense after the conditions are gradually compiled, and the people of Huaguo have a higher love for food. The population of more than one billion means a considerable market share!
When chewing, in addition to the right spicyness when the sauce is combined with minced garlic and coriander, you can also chew the soybean paste pickled by Liang Yuqing’s grandfather, which is different from the ordinary soybean paste in later generations, and you can also feel the soft and flexible soybean paste.The salty soybeans have been fully fermented, and they have been thoroughly flavored, and each grain contains a rich and mellow aroma that makes your index finger tantalize.

She wasn't hungry at first, but with this rough bibimbap sauce, she couldn't help eating more and more.

"Grandpa, what material did you use?"

"Ah?" Grandpa Liang Yuqing heard Qianqian asking him about the sauce recipe, and turned to look at Qianqian in doubt, "I just pickled it casually? How can there be any recipe? The beans are picked well and washed It's cleaner."

Grandpa Liang Yuqing was also at a loss, this is the most common method, and many people in Haishi pickled it like this.

However, food is like this. Maybe it’s just a little difference in the heat, a little difference in the ratio of raw materials, an extra spoonful of salt or a glass of wine, and the final result will be completely different.

"Grandpa, if this sauce is mass-produced, the sales will be good. Why don't you let Uncle Liang invest in building a factory. Not only Chinese people like this taste, but I believe overseas Chinese will also like it."

Liang Guohua didn't use bibimbap sauce at first. He has been abroad for a long time, and he no longer has the habit of using sauce for bibimbap, and most of the foreign sauces are very sweet. He doesn't like it, so he doesn't like it anymore.

But at this moment, hearing Qianqian's praise, he still moved his spoon to scoop up a spoonful and tasted it. The salty aroma rushed to his taste buds, which was no worse than other carefully cooked dishes.

"It's really good. There is no such sauce on the market yet, and many people should buy it."

Grandpa Liang Yuqing still thought it was a joke: "I put this bean paste and pickled vegetables at the stall and gave them to the customers to taste. Who would be so stupid to pay for this? The sauce ingredients are not worth much, so you can pickle them yourself. It’s okay. I’ll set up a stall to make money.”

Qianqian carefully analyzed at the side: "Grandpa, you see that you are making a good profit from setting up a stall, right? But you can't stop from morning to night. Although you make a lot of money, you are also very tired, right? Self-employed business is especially important. The catering industry is exchanging your energy for money. But your health has not been good for a long time. If you fall ill, how can Liang Yuqing study in Beishi with peace of mind. Once these bibimbap sauces can be put into mass production, you only need At the beginning, the taste is checked, and when the production quality is stable, it can be very leisurely, but there will be a steady stream of customers."

Seeing that Liang Yuqing's grandfather looked a little moved, Qianqian continued to persuade: "There are more than one billion people in Huaguo, and how many families are there for so many people? Sooner or later, this sauce will be as common as other seasonings. in their kitchen."

Qianqian picked up a soy sauce bottle in the kitchen and asked, "Grandpa, how long have you been using this brand of soy sauce?"

Grandpa Liang Yuqing took over the soy sauce bottle, but still didn't understand: "I've been using it for a long time, almost ten years."

"This is produced by the largest soy sauce factory in China. It is not only used by you, but also used everywhere," Qianqian said, "You can estimate its market share just by looking at the families around you. Last year Time, just for soy sauce alone, the sales volume of this company has exceeded 5000 million! How much does a bottle of soy sauce sell for 1 yuan? How much does it cost? You also run a small business, so you can imagine how high the profit is.”

Grandpa Liang Yuqing was stunned when he heard that, the figure of 5000 million had already surpassed the imaginable range for him.Opening a factory is undoubtedly too far away for him, and he doesn't even know how to operate it and the key points.

"Forget it, forget it, we'll talk about it later." Grandpa Liang Yuqing waved his hands, and went to wash the dishes he had eaten.

When Liang Yuqing returned to Beishi, he did not forget his duties as a small assistant. After eating, he went to the factory. Liang Guohua thought that Shen Lanchun would also leave with him, so Qianqian said he was interested in farming and stayed.

Qianqian watered the seedlings that fell asleep due to the weather. Grandpa Liang Yuqing watched her hesitating to speak. After the seeds on the wall ran half a circle, Grandpa Liang Yuqing finally couldn't help but speak. up.

"Qianqian, the factory you mentioned must be very troublesome. In your garment factory, there are so many people busy, there is no way to rest."

Asking about this must have moved her heart, Qianqian hit the iron while it was hot, and explained in detail at the side: "In fact, the factory is not as troublesome as you imagined. Except for hygiene, safety and quality, the other management modes of the food factory are similar to those of ordinary factories. The garment factory has trained a few good people, one of them is Zhao Lei, who is serious and responsible for his work, and he is very good at arranging the work content of the workers. You just need to grasp the formula well. If it can be put into production, many things can be fully authorized Handing it over to someone else to manage it doesn’t require you to bother yourself.”

Grandpa Liang Yuqing's eyes drifted away, and he was worried about that, but Qianqian explained it clearly to him, and most of his worries dissipated.But what he is most worried about is Liang Yuqing. If he finds Liang Guohua to invest, will it be good for Liang Yuqing?
Qianqian stared at his expression, caught the struggle in the depths of his eyes, hesitated for a moment and said tentatively: "Liang Yuqing is very capable, although his major has nothing to do with this, but in my factory and company he has Learned to manage. Although Shaojie grew up with Uncle Liang, his personality and temperament are not suitable for managing the company. He also prefers to play around. Uncle Liang also understands. Besides, our country’s laws also have clear regulations on inheritance rights. Liang Yuqing and Liang Shaojie are the same Yes. Uncle Liang is not a eccentric person, whoever has the ability will naturally get more points, and there is nothing better than running a new factory to show ability.”

When Liang Yuqing was mentioned, Grandpa Liang Yuqing's originally hesitant expression became firm.


"Go slowly, it's dark here, watch the road under your feet carefully, don't fall!" Grandpa Liang Yuqing led the way ahead, took a few people to the basement of the small building, and then groped for a long time on the wall to open it. lights.

It took a long time for the dim light bulbs popular in this era to light up, illuminating the small warehouse.

There are several sauce jars on the ground, and the seals are tightly covered. These are all moved from the original old house, and the appearance has been eroded by the years, and it looks like it has been placed for a long time.

If you put it in the era of advanced Internet, everyone will start to question food hygiene issues as soon as they see it.But Liang Yuqing's grandfather is a very clean and careful person. Every tank is carefully cleaned before use, just because it doesn't look so shiny after being used for a long time.

Several vats were of the same length. Grandpa Liang Yuqing distinguished them for a moment, selected one of the small vats, and untied the ropes tied to it layer by layer.

The unique fresh smell mixed with pickled peppers and perilla immediately spread in all directions with his movements. Liang Shaojie, who was idle and bored, followed Qianqian, but when he smelled the smell, he immediately squatted down to Grandpa Liang Yuqing. around.

He heard that they were going to open a food factory and sell Liang Yuqing's grandfather's sauce in batches.But he didn't take it seriously at all. He hadn't eaten anything delicious. It was probably just his father who felt guilty for helping the old man fulfill his wish.

But how could this taste be so fragrant?

Liang Shaojie's saliva was almost dripping down. How could Grandpa Liang Yuqing not see it? He took out the clean chopsticks he carried with him and pulled them out, and handed some sauce to Liang Shaojie.

Liang Shaojie stuffed it into his mouth, and the moment he chewed it, his taste buds were filled with salty and fresh taste.

He gave Liang Yuqing a thumbs up sincerely from the bottom of his heart: "It's delicious! Grandpa, how did you do it?"

Liang Yuqing's grandfather is shy. Although he is usually praised a lot at the booth, he is still a little embarrassed at the moment, especially when facing Liang Guohua and other children, he is still a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

He said modestly: "It's nothing unusual, just choose fresh beans, the fresher the better, use fresh chili, tender ginger, garlic, and a little pepper and fragrant leaves, mix it with other messy things, It’s enough to marinate for ten days and half a month. The main reason is that the beans have to be selected well, and the peppers can’t be used casually. I put in the spicy millet grown by myself. good."

What he said was simple, but Liang Shaojie was dumbfounded.

People who are familiar with cooking steps can never imagine how difficult these concepts that are easy to understand for them are for people who don't cook.

For example, when cooking with salt, the recipe always says the right amount.

Novices can hesitate over and over again for the right amount, adding, subtracting, and adding, but an expert like Grandpa Liang Yuqing can know how much with just a pinch.

After repeated research on the rules of Liang Yuqing's grandfather's dishes, he can always formulate the closest rules. Even if the tastes cannot be exactly the same, the greatest degree of similarity can still be achieved.

As long as the production links in the follow-up factory are well arranged, the workers will never be allowed to do every process. Without knowing the specific ratio, it is not easy to leak the formula table.

Qianqian nodded, and pointed to a jar in the warehouse a little further away from her: "Is that jar a pickle?"

"Yes." Grandpa Liang Yuqing nodded and said, "But it's not ready yet, and it will take a while. But it's easy to make, but I don't know if this taste can be sold? I have some pickled eggplants I made before, you guys try."

The taste is not inferior to bibimbap sauce, so Qianqian decided to open another product line on the spot.

After finalizing the plan, several food professionals were invited to further refine and optimize Liang Yuqing's grandfather's formula table into a set of fixed templates. The food factory was built on the unused space of the clothing factory.

The food industry is undoubtedly a good choice. Now that the trend of the market economy has just begun, people's demand for taste has already begun to be seen.In a few years, people's lives will improve and people will be more affluent. More and more people will be willing to spend money on the word "food". Eating well is probably even more important.

But most people haven't seen the prospect of this industry, and they don't understand their big money.

(End of this chapter)

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