Chapter 80 90s Get Rich (31)

Liang Yuqing's grandfather's homemade bibimbap sauce has been improved by professionals and will soon be on the market in batches.

The first batch of customers were workers or their relatives in the factory. They were only in charge of one process, and no one knew what the final product would look like. They were all full of curiosity.

In addition, many people have been unemployed for a long time at home and have found a job again. They also have a sense of participation in the launch of this product.So when bibimbap sauce entered the streets and alleys of Haishi, many workers paid for a bottle.

Originally, everyone didn’t have much hope for the taste. Every family in Haishi can make sauce, and the method is similar. What’s so special?

But when they tried it, they were all overwhelmed by the taste, and the delicious bibimbap sauce began to spread word of mouth.

More and more people bought it, and it quickly became popular in Haishi. Many businessmen who passed by Haishi also saw business opportunities and came to the food factory to seek cooperation.

It is of course more worry-free and labor-saving than doing it yourself, so many businessmen returned to their cities with an order of bibimbap sauce and pickles.

Old grandfather bibimbap sauce began to appear in the streets and alleys of cities across the country, conquering diners one after another.

When Qianqian and the others returned to campus, the initial revenue of the food factory had already caught up with that of the clothing company. Shen Lanchun was surprised and envious, and became more concerned about her clothing business.

Qianqian's task is gradually approaching completion.

——————— In the past two months, the studio has not relaxed at all. With all the staff members returning to China, the progress of the studio has become more rapid.

Some minor bugs were detected in the project, and after a period of time, the modification was completed. The huge structure of the instant chat software has not yet been completed, but the search engine of the synchronization structure has been completed.

Jiang Peng and the people in the studio deliberately checked the almanac and chose a suitable date to go online.

Qianqian also rushed to the studio that day, and after the staff waited quietly with bated breath, the website was officially launched.

Jiang Peng was both excited and apprehensive, took a deep breath and invited Qianqian to review in front of the computer.

Although Qianqian is in front of the computer, although it is the best configuration at the moment, compared with many years later, the current machine resolution is not good, the machine is bulky, slow, and has few functions, but there is no problem before use.

Qianqian quickly tapped the keyboard with ten fingers, entered the domain name, and pressed the Enter key. After the interface loaded slowly for a while, a very refreshing interface popped up on the screen.

Compared with the mature engines used by Qianqian's later generations, this interface may be too primitive, and the art materials are also extremely simple and crude.But whether it is foreign or domestic, this interface is far ahead.

Qianqian just sketched the interface of the search engine in the future, Jiang Peng and the others learned by themselves, and directly made a bit of an image.

On the top of the interface, "Wanzhi Search" is marked in a simple font that is very easy to understand. Below the Chinese characters, there is a string of domain names that are directly in pinyin. The name is simple and rough and easy to remember. It only takes a few more glances to remember .

This suggestion was added by Qianqian after reading the first draft of the art submitted by Jiang Peng. At this moment, Jiang Peng gave it a very high affirmation: "Your suggestion is really good. Let the aunt in charge of cleaning read it a few times. Now, Auntie has remembered our domain name, and I believe other users can too. Remember it soon.”

Qianqian hummed lightly, the mouse slid, the cursor moved down, stayed in the simple search bar, and clicked.

The jumping input prompt immediately lit up.

Below the search bar, there is a series of dense but not messy names—all of which are forum websites that netizens mainly browse and concentrate on.

The website also adds a classification and collection function, users can classify according to their habits, which is also a very advanced design on the current Internet, but the operation looks very simple and easy to understand.

Qianqian clicked on "Seagull Forum", and it was indeed a valid link. After a while, the interface jumped from the plain "Wanzhi Search" to the page of Seagull Forum.

"Now domestic website forums are almost all included. As long as users use our website to search for future forums, they will be automatically included and saved, and then quickly and conveniently jump." In the sound of Jiang Peng's introduction, Qianqian returned the original On the search interface, he typed the words "Beishi University" in the search bar, and a few seconds after pressing Enter, the relevant information of Beishi University jumped out of the search results.

When Qianqian clicked into the school forum and returned to the homepage again, the homepage had been automatically included.

However, Qianqian repeatedly experimented with some other keyword searches, and sometimes they were not very accurate.

One of the main reasons for this situation is that the current Internet information is scarce, and there is too little content that can be searched. The other is that the current search engine is not enough, and the ability to analyze text is too weak.

Generally speaking, it is still very primitive, but compared to before, netizens had to know the domain name to enter the forum website, or search everywhere to find the content they want, this search engine is definitely much more convenient.

As long as the algorithm logic is continuously optimized, it will definitely occupy the computers of the majority of netizens.

Qianqian didn't intervene too much in this aspect, Jiang Peng and the others have already shown enough strength.Moreover, at present, the Internet era has just started, and there are almost no domestic competitors. It is the best time for the fledgling Jiang Peng and the others to stumble and learn.

Compared with rough intervention, allowing the other party to accept and rely on their own suggestions at the initial stage, Qianqian prefers to let the other party suffer a lot at the basic stage. In such a lonely struggle, Jiang Peng and the others will definitely be honed to become relatively independent. The power of tenacity.

When the domestic Internet begins to develop rapidly and become popular in the future, they may have already become the veterans of this industry. Even without him, they will be able to gain a firm foothold in the world.

Even if Shen Lanchun is not good at management and doesn't know the relevant knowledge, her equity will be diluted in the end, Shen Lanchun will definitely be able to enjoy her old age comfortably with the annual dividends.

What's more, Liang Yuqing already has one of the best grades in the computer department, and he can share some work well in the studio. He knows business management and understands computers, so why worry about not being able to manage this company.

Qianqian is also very satisfied with the current progress. As a qualified good boss and investor, the most important thing to do now is to reward and encourage: "Very good, this is a very convenient website, so that Internet users don't have to Manually searching the website will definitely conquer the vast number of netizens, as long as it is optimized, it is not impossible to occupy foreign markets.”

"Thank you for your kind words." Jiang Peng thanked him gratefully, and then said after a pause, "It's just that the website is not profitable yet, our team is working hard to find a way, and we will definitely provide you with a charter as soon as possible."

Although the contract was signed, it is not without news that the project's income did not meet expectations, and the investor finally ran away.

Jiang Peng was a little uneasy, he really couldn't see how to make a profit from it.A few days ago, someone in the team suggested to him that after making it bigger, he could use the search position ranking to ask for promotion fees from the website of the summarized URL, and even directly turn the first and second positions into advertising positions. It can only be searched after the third digit.

This will undoubtedly affect the reputation of the website, Jiang Peng thought for many days alone.He not only makes software and websites with the idea of ​​making money, but also has some ambitions. He wants to make big enough and good enough works.

Premature rush to profit will obviously affect his goal.Of course he didn't want to agree, but once investors were extremely eager to see returns, they could only use this method to demonstrate their value.

After all, without money, the studio will definitely not be able to sustain itself, and there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

Unexpectedly, Qianqian, the investor, didn't pay much attention to this, and instead comforted him, "You don't have to think about the profits of search websites in the past few years. I didn't even think about relying on them in a short time. Make money. Run it well, develop it, improve it, and there will be funds when you start financing. Don’t lose too much for a small loss, and compromise the future of a website for a small profit. I imagine you can make a world-renowned work."

Jiang Peng didn't expect that Qianqian would cherish the future of Wanzhi Search so much, and he couldn't help feeling grateful for the hero's sympathy, and agreed again and again.

It wasn't until Qianqian was about to leave that she remembered that there was one more thing to tell him.

Some time ago, the two investigating detectives hired by Qianqian got news and found the suspected second-generation rich man surnamed Ma.


The Red Rose Club is a low-key gathering place for wealthy businessmen in Beishi. Not many people know about it, and those who can come to spend are all with status and status.

The side of feasting and feasting can be seen here.

But on the surface, it is a very serious place to drink tea, eat and discuss business.

It's just that when people need it, it can become that colorful world again.

Qianqian took out the business card obtained by the private detective and showed it, and the doorman led Qianqian into the door on the right that was not opened.

Just as Qianqian was about to go in, a big hand grabbed her arm. Looking back, it was Liang Yuqing who was full of worry.

"Who is this gentleman?" The doorman was a little nervous. The people who come and go here are all famous people, so you must be careful when checking.

"My assistant, let's see the world together."

Qianqian looked calm, but her tone was ambiguous.

The doorman instantly understood that the other dignitaries here also have many "assistants", but every time they come, there are basically new people.

Liang Yuqing was watched by the doorman for several seconds, at first he felt puzzled, but finally figured it out, but he still didn't say a word, and followed Qianqian in silently.

Entering the door, the stairs lead directly to the downstairs, and the sound of music can be faintly heard.

"You shouldn't have come here. I just came to see who that Young Master Ma is. Since he is targeting you, he must know you."

Liang Yuqing glanced across the corner, two overlapping figures were swaying, he turned his head hastily, but his body was already vigilant, blocking between Qianqian and the others intentionally or unintentionally.

The smell of cosmetics and perfume filled his nose, and Liang Yuqing frowned more and more tightly: "He's not looking for anyone anymore, why continue to check, I don't like the environment here, let's go."

"It's already here, it's too strange to go straight now," Qianqian glanced curiously at the corner, pulled Liang Yuqing's leader to pull him down, and whispered in his ear, "Remember, once Do not drink water indiscriminately, and do not eat indiscriminately."

Because of the angle, it looked like a brief kiss, and most of the curious eyes in the corner disappeared.

Because Qianqian looks no different from other wealthy businessmen looking for fun, but the difference between a female boss and a male boss.

Walking through the corridor, there was a masquerade-like mask on the plate of the attendants. Qianqian took two of them, covered Liang Yuqing's pretty face, and then disguised herself.

Several booths in the corner burst into cheers, shouting for the target Qianqian was looking for on this trip: "Brother Ma is so brave! Come on, everyone, thank you Brother Ma!"

Ma Jiajun is the rich second generation who Qianqian found out had contact with the two hired people. At this moment, he is surrounded by men and women, and his face in his early 20s is sluggish due to long-term visits to various entertainment venues.

But after hearing Qianqian's footsteps approaching, she still managed to perk up.

Since he was a child, he has never been able to do anything well. His father scolded him every day that he is lazy, lazy, and ignorant, but he goes in one ear and out the other.

But recently, she fell in love with a girl from Beishi University, and she refused to agree to her pursuit in every possible way. After helping her teach the male classmate who bullied her, she also asked him to take over the family business.

He didn't think it was a difficult thing at first, but his father didn't believe him and refused to let him participate no matter what.

His father asked him to complete a project before he could take over the family, but Ma Jiajun had never done any business and had no way out.

So when Qianqian deliberately released a project with low investment and high return, Ma Jiajun had no ability to distinguish at all, and was immediately attracted by the bright spot, and invited Qianqian here to discuss business.

"Boss Li, I am very sincere, do you think I can do this business?"

Ma Jiajun couldn't wait to win it. He never learned his father's way of doing business. The only thing he learned was to play tricks on the wine table, beckoning the waitresses around to pour Qianqian wine.

But thinking of Qianqian's gender, he looked meaningfully at the masked male assistant next to Qianqian, and called a waiter next to him: "Call your best-looking little brother here."

Sitting next to Qianqian was a short-haired boy in a white shirt. He was very handsome and feminine, and his demeanor was very docile.With the shyness of a fledgling, he did not dare to look directly at Qianqian, his eyelashes trembled slightly and picked up a wine bottle on the table: "I'll pour you wine."

He looks like a student, with a well-behaved student hair. Qianqian has traveled through so many worlds and seen many scenes, but he didn't expect that there would be male public relations in this world at this age.Curiosity and exclamation made Qianqian unresponsive for a while, but the other party seemed to be approved, and began to pour wine, and even served it in front of Qianqian.

Qianqian's side face immediately felt a hot gaze.

 Thank you all for your votes~

(End of this chapter)

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