Chapter 81 90s Get Rich (32)

Sitting next to Qianqian was a short-haired boy in a white shirt. He was very handsome and feminine, and his demeanor was very docile.With the shyness of a fledgling, he did not dare to look directly at Qianqian, his eyelashes trembled slightly and picked up a wine bottle on the table: "I'll pour you wine."

He looks like a student, with a well-behaved student hair. Qianqian has traveled through so many worlds and seen many scenes, but he didn't expect that there would be male public relations in this world at this age.Curiosity and exclamation made Qianqian unresponsive for a while, but the other party seemed to be approved, and began to pour wine, and even served it in front of Qianqian.

Qianqian's side face immediately felt a hot gaze.

He turned his head, and Liang Yuqing was staring at him with a slight frown.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and then quickly separated. Liang Yuqing stared at the wine glass in front of her instead, wishing that the wine glass would disappear in an instant, including this unsightly man.

The short-haired boy has seen countless people, so he can tell hostility naturally, but he also understands what is more important to him, and that is to satisfy the guests.

With white and slender fingers maintained like a girl's, she picked up the fork on the plate, forked a piece of very nicely cut fruit, and fed it to Qianqian's mouth with a smile: "Sister, try this..."

He is far from being as young as he looks, but he has long been used to being tender, and those women all like this.

The fresh smell of the fruit has already come from the nostrils. It has just been peeled and has never left her sight. The taste is also very normal.

Qianqian has gone through so many worlds, and her superficial skills are still very perfect. She took the boy's fruit, and Ma Jiajun's last doubt disappeared.

He began to keep asking Qianqian about investment information, and other men and women had already started punching and drinking, paying no attention to them.

Qianqian had prepared a set of rhetoric long ago, described the prospect with hype, and immediately conquered Ma Jiajun.

The short-haired boy next to him seemed to be distracted on the surface, but he could clearly hear the conversation between the two.

This woman is not old, but she is so rich. Isn't this better than those rich women, and the little girl is easier to coax.How great it would be to keep up with this.

Although she seems to have one already, but such a cold and unreasonable person, how can it compare to him.

He poured another kind of wine for Qianqian very attentively, and held it up to Qianqian with both hands.

The previous wine was nothing, but the glass of wine now has some other effects. If the other party is willing, everything will come naturally.

Qianqian ignored the sounds of fist punches around her, and got the contract signed and stamped by Ma Jiajun. Out of the corner of her eye, Liang Yu was wearing a mask, but Qianqian seemed to be able to see his face turning dark.

The wine brought by the short-haired boy exuded the same smell, she didn't intend to drink it at all, but Liang Yuqing grabbed it and drank it without knowing what stimulated her.

Feeling suffocated in his heart, Liang Yuqing forked and fed the fruits to Qianqian's mouth, staring straight at her.

"Haha, Boss Li's family is a little angry."

Ma Jiajun took a sip of his wine, and continued to talk casually: "Don't pamper yourself too much, or you will be riding on yourself soon."

"Boss Ma looks very experienced, I have to study hard."

Ma Jiajun was a little overwhelmed, and took it directly as a compliment to him: "I can't talk about it, but I'm relieved now. There is a woman I like very much who is chasing after her. She is also a talented student who is beautiful and generous. It is still different from this. Boss Li also It should be determined, sometimes you can't spoil the assistant too much."

A top student, Qianqian's eyes flickered, thinking of Li Wanwan.

But when Qianqian wanted to continue making side-talk, Ma Jiajun fell asleep directly.

On the left, Liang Yuqing had already started to tremble slightly.

Qianqian left the boy who was still holding the wine bottle by her side, got up and walked in front of Qianqian, while avoiding the tea table, she said to Ma Jiajun who was having a good time, "I have something to do, let's go first, Please help me talk to Mr. Ma, the first payment will be sent to him soon."

Back in the car when she came back, Qianqian took a lot of effort to stuff Liang Yuqing, who was now a head and a half taller than her, into the co-pilot, and put on the seat belt again.

Then sit in the driver's seat and prepare to drive to the nearby hotel.

Liang Yuqing was sitting in the passenger seat, and soon became dishonest. She grabbed her coat with her hands and stretched the collar a lot.

He even opened the window and poked his head out to blow the air.

Qianqian hurriedly stopped the car, brought the man back, and closed the window.

After a series of operations were completed, the driver was ready to continue driving, but the person sitting on the co-pilot snatched it up and grabbed it tightly like an octopus.

Sighing, he temporarily locked the person in the trunk before arriving at the destination smoothly.

Ignoring the strange gaze from the front desk, Qianqian opened a double room.

Liang Yuqing was already a little dazed, her body was hot, and Qianqian mechanically pulled her forward, and she kept talking about being hot and uncomfortable on the bed in a daze.

There was no way, Qianqian put cold water at room temperature and dragged him into the bathtub.

This increasingly weakened body was almost exhausted after completing these actions.

Qianqian sat on the carpet beside the bathtub, looked at the face in the bathtub that was no longer hot and talking nonsense because of the cold, and whispered: "I told you not to eat or drink indiscriminately."

As if disturbed, Liang Yuqing shook her head, then rowed along the side and directly into the water.

Drunk people can't take a bath because they are afraid of being drowned. Qianqian quickly helped him up, controlled his head with his hands, and used his right arm as a pillow. Finally, the big head didn't slip down.

Leaning on the side, Qianqian thought about the next step, and gradually fell asleep.

The sunlight cast through the small window above the bathroom and shone on Liang Yuqing's face, and he slowly woke up.The mild aftereffects of drunkenness and drugs made him dizzy with headaches, and he was only fully awake after a while.

He was soaking in the bathtub, but the touch on the back of his head was a little soft. He turned his head and met a face that was still sleeping,

Liang Yuqing was extremely calm and controlled her movements so as not to wake Qianqian up.

Unlike her usual calm and confident strategist, she looked extraordinarily weak at this time.It seems that when I saw it for the first time, I rescued her from the water.

He is obviously a person who would jump into the river because of being rejected, but why is his personality completely different from what he imagined, neither weak nor docile.

He regained his strength, picked up Qianqian who was still sleeping, and walked to the bed outside the house.

The person in my arms is very light, like a sweet dream that cannot be grasped lightly, and will disappear in the next moment.


After several initial investments, Ma Jiajun admired Qianqian more and more, regarded Qianqian as his own brother and sister, and gradually talked about many things about himself.

Qianqian finally found out who the girl he was pursuing was.

Consistent with the earlier conjecture, it was Li Wanwan.

After Li Wanwan's attack on Liang Yuqing failed, she didn't feel lost for too long, and began to look for new targets.Ma Jiajun is a fool with a lot of money, and he is a native of Beishi, so he became Li Wanwan's eyes.

Li Wanwan was different from other women Ma Jiajun knew. She was not only beautiful but also very educated. She went to a university that Ma Jiajun could never get into in his life.

She speaks politely and gracefully, speaks softly and handles things in a decent manner. She seems to be the good wife and mother that countless men dream of.

Ma Jiajun, who is used to being a playboy, was also tempted, especially after several times of courting Li Wanwan but refused, Ma Jiajun felt that she was really an extraordinary woman, and became even more tempted.

When Li Wanwan cried to him about a boy in the department who always said that he liked him and bullied her, Ma Jiajun couldn't bear it, and went straight to the gangster to clean up.

But the person he found was timid and incompetent, and the final result was completely different from what he thought.

After getting the answer she wanted, Qianqian lost the patience to play tricks with him, so she directly lost part of it in the next return. In the end, Ma Jiajun lost exactly 20.00%.

Ma Jiajun was very angry, but he didn't check the signed contract in a moment of excitement that day, and 20.00% was directly included as the bottom line. Ma Jiajun had no choice but to admit it.

He didn't get any grades when he was due, and his father refused to hand over the property to him for management. Seeing that he had no future, Li Wanwan walked over to other people.


In the morning, the morning sun rises from the gentle horizon in the east.

Different from the climate in Beishi, even in April, the weather is still a bit cold, and water droplets have formed on the inside of the windows due to a night's sleep.Chen Ru shivered, and turned on the bedside lamp. The dim light spilled into the night, illuminating her ordinary home.

This time she failed to get the scholarship again, and the scholarship was given to Li Wanwan again.

She failed to get it twice, and her freshman year was about to end. There was no hope of transferring to the Department of Mathematics. She still had to stick to her dream.

Looking at the thick mathematics textbook, I used to be unable to control my study as soon as I saw it, but now I can only feel helpless.

She was in her 60s, but because of overwork, she looked like a [-]-year-old mother. She gently opened the door and asked, "Ru'er, are you up so early?"

"Well, what's going on at school?"

Her mother is a peasant woman who doesn't understand the principles and outside world, and she doesn't understand the numbers and symbols her daughter likes at all, she only knows how to treat her daughter well. "Are you going to leave in a while? Mom will give you some money. Money is used everywhere in the school. You never ask me for money. I feel very panicked."

"My living expenses are enough. I won the scholarship this time, and it can be used for a long time."

"Really, my Ru'er is indeed the most powerful."

Listening to her mother's praise, Chen Ru's smile became more forced.

When Chen Ru returned to the dormitory, she didn't expect that someone had already arrived in the dormitory.The school holidays are relatively long this time, and other roommates have arranged travel plans, and even asked for a few more days off.

She is ready to be alone, and she has also figured out where to work to save living expenses.

I was a little dazed when I saw the dormitory with lights on, and it was even more embarrassing to see the people inside.

The last thing she wants to see now is Qianqian, and when she sees it, she will start thinking about whether she should agree to Li Wanwan.

Qianqian took the initiative to say hello to Chen Ru, and she attributed Chen Ru's indifference before to the fact that she cared less about Chen Ru, and the friendship also needed to be maintained.She smiled brightly and pushed her newly purchased magazine over: "Chen Ru, long time no see. These are the few mathematics magazines I received recently. They are all the latest. Many laws and solutions are more advanced than our textbooks. Let's work together Let's learn."

Chen Ru stared blankly at the magazines, but in the end she still didn't take them, her tone was very cold: "I don't want to study mathematics anymore, so you don't have to find them for me anymore."

Don't study math?A person who stayed up late every day to take care of two subjects before the holiday, now says he won't study?

Qianqian looked directly at her, casting her strong illusion to see her inner desire, Qianqian closed the magazine with a serious and serious attitude: "Chen Ru, I think we need to have a good talk. I thought you were cold to me before, It’s because I have too little time. But now I feel that it’s either because of this reason, or you just want to avoid me. Now you even want to give up your favorite mathematics, what’s the reason?”

Watched by the clear eyes, Chen Ru was suddenly defeated, and tears fell down. During this time, she was really wronged: "I didn't get the scholarship twice, and I couldn't transfer to the Department of Mathematics. And my talent It’s not that good either. You know a lot and I need a lot of time to learn. You know, Li Wanwan asked me to help her and let you break up with Liang Yuqing. If I can do it, every time I get a scholarship Give it all to me."

Qianqian was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect to have something to do with Li Wanwan.

Chen Ru slowed down, and continued: "I really wanted to promise her for such a long time. But when I saw you, you were still helping me find things, and I was like a bug growing in the dark , I am envious of your ability, and I still think of other ways to get the scholarship. When I saw you, I was very conflicted. I regretted not agreeing to Li Wanwan, and I hated myself who was tempted by her conditions. "

In the end, Chen Ru's words turned into tears. She was clearly tempted but refused to agree. Out of the cherishment of friendship, Qianqian handed over the tissue: "Do you really want to give up mathematics? If I say, you will wait any longer." Do you want to give up even if you can transfer?"

Chen Ru is very smart, she feels that she is not as good as Qianqian, but Qianqian has the knowledge ahead of the world, and she stands higher.And Chen Ru, with the limited things she can see, she is very thorough and thinks ahead.

What she lacks is the accumulation of knowledge. When Qianqian discussed the topic with her, she found that her thinking logic is very strong, and she was born for pure numbers.All that was missing was a guide, and she wanted to go with the flow and let her slowly enter the world of mathematics by herself.

Unexpectedly, because of Li Wanwan's own reasons, Chen Ru was prevented from getting a chance, and Qianqian must take the responsibility to set things right.

The instructors of the previous national competitions and international competitions were studying abroad and will return to China soon.That is a teacher who cherishes talents very much. As long as Chen Ru has the opportunity to show his talents, he will naturally get the opportunity to learn.

As for Li Wanwan, if she took something that didn't belong to her, she should return it.

(End of this chapter)

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