Chapter 83 90s Get Rich (8)

In consideration of saving money, Liang Yuqing was looking for the lead actor of the upcoming TV series.

These movie stars who will be very popular in the future, and even go international, took the ordinary advertisement for bibimbap sauce this year.Many years later, even though the reputation has spread far and wide overseas, this advertisement for bibimbap sauce is dug up by fans from time to time, and the advertisement fee has been managed for decades.

With the update of the TV series, the leading actors gradually became popular all over the country, and the commercials inserted before, after and in the middle of the TV series, because they were filmed by the leading actors, and the commercial lines were catchy, became popular all over the country at once.

Old Grandpa Bibimbap Sauce advertised its brand-new packaging in the advertisement, distinguishing it from the imitation Old Grandmother Bibimbap Sauce, and the ensuing lawsuit briefly deterred other people who wanted to imitate the imitation.

Without hindrance, Old Grandpa Bibimbap Sauce became a household name within a year, and almost every household bought Bibimbap Sauce. ———————————

While Lao Gong's bibimbap sauce was booming, the clothing company continued to expand from a small clothing factory. It was Shen Lanchun's own idea to learn from foreign countries and establish a fashion brand.

The products sold are no longer limited to ready-to-wear, but also extend to various fashion industries of backpack accessories.

Shen Lanchun almost did every link by herself, and she did it very well.

After the baptism of many big scenes, Shen Lanchun is completely able to take charge of her own affairs, and her love for her career is far beyond Qianqian's imagination.She is often so busy that she forgets about her own daughter. If Liang Guohua wants to pursue her, he can only start a career with her.

After persistent pursuit, Shen Lanchun finally agreed to him and decided to hold the wedding in the spring of the next year.

When Shen Lanchun agreed to Liang Guohua, the task belonging to Shen Lanchun was quietly marked as completed.It was also a little closer to the time when Qianqian left this world.

In this year, network computers have spread rapidly, and people with decent family conditions have already purchased a computer or experienced it.

Numerous Internet cafes have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.All kinds of crude large-scale games enter the lives of ordinary people, and until they are officially connected to the Internet a few years later, this industry will start to take off at a speed that no one can imagine, from being unpopular to existing in every corner of the world.

Because of its convenience and quickness, Magic Search has occupied 90.00% of the computer browsers in Internet cafes. "You can find anything if you go to Wanzhi," and it has gradually become popular among people.

The small studio behind Wanzhi has gradually attracted the attention of some entrepreneurs.

Although the online world is still not optimistic, for rich people, investment is nothing at all.

Liang Guohua knew very early on that his son and Qianqian had set up a computer studio, and that foreign networks had been developed a few years earlier, and he felt the power of the Internet very early.Unlike those old-fashioned old businessmen, Liang Guohua was very optimistic.

But because it was a company that Liang Yuqing and Qianqian participated in together, he didn't get involved, but just supported the acquisition of several small information companies outside.

In the circle recently, there are quite a few people who say they want to buy Wan Zhi, and he has met many times who approached him as a matchmaker.

It was rare for everyone to get together for dinner, so he couldn't help reminding Qianqian: "Wanzhi will continue to develop, not to mention the number one in the industry, but it will definitely occupy a considerable share. It will be a big cake in the future, and social software has already Start bundling and promoting, and the effect is expected to be not bad. Now the valuation in the industry has exceeded 500 million. When the social software is launched, I am afraid that the value will skyrocket. The next step is definitely financing. When it comes to share dilution, You must pay more attention to it. Especially Jiang Peng, the head of the studio, I heard that there is an angel investor who is still an old classmate of his."

Jiang Peng's current role in Wanzhi Network is like Qianqian's Dinghai Shenzhen. With him, the original core members of Wanzhi Network will convince Qianqian, the big boss.He is also really quick. From the technical veteran in the past to the current operation department of Magic Network, almost all of them are under his jurisdiction. Everyone knows what his background and role are, but there is no way to get rid of him.

And as early as last year, Qianqian allocated [-]% of the company's shares to continue to tie him to the ship of Wanzhi Network.

Going to an outside company may be reused in the early stage, but like Magic Search, technical ideas are important, but if the timing is lucky, it will be difficult to replicate if you miss it.

If they hadn't received Qianqian's investment at the beginning, they would not be able to launch it today, and other companies have occupied the market long ago.

The right time, place and people are indispensable. If you go to another company without good results, you will only be an abandoned child.But in Qianqian, he is an important core veteran and also a shareholder.

Jiang Peng is naturally very clear about how to choose.

After the social software was successfully launched, the Magic members who have been busy for several years and have not had much rest finally ushered in their first long vacation.

Except for the employees who voluntarily worked overtime and received high overtime pay for maintenance, everyone embarked on a journey in the snow area with Qianqian.

Travel at public expense, as well as salary and additional allowances, although you still have to meet people from the company, but everyone has no complaints.

The train slowly drove into the plateau at a slow speed, and none of the group had altitude sickness.The never-before-seen beauty of the motherland attracted everyone's attention.

Over the course of this month, they have visited so many of the local attractions that only the holiest temples remain.

On one side of the bluestone-paved avenue are tourists and locals who are constantly walking, and on the other side are solemn, pious and plainly dressed kneelers. They worship step by step, from the foot of the mountain, all the way to the temple on the mountain.

Jiang Peng had never seen such a behavior before, and asked curiously: "What are you doing?" After asking, he realized that he was a little abrupt and hurriedly covered his mouth.A local passing by smiled softly, and explained gently: "This temple is dedicated to one of our most powerful gods, who is in charge of the life and death of all living beings. Many believers who have serious illnesses in their families will choose We come here to survive, we firmly believe that sincerity will touch the gods and the gods. If you kneel a thousand times for your loved ones, the gods will see and they will be fine."

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder they are so persistent."

Many people who kept kneeling and kowtowing were already shaking and almost fell down, but they still gritted their teeth and continued.

If there are those who faint, the local people will also treat them, and then let them decide whether to continue this behavior.

Jiang Peng and other employees of the company were very interested in the temples on the mountain, but Qianqian felt uncomfortable and declined the suggestion to climb the mountain together.

The large army was divided into two teams. Jiang Peng took the staff to see the temple, and Liang Yuqing chose to follow Qianqian to visit Fengqing Street at the foot of the mountain.

By the big tree at the foot of the mountain, vendors selling wishing charms were crowded: "Little girl, do you want to make a wish, our side is very spiritual."

Do as the Romans do, Qianqian bought two and handed them to Liang Yuqing.

Auspicious patterns were drawn on the yellow paper and the red kit, but it seemed that there was an illusion that a wish could come true.

Qianqian raised the pen and thought for a while, but finally closed it and hung it on the tree without thinking about anything.Looking back, Liang Yuqing, a person who seldom uses a pen and is quite ugly, is working hard to write neatly and beautifully, stroke by stroke.

"May Li Qianqian be safe and healthy, and have a worry-free life."

Safe and healthy, probably impossible, the white petals on the tree fell on Qianqian's cheeks, Qianqian gently brushed them away, and her fingertips passed over the tip of the pen, stained with black and red blood.

"Hey, this little girl has a nosebleed, I have paper here, wipe it off."

The small vendor enthusiastically handed over tissues, but the wipes could not be stopped at all, and the blood continued to flow out until Qianqian completely lost consciousness.

Qianqian was sent to the hospital because they came from the plains, and the hospital's first reaction was altitude sickness.

But after several checks, no symptoms of plateau were found.

There happened to be a doctor in the hospital who came to help after studying abroad. He had learned about brain tumors, and using the simple equipment in the hospital, he detected the tumor in Qianqian's brain.

There is absolutely no condition for surgery on the plateau, but for safety reasons, they cannot move rashly.

It wasn't until Liang Guohua mobilized all his domestic resources and arranged a professional medical team that Qianqian was taken to Beishi and directly admitted to the most authoritative hospital ward.

The top equipment and doctors in the country took turns, and the conclusion reached was consistent with that of the foreign doctor on the plateau.There is a tumor in Qianqian's head. With the current surgical experience and data, it is completely insufficient for surgical treatment.

Only conservative treatment can be adopted, and there is no certainty that it will be effective.

This tumor has been seen on film for at least a few years, and it has oppressed many sensory nerves, which is why Qianqian has been in a coma.

In the later stage, it may also gradually lose the ability to act.

If it is nausea and conservative treatment is ineffective, Qianqian may die within a few years.

When Shen Lanchun, who was still planning the wedding, heard the bad news, she almost cried and passed out.

Liang Guohua took care of Shen Lanchun, and had to manage several companies at his own pace. In the end, Liang Yuqing, who was in his early twenties, took on the responsibility of taking care of Qianqian.

When Qianqian woke up, she was already lying on a hospital bed in Beishi Hospital, Liang Yuqing was sitting beside her bed, and Shen Lanchun, who woke up outside the room, was crying again.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, and Liang Yuqing came into view.I don't know how long I haven't seen her, but Liang Yuqing's condition is not much better than her appearance, her forehead is wrapped in gauze, her whole body is a little bent, and her knees feel seriously injured.

"What's wrong with you?"

Her voice was hoarse, and Qianqian didn't realize for a moment that it was her own words.

It was only when Liang Yuqing went to treat her own wound that Qianqian learned from Liang Guohua why Liang Yuqing was injured,

A person's life is actually very fragile. Qianqian has passed through many worlds and died in many worlds.She was all too familiar with that feeling of being weak and her days were numbered.Every time she would not hesitate, nor would she ask Shi Yi to prolong her life.

But this time he hesitated, I don't know if it was because of Shen Lanchun, who was crying outside the door, or because of Liang Yuqing, who was sitting on the side and said nothing at the moment, with a severely injured forehead.

Qianqian called out Eleven, who had been dormant for a long time, in her mind, "Eleven, is there any life-extending medicine in the mall?"

Eleven quickly rummaged through the mall, but couldn't find a suitable product, "Sorry, although I really want to make you the difference, but this is really not available. Host, the task is about to be completed, don't be too much affected by other people's emotions."

Kneeling and kowtowing a thousand times, the forehead was red, swollen and bleeding, and the black and purple seemed to be severely necrotic. Just looking at it would feel very painful.He must also be unable to see his knees, his knees were shaking constantly, but at this moment this person was still standing by her side, worried that the nurse would hurt her hand.

But she was doomed not to respond, and had no chance to respond.

It was the same as what Qianqian judged when she first came to this world and took over this body. Even if the root cause of the disease was discovered earlier, with the current level of medical development, she is still hopeless.

While receiving various treatments from various domestic doctors, she continued to complete her studies. In the previous year, her pure number group in Geng Weilai had led Chen Ru to the threshold of one of the three unsolved laws .

Chen Ru has already stepped into the edge of a true mathematician, and she is only one step away from success, so she must continue no matter what.She still runs at both ends of the school company, but added a local hospital.

Liang Yuqing took care of her silently, and followed her ideas to study hard. The software developed by the team led by her team had a good response in the market, and the task on the system was finally determined to be a success.

Everything is changing in career and study, except for Qianqian's body, the impact from the tumor makes her often in a daze and falls into dizziness.

Everyone was worried about Qianqian, but she seemed to be fine, but her body was getting thinner and her energy was getting worse.

In March of the following year, Li Qianqian and Chen Ru, two students of Huaguo Beishi University, solved one of the three unsolved laws that had plagued the world's mathematics community for decades, shocking the world.

After another three months, the law was certified, and the highest mathematics award was awarded to one of the students, Chen Ru.It should have been awarded to the two students who solved it together, but the award is only for those who are alive.

Chen Ru burst into tears on the awards stage and missed her best friend. Everyone was mourning the passing of a genius.

Shen Lanchun finally married Liang Guohua in the summer and lost her only daughter. Liang Guohua's love and career supported her to go on, and she couldn't bear to live alone.

Liang Yuqing returned to the gloomy Liang Yuqing again, except for facing clients at work, he basically never smiled.

When Wanzhi became bigger and bigger, the first charity he did was the research sponsorship of brain tumors.


"Leaving the world, the host is ready to go to the new world."

"3, 2, 1"

"Warning warning, unknown error, escape failed!"

(End of this chapter)

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