The full-level cannon fodder of Kuai Chuan is about to turn over

Chapter 85 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother

Chapter 85 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother (2)

Qianqian received all the memories. The last meal in the memory was ordered by the original owner to cook Jiang Chu, and after eating, she became unconscious.

She didn't add anything to it from the beginning to the end, and she didn't ask Jiang Chu to add anything, so the original owner definitely didn't commit suicide, but was poisoned to death by this stepson that she never cared about.

Qianqian was thinking secretly, when she heard the phone on the table rang, and the note was "husband".

After connecting, it was not the voice of the cheap husband, but a calm and steady notification from a middle-aged woman: "Is it Ms. Xu Qianqian, your husband Jiang Yuan unfortunately had a car accident in the city center this afternoon, and is currently being rescued in the city hospital. Please come as soon as possible."

Qianqian first went to school to pick up Jiang Chu, and then drove to the hospital. When they waited for them, Jiang Yuan had already been covered with a white cloth by the nurse, and the rescue failed and he was declared dead.

The handsome face that has been relying on for a long time to deceive women can no longer be distinguished, but the documents on his body and the driving recorder of the vehicle that caused the accident all prove that it is indeed Jiang Yuan.

Qianqian checked the face with the face in memory a few times, and was barely sure that it was the same person.

The nurse quickly covered it with the white cloth. Jiang Chu lay on the bedside and looked at the hand whose bones were exposed. He tore off the white cloth and looked at Jiang Yuan's face for a long time without saying a word.There is no reaction of fear, calm like a twelve or thirteen-year-old child.

Seeing his movement, Qianqian pulled him back, and then covered the white cloth again.

The person who dealt with the accident was an experienced veteran policeman, Lao Wu. He had seen the grief reactions of family members after many car crashes and deaths, and he had also seen family members who didn't react for a while and didn't want to admit it.

But it was the first time I saw him like this. His wife and children just glanced at him indifferently, and they were sure that it was him. To the opponent's body injury.

Old Wu opened his mouth, and finally said a few words of comfort in a routine way: "Please forgive me."

"What is the situation of this case, when will the remains be processed?"

"The situation is very clear. The monitoring on the road is very clear. At present, it is certain that the other party is fully responsible. We have already brought the driver back. As for the remains, it only takes three more days to process them."

"it is good."

Qianqian communicated with the fifth child on the surface, but her eyes stayed on Jiang Chu's face who was still much shorter than her.

Jiang Chu didn't show any expression, but his eyes were strangely bright.

According to the plot, at this moment, she should be thinking about how to send her stepmother away.

"Host, for the convenience of this mission, a viewing panel has been added for the blackening value, and you can check it if you stay on Jiang Chu for more than three seconds."

Qianqian glanced at Jiang Chu, and after three seconds, a small panel slowly appeared. Entering it, the value of the blackening value stayed at 100, but the number was jumping blood red, obviously exceeding 100 but not displayed .

Jiang Yuan's body was temporarily stored in the mortuary of the hospital, and Qianqian took Jiang Chu home.

The house is a small two-story villa with a very good location. The value has already exceeded 1000 million in recent years.Of course, Jiang Yuan didn't have the money to buy it, Xu Qianqian bought it, Jiang Yuan got married and lived in it as a matter of course.

Then it took up most of the space in the house, and the high-ceilinged living room, which was originally a large area, was filled with his strange and tasteful decorations.

The lacquer is black and oddly shaped, and some exude a strong smell. You don't need to think too much to know that the formaldehyde exceeds the standard.Qianqian, who had experienced the experience of being sick and weak not long ago, did not want to get sick again.

She directly called the part-time worker aunt who was often called to come to clean up tomorrow. Qianqian hung up the phone and saw Jiang Chu looking directly at her strangely.

"What are you still doing here, you don't."

Qianqian originally wanted to say that there was no homework, but she saw Jiang Chu suddenly became gloomy, and said in a low voice with a child who had not yet fully transformed: "I see, I will cook."

The height of the cooking table is not suitable for his height, but Jiang Chu seems to be very proficient in operating it. It is not the first time for him to cook.

He quickly prepared two dishes and one soup, brought them to the dining table, and brought a bowl of rice to Qianqian, and then he took the glass jar he took out from the refrigerator with the rice and was about to walk to the corner.

The icon of the glass jar looked familiar from a distance, and it was strange to leave without carrying food after eating. Qianqian stopped Jiang Chu: "What are you holding?"

Jiang Chu gritted his teeth, turned his back with some humiliation, and said almost word for word: "This was given by a classmate, I didn't steal money from my family to buy it."

The glass jar was placed on the table, and it had been a while since I looked at the outer packaging. Qianqian was worried whether it had expired, so she checked the shelf life from the bottom of the glass jar. Fortunately, it was still one month away.

There is still a third of the glass jar, and the walls of the jars that have been eaten are very clean. It seems that I have been eating very frugally.

What kind of parent is this? They live in a luxurious house, have a well-paid job, and let their children eat bibimbap sauce for a living, and they are not even willing to eat bibimbap sauce.

Most of the accepted memories were beautified by the original owner, and there was no memory of this part at all, or she didn't care about this stepson at all, so she didn't find out at all.

Qianqian put it on the table, and when she was about to call Jiang Chu to eat together, she glanced at the words on the icon on the outer package, and couldn't speak.

"Grandpa bibimbap, original and classic."

Grandpa bibimbap?And this icon is the same as her old grandfather's bibimbap, is this a coincidence?

After calming down, Qianqian called Jiang Chu to sit down and eat together: "You can eat together, and we will eat together in the future."

Qianqian has already smelled it, and there is no rat poison in it. According to the plot, she only got her thoughts after today.In addition, I don't even want to eat bibimbap sauce, and I probably don't have the money to buy it, so it will take a while to prepare.

Jiang Chu didn't want to sit down, so Qianqian put the bowl on the table and was about to pull him down, when she saw Jiang Chu protecting her head reflexively.

What kind of family is this that makes children like this.Moreover, Xu Qianqian, a highly educated woman who has studied abroad and has been single for many years, would fall in love with Jiang Yuan, and she has no sympathy for her children. This Mary Su Wen's plot is really unreasonable everywhere.

Although he already knew that the boy would become the number one villain later in the plot, but the pitiful appearance of being abused now almost filled up Qianqian's sympathy.

She pushed Jiang Chu onto the chair, and then gave him food for him to eat.

Jiang Chu hesitated, but he was afraid of Xu Qianqian's performance in the past. If he was disobedient, he would definitely be beaten.

He started to eat numbly, he seldom ate normal meals, and he couldn't stop once he ate.

The amount of food in the bowl was more for one person, but it didn't take long before it started to bottom out. He didn't realize until he was full, and looked at Qianqian with a pale face.

Qianqian reached out and touched his head, and asked him, "Are you full? If not, I'll make you some more."

Jiang Chu's expression was softened a little, but he thought of something and became serious again, and then Qianqian saw the number of blackening value flickering, although there was no change, but Qianqian must have definitely increased.

Eleven and Qianqian saw different panels. The values ​​he saw were more detailed. Jiang Chu's blackening value was not increased by one point or two, but directly increased by ten points.He felt a little gloating, remembering the latest system beauty plan of the Authority, and decided to make a fortune: "Host, the blackening value has increased again, I doubt if you can do it well? I can provide off-site assistance, you take I can divide the points into three achievements."

"You might as well go and grab it. You're just a child. After a long time, you will naturally be able to open your heart."

"Oh~ Then be careful not to be poisoned to death."

Jiang Chu silently finished washing the dishes, cleaned a little more, and then went back to his room to start doing homework, not at all well-behaved like his age.

Qianqian packed the original owner's things and Jiang Yuan's things in her room, summed up a lot of things to throw away, and didn't get ready to go to bed until midnight.

When I was thirsty and went to the kitchen to fetch water, I passed by Jiang Chu's small room, and heard the unbearable moans of pain inside.

Pushing the door open and entering, Jiang Chu didn't respond at all, his body hadn't developed a sprawl yet, he was curled up under the quilt, his head covered in cold sweat.

Qianqian tried it, carried it on his back directly, and drove to the hospital.

Jiang Chu whispered on Qianqian's back: "Mom, don't go."

"How on earth did you take care of the child? The child had a fever of forty degrees and found out. There are also twelve or thirteen-year-old children who are as thin as eight or nine years old. Children may be picky eaters, but parents have to find a way to solve it. It has been a long time There is no way to affect the development, but fortunately it is still early."

The outpatient doctor scolded her head and face, and Qianqian stood at attention while being criticized, while asking the doctor how to take care of her body to catch up with the development of her peers.

The outpatient doctor also has a good understanding of pediatrics, and gave Qianqian a lot of advice, which Qianqian took down.

When Qianqian returned to Jiang Chu's bedside, although Jiang Chu still didn't seem to wake up, the blackening value on her head seemed to be a little lighter.Qianqian looked back at the slightly damaged door, because it could not be completely closed due to the damage, and some sounds from outside could come in.

Therefore, this child lowered the blackening value after hearing her conversation with the doctor.


Because of Jiang Chu's illness, Qianqian took two days off, and when she returned to the research institute, other people looked at her even more unkindly.

Qianqian entered Yuanshen's office, it was clean and tidy, well decorated, there were many things in the office, except that there were not many things related to work.It was obvious that he was hired with a lot of money, but in fact, the original body was not given anything.

Yuanshen also doesn't have any memory of knowledge in this area, but she can be called an expert both at home and abroad, even if she doesn't know anything.

Once again complaining about the irrationality of the Mary Su novel, Qianqian opened the newly handed project on the table.

After she arrived, the power of the plot gradually weakened, and the original body was also assigned tasks.

To reduce Jiang Chu's blackness value, he must be raised well, material conditions are also one aspect, and he cannot lose this job.

All of the projects are related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular tumors, how to detect them earlier, and research on the inhibitory effect of drugs on tumor growth.There are also several volunteers who cooperate with the project drug clinical trials.

The illness was somewhat similar to that of Li Qianqian.

Qianqian was slightly stunned, always feeling that this world overlapped with the previous world.

At the end of off-duty time, experts from each office submitted their next research project applications.

When the clerk in charge of collecting and sorting was about to leave work, Qianqian also handed over her copy, and the other party was dumbfounded.Grandpa, are you finally starting to work?

The situation has been calm for a while, probably because Qianqian has improved Jiang Chu's basic necessities of life, but has always firmly controlled Jiang Chu's pocket money, so Jiang Chu's rat poison plan has not been implemented.

When Qianqian got used to the life of going to work and walking with her baby every day, she received a call from the head teacher of the school.

The head teacher was on the other end of the phone, with a very stern and angry tone: "Is it Jiang Chu's mother? I am Teacher Ma, the head teacher of Jiang Chu."

Yuanshen went to a parent-teacher meeting once, and the head teacher's voice was very distinctive, which left a deep impression on Yuanshen. Qianqian immediately recognized it when she heard it: "Yes, it's Jiang Chu, what's the matter at school?"

"Yes, Jiang Chu beat up a female classmate at school. I asked him to call the parents, but he was still unwilling to call me. There are parents and your unit in the class, so I have to come. This matter is very serious. The girls' noses Bleeding, broken jaw, he still doesn't want to apologize, we have never had such a barbaric kid before in our school."

This girl is most likely the heroine Mary Suwen.

"I'll come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Qianqian immediately went to school.

Jiang Chu was forced to stand alone outside the office building. The weather was more than 30 degrees, and the ultraviolet rays were extremely strong. Adults couldn't bear it after a long time in the sun, let alone a child in poor health.

But it was Jiang Chu who hit someone first, and appropriate punishment was necessary, but it was too much.

In particular, Jiang Chu's face was also bruised and purple, and there was a little blood under his nose. His body was in such a mess as if he had rolled around in the mud. It seemed that he was the one who was beaten more severely.

Qianqian pulled him to a cool place, took out the sterilized and bandaged things from his carry-on bag and treated him, then asked him to continue standing, tidied his clothes, and opened the door directly into the office.

In the office, the girl who was beaten was sitting on the sofa facing the door. Her long, smooth hair was loose. Although her nose was red from the beating, her entire face was still far more beautiful than the students around her.

It can be seen at a glance in the crowd, as if shining.

Even Qianqian, who has met many people, has to admire the author Mary Su's big brain at this moment. It is really good to see that anyone will naturally favor her.

Teacher Ma pushed his glasses, looked him up and down, and asked hesitantly, "Are you Jiang Chu's mother?"


What else did Teacher Ma want to say, the door of the office was knocked and opened immediately after, the heroine looked up and her eyes lit up instantly, she shouted happily: "Brother!"

Teacher Ma was a little nervous for a moment: "Mr. Liang, I am very sorry that this happened, and we will definitely deal with it."

Qianqian turned her head, and a face that she never expected to see again appeared in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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