The full-level cannon fodder of Kuai Chuan is about to turn over

Chapter 86 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother

Chapter 86 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother (3)

Liang Yuqing.

To be precise, he is in his 30s.

Many men in their thirties will look better than those in their twenties, especially when the man has a successful career, the temperament accumulated over the years forms a unique charm.

The hand-made suits are endlessly tailored, without a single wrinkle, which undoubtedly shows his good figure.Although he is in his 30s, there are no marks on his face, his temperament is calm, and he looks like a gentleman with excellent cultivation.

He is more attractive than he was when he was 20 years old.

With a little shadow of Liang Guohua, he silently nodded to the head teacher, Teacher Ma.

Some teachers in the office have already blushed quietly.

Qianqian looked away, and her gaze stayed on the heroine's face. After a while, she saw the name on the student card leaked from the side of her pocket.

Liang Nianqian.

Sure enough, it was the child of the Liang family. If he was called Brother Liang Yuqing, he would be the child born after Liang Guohua.This name is most likely the child of Liang Guohua and Shen Lanchun.

Shout out the sleeping eleven: "Eleven, why didn't you tell me it's a world?"

"Ah, didn't you have a notification that you failed to escape?" Eleven floated back and forth, showing no sign of guilt.It will not tell the silly host that someone wants her to stay.

"If the host feels that the current information notification is not efficient and timely enough, you can spend points to activate the VIP service. Whether you are sleeping or playing, any news will be notified as soon as you have it until you remember it, just need to."

After shutting Shi Yi, who talked too much nonsense, into the small black room, Qianqian faced Liang Yuqing again, feeling a little nervous for some reason.

"Mr. Liang, this is the mother of classmate Jiang Chu who beat classmate Liang Nianqian. Our school is also responsible for this matter, and we didn't find out and stop it in time. The school doctor has checked Liang Nianqian's injury. It is a skin trauma. How do you solve it? ?”

The teacher's attitude is very humble, not only because of Liang Yuqing's current social status and wealth, but also because the school's laboratory building and teaching funds come from Wanzhi Group every year.

City No. [-] Middle School has sufficient sponsorship funds to provide students with the best learning environment and maintain the best teachers.

All the school leaders respected the person in charge of this group from the bottom of their hearts. When their children chose to study here instead of private schools, the school also secretly gave Liang Nianqian the best treatment by default.

Now, the baby who was taken care of carefully was beaten by other students in school. The school is really very guilty.

Teacher Ma was already prepared for Liang Yuqing to be angry, but when she saw Liang Yuqing's face stiffen instantly, she asked in a stern tone, "Why did you fight?"

Liang Nianqian, who was very happy to see her brother at first, was stunned for a moment. Although she felt that she was not wrong, her brother's majesty still made her stutter and say, "It's just that there was a quarrel."

Teacher Ma had already learned what happened from his classmates. Children have a little bit of vanity and will show off their family affairs.Liang Nianqian often brings a lot of good things to school, and other students love her like a moon.

But Jiang Chu didn't surround Liang Nianqian like other students, he was very silent, which instead attracted Liang Nianqian's attention.

She took the initiative to ask Jiang Chu, and showed her things in front of Jiang Chu, saying how good her brother is and how much her parents love her.

It was a normal situation for the children to get in touch with each other, but Jiang Chu felt inferior. He didn't have a perfect family. He heard Liang Nianqian's description, unlike other students who were simply envious, jealous and afraid, let him reply Liang Nianqian.

The quarrel between the two eventually turned into fighting. Jiang Chu was not taught by his family to be gentle with girls, and the violence from his father and stepmother also gave him an illusion that if he is unhappy, he just needs to fight.Of course, only he knows what he thinks in his heart.

From others' point of view, it was Liang Nianqian who gave Jiang Chu something, and Jiang Chu scolded Liang Nianqian inexplicably, and even beat him in the end.

Liang Nianqian's popularity in the class was not comparable to Jiang Chu's. As soon as he started, other people came up to help me, so in the end Liang Nianqian only suffered from nosebleeds and scratches, while Jiang Chu's nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Student Jiang Chu did it first, and Liang Nianqian just fought back twice. The children on both sides were not seriously injured. I just want to see how the parents want to deal with it."

Teacher Ma directly passed the handling method to Liang Yuqing and Qianqian, expressing that the school will deal with it fairly and justly according to the parents' ideas.

After listening to Teacher Ma's words, Liang Yuqing's eyes were cold, and the words from her thin lips were even more ruthless: "What if I say expulsion?"

Teacher Ma didn't expect Liang Yuqing to be so defensive, and wiped off his sweat: "This is just a fight between children. Will it be too heavy to deal with?"

Qianqian has not sorted out the information in the current society, and does not know how the companies in the early years are developing.But as long as we manage with our heart and do not take detours, ten or twenty years is enough to grow into a behemoth.

In his capacity, he doesn't need to be reasonable, and he can easily do what he wants to do.

Being able to bend and stretch, and knowing the current affairs to be a hero is also the truth that Qianqian has learned in many worlds.

"Mr. Liang, it's really wrong for our family Jiang Chu to beat someone up, but expulsion is really too much. Do you think this is okay? I will ask Jiang Chu to apologize to Liang in front of the class. The school can also record a small punishment. We will also bear Liang’s medical expenses, and our family, Jiang Chu, will help with Liang’s health duty and other class affairs.”

Teacher Ma nodded in agreement. Although Jiang Chu has been silent and not top-notch, he is definitely not a bad and hopeless child. Expulsion is too serious, so she also persuaded Liang Yuqing. "I think this method is better. Mr. Liang, do you think it's okay? Our school also thinks that it is more appropriate to criticize education and ask Jiang Chu to write a review and apologize to Liang Nianqian."

Even Liang Nianqian followed suit, "Brother, expulsion is too much, just apologize."

Jiang Chu eavesdropped outside for a long time, even saw Qianqian's somewhat humble discussion, and pushed the door directly to go in. With a dark and dark face, he said stubbornly: "If you fire, you will fire!"

He was expelled from the junior high school of City No. [-] Middle School, and there is a high probability that other schools will not accept him again.

Dropping out of school at such a young age will definitely have an impact on your life.

Jiang Chu was small, but his eyes were stubborn, his clothes were a little white from washing, and he gritted his teeth like a wolf cub. Liang Yuqing shook his head slightly, as if he had seen his past.

"Since Mr. Ma has already thought about it, why ask for my opinion."

"Mr. Liang, what do you mean?"

"Just do what this lady said, hopefully with a sincere apology. If something like this happens next time, he must be fired."

Liang Yuqing's aura has long been different from when he was in his early 20s. No one would think that he was joking. Teacher Ma nodded seriously, and decided to observe Jiang Chu carefully so that he would not cause any trouble again.

Before Liang Yuqing left, she took a few more glances at Qianqian.


Jiang Chu was very stubborn at first, but under Qianqian's constant persuasion, he finally apologized to Liang Nianqian.In the days that followed, after his rebelliousness subsided a lot, he was also very honest at school and did not cause any problems.

When Qianqian went to pick him up several times, she also met Liang Nianqian. She was well-behaved and sensible, going to and from school like other ordinary students. Except for her overly good-looking appearance and exquisite clothes, she looked very ordinary.

Qianqian never met Liang Yuqing again, but the number of times she saw him on TV and the Internet continued to increase.

The youngest billionaire in Huaguo, the most powerful rich second generation in Huaguo, the second child of a wealthy family but in charge of family-owned enterprises, a top expert in the computer field, etc. Unmarried at forty, countless people harbor fantasies.

Second only to some popular male stars in the entertainment circle, it can be said that they are one of the most wanted to marry by women in Huaguo.

In the gossip article that he was nearly [-] years old and not yet married, it was mentioned that he once had a lover who was brilliant in the field of mathematics at a young age and was one of the unique geniuses in the field of pure numbers. Unfortunately, he died at a young age due to a rare brain tumor up.

A few years later, Liang Yuqing created a charitable research fund to help the sick, and also sponsored research by many medical experts.

Qianqian has been busy all day, she has sorted out the plans for the projects she wants, picked up her phone and saw this gossip article.

There is no embarrassment at all as one of the protagonists of the story. Qianqian carefully read the whole article and learned a lot about Liang Yuqing's achievements in those years when she was away. She was alone, with a black jade ring on her ring finger.

Turning to the end, Qianqian saw the name of the research institute he sponsored.

It was exactly the same name as the research institute she was staying in now, Liang Yuqing was the boss who took Yuan to fish in troubled waters.

Qianqian really couldn't understand how the world she lived in had developed a book by Mary Suwen. A big boss like Liang Yuqing would recruit medical experts himself, and even let people who knew nothing mixed in.

Putting down her phone, Qianqian rearranged the information.The research project she took over was to study the symptoms of special brain tumors and optimize the initial detection methods.

As a former patient, Qianqian is very familiar with the general development process of the disease, including the early symptoms.

The detection method, in her own world, already has a corresponding detection process.

But knowing it is one thing, you can't fill it in directly.The thesis needs corresponding data as supporting evidence to be scientific and reasonable. She needs domestic and foreign paper references, as well as experimental data.

Paper materials at home and abroad are relatively easy to solve, but it takes some time to screen them.

But the experimental data is definitely not easy to deal with, whether it is a personal experiment or a reference to others, it is very difficult to find.

Because of the original body's false level and fishing every day, she, an expert, has no assistants available, and she has to find all of them by herself.

When Qianqian was planning how to complete the experimental data, an old employee who had talked about her before had sorted out a lot of evidence of her laziness, and was going to report it when Liang Yuqing came to inspect.

(End of this chapter)

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