The full-level cannon fodder of Kuai Chuan is about to turn over

Chapter 93 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother

Chapter 93 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother (10)

As soon as the report came out, the assistant doctor shouted excitedly: "The value has actually dropped a lot compared to the previous few days!"

She raised the list in her hand, and excitedly found Qianqian who was still working on her thesis.

Qianqian took it, and Chen Yin's data has been improving, and it even improved significantly today.Now all the indicators are in line with the conditions for surgical craniotomy.

"I'll tell the big boss right away, please ask the experts to arrange the operation plan as soon as possible. If such a good indicator is missed, I don't know how many days I will have to wait."

The little assistant ran out excitedly, but Qianqian held the list thoughtfully.

This data is changing too fast. Although conservative treatment has some effect recently, how can the operation be performed nearly a month earlier.

But this data was actually detected according to her detection method.

Chen Yin was able to undergo surgery, and Liang Yuqing, who was about to leave for a meeting abroad, canceled her flight and rushed to the small villa immediately.

Seeing Liang Yuqing, Chen Yin, who was still dark-faced, immediately raised the brightest smile. She slid the wheelchair in front of Liang Yuqing, and held his hand: "Mr. Liang, my indicator can Surgery, thank you so much for your help. I really want to stand up and run again, I thought I would never have that day again."

Liang Yuqing originally wanted to pull that hand back, but when he heard the words behind him, his eyes couldn't help but show pity.

It was so similar, whether it was the age of onset or the change of the condition, everything was exactly the same as Li Qianqian.The difference is that she discovered it early and controlled it in time.

After so many years of research, can this time prevent the disease from taking people away?

"I look forward to the day you recover."

"Will you stay with me? I'm a little scared."

Chen Yin lowered her tone and lowered her head, like a frightened lamb.

Liang Yuqing recalled from her performance that his Qianqian would not be so weak and timid, even if he knew that he would have to undergo a painful treatment tomorrow and it might not be profitable, even if he knew that he would not live long , and will not show weakness.

I have been stubborn, sunny and strong doing what I like, and I am also completing my career until the end.

Instead of being attached to other people's silk flower, even if he gave Chen Yin a chance to become this silk flower, Liang Yuqing still wouldn't have any other emotions.

Chen Yin only needs to recover, the rest is not important.

There were not many doctors present, and Liang Yuqing didn't know anyone else except Qianqian, so he turned around and asked, "Xu Qianqian, is the data really suitable for surgery?"

Chen Yin didn't get the answer she wanted, she clenched her hands on her knees with her slender and thin hands, she gritted her teeth and tried her best to control her expression, she really didn't understand Liang Yuqing.Since she is being used as a substitute, why can't there be anything else?
Qianqian tapped the folder she was holding with her fingers, and shook her head: "It seems that the data can be done, but I don't recommend it."

The other doctors who came after hearing the news disagreed. They all read the new inspection report and agreed that now is the best opportunity to operate.

"Expert Xu, Ms. Chen's data is so good, it is an excellent opportunity for surgery. For patients like Ms. Chen whose data has been declining for many years, I don't know if such good data will be available again. If you don't do surgery now, wait until Doing it when the data is poor will affect the survival rate and recovery rate."

"Professor Xu may not have been in contact with many real cases, and those taught in books are not enough to deal with complex conditions. For patients like Ms. Chen, the opportunity for surgery is very precious."

"If the operation is not performed all the time, what if the life is in danger? Who will be responsible?"

The doctors said one sentence at a time, and Liang Yuqing's ears were about to burst from the noise. He knocked on the table impatiently, and glanced around to signal them to shut up.

They are all human beings, and the doctors stopped talking.

Liang Yuqing pressed her ears, and said impatiently: "Why don't you suggest surgery?"

"Ms. Chen's data report is indeed very good. This is the best data for Ms. Chen in the past five years. On the surface, it seems that it is the most suitable. But."

Qianqian glanced at the things in Chen Yin's breast pocket, and said with a smile: "But Miss Chen's data is fake, not true. Miss Chen, what is in your breast pocket? It can affect the accuracy of the instrument. Why are you doing this? The indicators are not up to standard, and you are forced to undergo surgery, and you may not be able to get out. "

Chen Yin clenched her fingers even tighter, and Liang Yuqing's gaze was cast on her, which made her start to break out in a cold sweat nervously.

Under Liang Yuqing's continuous gaze for several minutes, Chen Yin finally couldn't hold back and told the truth.

"I did interfere with the data reporting."

The original vitality in Liang Yuqing's eyes also dissipated. Seeing a little bit of hope disappear in front of his eyes, the volcano in Liang Yuqing's heart could not be suppressed anymore. He tried his best to restrain his emotions and asked coldly, "Why?"

Chen Yin didn't answer directly, but looked at Qianqian.

If it is said that the hostility towards Qianqian was always expressed in secret before, but now it is not concealed, even if Liang Yuqing is there, Chen Yin's eyes are still fierce, as if she wants to eat Qianqian.

"Because of her! I don't like her. She doesn't care about my feelings at all. She only cares about whether her experiment will be successful. I said that I don't like this kind of treatment. Why do I have to. I haven't used this treatment before. Very good, the surgeons are so experienced, even if the data is not up to standard, there is only a 5.00% chance of death."

Chen Yin almost believed in herself, and described the jealousy caused by wanting to occupy Liang Yuqing as dissatisfaction with the treatment plan. She believed that as long as the treatment was concerned, Liang Yuqing would definitely not protect Qianqian.

Qianqian sneered and retorted: "With the rapid development of medical science today, the mortality rate of craniotomy has gradually dropped below 5%, but some terrible postoperative complications such as intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral edema, asphyxia and respiratory dysfunction, Incisions or intracranial infections are still possible, especially for people whose physical indicators are not up to standard. Once 5.00% occurs, it is [-]%."

Chen Yinwei was frightened for a few seconds, but she didn't want to fail, she pulled Liang Yuqing's cuff and begged: "Mr. Liang, I don't want Xu Qianqian to take charge of me again, can you replace her?"

She tried her best to show a cute and pitiful look, but the gentleness she expected didn't come, Liang Yuqing shook off the hand that was holding her.

I took the wet wipes from the assistant and wiped them carefully one by one.

As his own position, he directly gave Chen Yin an ultimatum: "I will not change Xu Qianqian, if you want to be treated, you can cooperate well, if you don't want to, then leave, I will pay you, you can find another doctor .”

Qianqian was a little stunned, not understanding that Liang Yuqing, who had always been regarded as doting on Chen Yin, refused her request.

Liang Yuqing could accept anything, except that she couldn't bear that Chen Yin didn't care about her illness. She almost ruined his only chance to heal Li Qianqian because of her little thoughts.

Chen Yin was still crying and persevering, and even discussed the conditions with Liang Yuqing: "Sir, can I really not change her? If I change someone else, I will definitely cooperate with the treatment."

Liang Yuqing was very indifferent, sitting very far away from Chen Yin, and didn't even look up at him: "I can't."

Chen Yin lowered her head, she didn't want to not have such good conditions, and her family also relied on Liang Yuqing's help, without Liang Yuqing they would be nothing.

She nodded silently, this time there was no need to pretend, she really burst into tears: "I know, I will definitely cooperate with the treatment."

The assistant observed his boss's face, and hurriedly asked other medical staff to take Chen Yin back: "Miss Chen is too tired today, please send her back quickly, quickly."

Chen Yin was still crying, so she was sent back by others, leaving only Liang Yuqing, Qianqian and her assistant in the living room.

Liang Yuqing waved his hand, the assistant understood immediately, and withdrew, leaving only the two of them alone.

Liang Yuqing caressed his forehead lightly, his head started to hurt, Chen Yin's operation really made him a little angry.

Originally, it was because of a condition similar to Qianqian that he took extra care of her. Although she felt that she was not as good as Qianqian in anything, but she was a kind person with a gentle personality, and she was willing to help a little bit.

But now it seems that she, the one who raised her, has made more progress and started to interfere with his decision. No matter what the recent treatment results are, it is better to send Chen Yin away as soon as possible.

He pointed to the chair opposite and said to Qianqian, "Sit down."

Qianqian sat across from Liang Yuqing, looked up, and could see Liang Yuqing more clearly.

His eyes were black and blue, and it was obvious that he hadn't slept well recently. His clothes were neat and tidy without any wrinkles, but there were slight rubbing red marks between the collar and neck.

It should be worn out by his short sleep while wearing this suit, he really worked hard.Before forty, he already had a pair of calm eyes like an old man, and he was not interested in most things.

I should be very happy today. I thought I could cure Chen Yin, but it turned out that Chen Yin almost killed herself.

It is sweet and hard to have such a little girlfriend.

"Mr. Liang, I'm also responsible for what happened today. I had a lot of communication with you before, maybe Ms. Chen was a little jealous. Ms. Chen is still young, so it's normal to have a little temper."

"Jealous?" Liang Yuqing understood what Qianqian had misunderstood when she heard these two words, "She has no relationship with me, I just sponsored her treatment, I just like to get the treatment data of her disease .”

Liang Yuqing didn't understand why she had to explain, maybe it was just because of the similar name.

Relatively silent, the boss Liang Yuqing was the first to ask about the work: "Is her body really unable to support the operation? Can it be cured with conservative treatment? Or can she just wait for death?"

Speaking of waiting to die, some bad memories surfaced in his mind.

"It is true that craniotomy cannot be supported. Although conservative treatment has some effect, the tumor has already compressed the nerves. This is also the reason why Ms. Chen Yin has been unable to stand up. If this continues, other limb functions may also be affected. even sudden death."

These descriptions reminded Liang Yuqing of Qianqian's last life, she still kept herself very neat and tidy.But her hands, which used to be able to draw clothing drafts, can no longer be stretched very freely.

To put on a piece of clothing, others only need 5 minutes, but she needs half an hour.

Her legs, which could run freely, gradually shrank in the end and could no longer stand up.

Sometimes, she opened her mouth when she clearly wanted to speak, but she couldn't utter a word.

Liang Yuqing knocked on the table: "Then do you have any suggestions?"

Qianqian had already thought about it, combined with the experience of various worlds, and the materials compiled by Shi Shi, she has prepared a set of treatment methods.It's just that although it has been done a lot in other worlds and proved to be minimally invasive and effective, it has never appeared in this world, and a reasonable research process must be required.

Qianqian pretended to hesitate and said, "I have been studying various cases at home and abroad recently. In foreign countries, some people have tried instruments for minimally invasive surgery, but the effect is not good. I got their medical certificate through my classmates. Data. Combined with the detection method I have recently debugged, I have a bold idea. However, it still takes time to experiment."

Over the years, Liang Yuqing often inspected the research institute, and he didn't know anything in this industry, so he quickly understood what Qianqian meant: "Don't you need a craniotomy?"

"This is a method of magnetic resonance MRI-guided laser interstitial hyperthermia. In my conception, it can be applied not only to Ms. Chen's disease, but also to the treatment of other diseases. It uses stereotactic technology, directly implants a thin laser fiber into the core of the intracranial lesion, and uses laser heat to destroy the lesion to achieve an effect similar to surgical resection."

Direct minimally invasive destruction of the tumor, bold and advanced thinking, is the most creative treatment plan Liang Yuqing has heard over the years, and he became more focused.

Qianqian took out some blueprints she had made and showed them to Liang Yuqing. After he turned to the corresponding page, Qianqian continued to explain.

"For many neurosurgical diseases that traditionally require craniotomy, such as glioma, metastatic tumor, radiation necrosis, drug-refractory epilepsy, etc., it has some advantages, such as small trauma, high treatment efficiency, and little damage to the cortex around the lesion. , with high accuracy. According to calculations, most patients should be able to receive treatment without general anesthesia and be discharged home the next day after treatment.”

Liang Yuqing closed Qianqian's plan, his eyes were dim, and when Qianqian thought he would not speak, he spoke: "You can apply to me for any conditions you need, but you have to report the progress to me every three days "

I didn't ask Chen Yin's idea, but Chen Yin's operation plan has almost been determined. I just wait for Qianqian to complete it in the simulation experiment first, then successfully operate it in the animal experiment, and finally the clinical experiment.

This is a program that has already started some operational experiments abroad, and the experimental process does not need to be so long.

(End of this chapter)

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