The full-level cannon fodder of Kuai Chuan is about to turn over

Chapter 94 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother

Chapter 94 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother (11)

Being valued by the boss is a very good thing, but if it is valued too much, it will be an annoyance.Qianqian now realizes that Liang Yuqing cares about the progress of her project almost every day.

Although the plan is well-planned and there is a little foundation abroad, the experiment cycle is always relatively long, and the results given every day are mostly the same.

When Liang Yuqing was a little disappointed, the simulation experiment finally obtained enough simulation data to apply for animal experiments.

The success rate is very high, fully meeting the standards for entering animal experiments.

However, although there are enough experimental monkeys in the laboratory, there are no experimental monkeys with the same tumor.

Only a breeding institution far away in Haishi has bred a suitable experimental monkey, but the tumor has not grown to the ideal state, so Qianqian can only suspend the progress of the experiment and wait.

Liang Yuqing gave her a short vacation so that she would have enough energy for the next experiment.

Qianqian prepared her bags and went straight to the village where Jiang Chu was hosted.

It was not a season with heavy traffic, and there were fewer trains, so Qianqian could only choose a slower train.It is even a relatively primitive green leather train. The train travels slowly before the mountains and mountains, calming people's mood.

It would have been nice if Eleven hadn't kept urging her to do tasks.

"Why are you not in a hurry? Jiang Chu's blackening value is still so high, and your main energy is still on other things."

"If there are no special circumstances, I will stay in the same world until I die. I can do the tasks slowly and not be in a hurry. Other meaningful things are more important." After finishing speaking, Qianqian took a few mouthfuls of instant noodles in a leisurely manner.

There were not many meals bought on this primitive green leather train, because there were few passengers, and only eight-treasure porridge, ham sausage and instant noodles were sold.

Qianqian sat in the first few cars, and there were only a few scattered people in the cars.The carriages in the back are more lively, and there are even animals, which are the livestock of the residents of the nearby mountain villages.

The mountain is suitable for breeding livestock, but it is difficult to go up the mountain, and it is also difficult to go down the mountain. This train is built along the mountain and passes through the mountain. It has become the main means of travel for all the villages in this mountain range.

Therefore, every year when it is well raised, it will be sent to sell by train.To buy breeding pigs and sheep, it is convenient to get up by train.

But even so, in fact, the passenger flow has always been poor, and this line has always been losing money, but it has not been canceled for many years, just for the nearby villagers.

After several stops, Qianqian finally arrived at the destination of the trip, Shanjian Village.

This is the village closest to the terminal. The mountain is steep, but the environment is beautiful. There are towering green bamboos everywhere, and there are some tea fields in the distance.

There are still many construction teams in the center of the village, and they are building the Hope Primary School and the village activity center.Many people are busy in and out, helping with the construction, and they don't look like local villagers.

Qianqian asked a few people, followed the directions, and finally found the address of the original primary school in the village.

The mud-built house has a grass roof. Although it looks solid, once you enter it, it feels like you have entered a steamer. It is stuffy and hot. In order to prevent mosquitoes, there are no ventilation holes or lighting holes, and the environment is humid and dark.

There are still many children in this village. Young people go out to work, and the children are left at home to be taken care of by the elderly.

They huddled in a fairly bright place in the classroom, sitting around and listening to the teacher on the stage.

Qianqian leaned against the door and looked inside before finding Jiang Chu.

In just three weeks, Jiang Chu's whole personality changed drastically.Originally small but very white and tender.Now his stature is starting to stretch a bit, and his whole body has been tanned a lot, black and thin like a little monkey.

But he sat very obediently, among the group of children he sat the straightest and listened most carefully.

The teacher on the stage is teaching simple junior high school mathematics, but it is not the boring way of teaching like most teachers, but divergent thinking, combined with the beginning of teaching in reality.

Even a student with a poor foundation can definitely understand, Qianqianli kept nodding at the door.

Unexpectedly, there are such good teaching teachers in remote villages. They are entertaining and proficient in mathematics. Many ways of thinking may not be learned until college, and she combines them to teach children.

If there are some talents among them, they could not be discovered in a lifetime due to environmental reasons, and now she has opened some doors. If they keep cultivating, they may be able to open that door.

A class ended soon, and it was time to dismiss, and the children rushed out of the class together with their backpacks.

Although the village is constantly building roads, because everyone's main source of income is farming, each family has its own field, which is convenient for management and they all live very far away. If you don't go back early, it will be difficult to walk when it gets dark.

Jiang Chu was entrusted at the school, and it didn't take long to get back to his room, so he left slowly at the end.

The supporting math teacher is already familiar with this child, an urban child who was sent to live three weeks ago.There have been many such children in this place before, and it is not unusual. Some children will be sent to experience life because of their personality and family reasons.

Now in the class, apart from Jiang Chu, there are also two city kids.Jiang Chu came a month earlier, and the custody period was longer, four months.

The two children were more naughty than the other. After they came, they dug out the bird's nest and plucked the villagers' vegetables, and it took a long time before they started to listen to a few words.

When Jiang Chu came, he was unusually silent, unlike the other two children who were crying and fussing, there was a kind of maturity beyond his age.The more this is the case, the more it looks like it will be a top thorn, and the teachers are ready to fight a protracted battle.As a result, this child was really thorny and difficult to contact at the beginning, and he was wholeheartedly guarding against the people around him, as if he was ready to run away at any time.

But within a few days, when he found that Qianqian was not staring at him closely at all, nor came, Jiang Chu came alive like a bird untied.

He was no longer silent, and he also began to be a little mischievous and mischievous, returning to his child's nature.But when he found out that the other couple had made a mistake and their parents were contacted, Jiang Chu became honest.

He really didn't want to see Xu Qianqian, if he could avoid seeing her by being honest and obedient, he would be honest.

Without Xu Qianqian, although the living conditions were slightly worse, Jiang Chu's tense nerves relaxed, and he even started to study seriously.Compared with children in other cities, they are more obedient and more obedient. The teachers who came to support him like Jiang Chu quite a lot. I don't understand why his mother sent him to experience life.

Chen Ru, who just came here not long ago, also likes Jiang Chu very much. There are no other reasons. This kid is really smart, very sensitive to numbers, and good at logical thinking. He is very suitable for doing mathematics research.

Even if you don't achieve much in the field of pure numbers, you can definitely achieve success in related extended majors.During this time, Chen Ru has been assigning extra homework to Jiang Chu to train him.

Jiang Chu took the extra homework given by Chen Ru, picked up his backpack and hummed a little tune, and prepared to go back to his room. As soon as he left the classroom, he ran into Qianqian, whom he would never see again.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Chu took a big step back almost instantly with his backpack on his back.

Didn't Xu Qianqian not want him? He was sent here out of sight and out of mind, so why did he still come to see him?

Chen Ru simply cleaned the podium and the classrooms and was ready to go back. Like the houses in the village, many of the old campuses were not connected to water, and the time of use was limited for those with water connections. They could only take a shower one day a week.

Although she came here voluntarily to teach, she knew about it before and lived in a similar place, but after all she loves to be clean and doesn't want to miss the once-a-week bath.

As a result, when she went out, she saw Jiang Chu, who had left a few minutes ago, standing at the door, staring at her toes all the time, she walked over and asked concerned: "Jiang Chu, are you still going back? It's too early to stop the water tonight, and it's too late to go back." Can't take a shower."

"Mr. Chen, I'll be late, you go back first."

Chen Ru nodded, looked up and saw Qianqian standing in the distance, Qianqian's face was so beautiful that she would never forget it, Chen Ru was very sure that she had never seen it before.Moreover, she was dressed differently from the people in the village, and looked at Jiang Chu with some concern. Chen Ru had a guess in her heart.

"Jiang Chu, is this someone from your family?"

For urban children in other villages, she knows their parents because there are video calls from time to time.The signal in the village is still relatively poor, and only a few rooms have good signal, so they all go there to talk.

Because of this, Chen Ru has seen their parents, but Chen Ru has never seen Jiang Chu's parents.

She didn't call Jiang Chu or make video calls, and she rarely sent messages to inquire about the supporting teachers she was connected with, as if she didn't care about Jiang Chu too much.

When Jiang Chu was asked about the people in his family, he always hesitated and refused to say. The relationship in the family is very tense, and every teacher can see it.Jiang Chu looked very well-behaved, and everyone thought it was the parents' problem.

"Yes." Jiang Chu nodded softly, still unwilling to look at Qianqian.

Although Chen Ru already had a bad impression of Qianqian, she still greeted her with a smile. "Hello, I am Jiang Chu's math teacher, my name is Chen Ru, and you are Jiang Chu's mother?"

It turned out that the teacher just now was Chen Ru, no wonder she spoke so well, but how could there be a world-class mathematician in such a small rural elementary school?
Moreover, Chen Ru's condition is not very good. At the same age as Liang Yuqing, she looks much older. She looks like she is in her 40s.

Fine wrinkles have crept up to the corners of the eyes, and there are many dark lines on the face, and there are even one or two white hairs in the hair.Although he is smiling, the corners of his eyes and mouth are still drooping, which seems to be caused by long-term frowning.

On the outstretched hand, there was uneven skin tone left after a large area of ​​burns healed, and there were also some small scratches with strange shapes.

Her life doesn't seem to be going well.

But before she left, Chen Ru was already a genius who had solved mathematical conjectures, how could she be reduced to this.

Jiang Chu raised his head when he heard the word mother, and stared closely at Qianqian.

Qianqian glanced at him, then held Chen Ru's hand back: "Hi, I'm Jiang Chu's stepmother Xu Qianqian."

(End of this chapter)

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