Chapter 23 Advance 1
She had been immersed in the surprise that she hoped to get out of the ladder, and she forgot to ask if she was alive.

"It will be directly obliterated by the divine ladder!"

"Owned items will be recycled and re-rewarded to those who complete the task."

Seeing Fang Chi's expression becoming serious, he had already emphasized this important issue to her, how could he not remember it?
"Don't you remember?" Song Xiuyu asked with a frown.

"What? You didn't tell me!" Fang Chi also frowned, feeling very inexplicable.

Something was wrong. She had always kept life-related things in her heart. It was impossible for Song Xiuyu to tell her about it, but she didn't remember it herself.

"Forget it, maybe you didn't pay attention at the time." Song Xiuyu glanced at her expression again, and it didn't seem like she was cheating, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Fang Chi asked, "When and where did you tell me? I may not really remember."

Song Xiuyu tilted his head to think about it, and said, "It should be the second day after coming here."

"Okay, I remember now." Shaking off the strange feeling in his head, Fang Chi suggested again, "Let's go visit the monk together, and by the way, how about finding out about the evil dragon?"

Song Xiuyu nodded, thinking it was feasible.

So the two people who used the old saying monk as an excuse to escape from Madam Sang's clutches now really went to the monk's residence.

The residence of the ancient monks is relatively remote, and the two of them asked several people along the way to find the door.

The structure is the same as the place where they live, but it is inexplicably cold.

dong dong dong-

After waiting for a while, no one opened the door.

"Aren't you there?" Fang Chi asked suspiciously, and knocked twice more, who knew that the door was not locked at all, and she was pushed open a crack.

Looking back at Song Xiuyu, he asked if he wanted to go in.

Song Xiuyu nodded. Standing in front of Fang Chi, he stretched out his hand and slowly pushed open the door. There were faintly scaly lines on the back of his hand, as if he was always prepared for emergencies.

This monk will not be surprised, right?Fang Chi, who followed closely behind, thought to himself.It didn't look like he would die so easily.

The light shone into the room through the crack of the opened door, I saw the monk lying unconscious on the table in the center of the room, a large black shadow flashed by a slap, and then jumped out of the window nimbly like a wild cat, in the blink of an eye. disappeared without a trace.

By the time he reacted, he had already missed the opportunity to catch up, so he had to look at the monk on the table first.

"Let's see how he is first." Fang Chi reminded.

Song Xiuyu came back to his senses, one hand turned into a long sharp claw, his arm was covered with ink-colored scales, and he leaned towards the monk's face to try his breath.

After feeling the faint breath, he retracted his hand and replied, "I'm still alive, but the situation is not good."

"Although he appears to be unscathed from the outside, if his qi goes out of his way, he must have suffered a serious internal injury. If he is not treated quickly, his life may be endangered."

Song Xiuyu frowned and explained that he had some first aid medicine on him temporarily, but he was hesitant to use it to save this unfriended monk.

The number is limited, and he also brought it with him to cope with emergencies, using one of his own will save one trump card.

Fang Chi didn't think about it so much, he just felt that it was a pity that he couldn't get some information out of the monk's mouth. Since even Song Xiuyu said so, it was estimated that the injury was not minor.

Just as she was about to take Song Xiuyu to avoid suspicion, the monk's chest suddenly burst into flames, burning his own heat tirelessly, and the whole house was illuminated as bright as day. You must know that this house is shady, rarely so bright. bright hall.

 (_)come on

(End of this chapter)

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