Chapter 24 Advance 2
"What is this?" Fang Chi, who was about to leave, stopped, standing aside, she felt the happiness and warmth of the bonfire in the winter.

Song Xiuyu was rather thoughtful. It was rumored that Buddhist disciples had outstanding practitioners, and their hearts would burn with fire. As long as the fire of the heart was not extinguished, the body would be immortal. It seemed that this flame was the fire of the heart.

I didn't expect this monk to be so lucky.

The two people stood there, and as time passed, the fire became weaker and weaker, and finally became the size of a fingernail, disappeared into his body, and disappeared.

The originally weak Gu Yu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were like torches, he got up and looked at the two people who appeared in his room, and asked, "Why did the two donors appear in the poor monk's room?"

Fang Chi had already prepared a set of speeches in his mind, and explained calmly: "My son and I heard the ancient saying that the monks severely wounded the dragon, and we came here to visit. We knocked on the door and no one opened the door. We were afraid that something might happen to you, so we did it without authorization. Come in and check, and ask the ancient monk to atone for your sins."

Gu Yu did not shy away from transforming into a Zen staff from the void. He was indeed injured a little after the battle with the dragon and entered a state of suspended animation, and someone wanted to take advantage of him when he was weak, but it should not be these two people.

At that time, he was at a critical moment of condensing his heart, and he couldn't separate his mind to deal with the person who was going to shoot at him. It seemed that the arrival of these two people scared the person away.

But these things don't need to be detailed to them. I saw the old saying pointing to the seat and said, "In this case, please sit down."

Fang Chi and Song Xiuyu looked at each other and both walked up to sit opposite him.

No one knew what the three of them talked about in the room, only that Fang Chi and Song Xiuyu looked satisfied when they came out, they should have gotten what they wanted.


Inside Mrs. Sang's bedroom.

She stood in front of the window, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Something seemed to be wriggling under the loose skirt, a breeze blew, and the skirt was lifted to a corner, revealing snow-white hairballs.

At this moment, a white light came from the window and got under her skirt.

The stinky monk dared to harm her!

Mrs. Sang's fingers grabbed the window sill, and her nails sunk in.

If it wasn't for the inconvenience of coming forward to deal with him, how could he be willing to hurt Ashin!
Thinking of Aoxin's injury, Mrs. Sang's face became more and more hideous, her eyes became slender, and fine white hair appeared on her forehead.

She must let the monk die!


At this time, there was a report from outside the palace, and Mrs. Sang covered the change on her face and said, "Come in."


Entering was an old man with a stooped waist, half blind in one eye, wearing Tsing Yi, it was getting late, and he was holding an oil lamp in his hand. The candlelight jumped, and the expression could not be seen clearly.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Sang didn't look back. She knew who was coming, and kept looking at him in the cell. Why did he come out today? Could it be that he didn't even give her peace of mind, and something happened?

The old man bent down, but his voice was very loud, "Madam Hui, the one in the prison wants to see you."

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(End of this chapter)

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