Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 40 Potatoes

Chapter 40 Potatoes
He was the one who took pictures before.

He only wanted to secretly send someone to Dingzhou to check, but he didn't expect that the magistrate of Dingzhou would be transferred soon.

However, even if Yang Chengye really wanted to transfer to Dingzhou, he couldn't go his own way.

At least, on the surface.

Chu Zhan called Yin Shisan to come over and explained in detail.

Yin Shisan took the order and left.

"Pass the news about Yang Chengye to Huaining." Since Miss Gu wants to investigate, he doesn't mind helping.

Just treat it as a thank-you gift that Miss Gu has unintentionally helped me this time.

Yin nodded and agreed.

On Huaining's side, Miss Gu got all the news about Yang Chengye in just a few days.

"It turned out to be the son of the Minister of Rites." Gu Ruoyao was stunned.

"Let people spread what happened in Shanyang to the capital," Gu Ruoyao made a decisive decision, "Go as fast as possible." Zhujie responded and hurriedly took the order.

Gu Ruoyao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is money to open the way ahead, and there are people who can do things easily.

The bamboo joints are also more and more handy in doing things.

Next, let's see if Yang Chengye, who is far away in the capital, can seize this opportunity.

"Miss, why don't you eat something, this is my new mutton pot, please try it and see how it tastes?" Xiaoyuan walked in with a tray.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Vanilla helped set the table, "Xiaoyuan's cooking skills are really getting better and better. If this continues, she will almost catch up with the chefs outside."

Although Gu Ruoyao didn't taste good, the food cooked by Xiaoyuan was quite to her liking.

For example, this simple mutton pot.

The common way is to boil a thick soup with bones, then cut the mutton into thin slices, add some meatballs and vegetables and boil them together. This kind of soup is fresh and sweet, which is almost a must in winter. Taste.

But since Xiaoyuan went to help in the kitchen, she likes to make sauce with various seasonings. The mutton was dipped in the sauce after rinsing, which made people want to swallow their tongues.

"Peanuts are added to today's sauce?" Before Gu Ruoyao sat down, she smelled a mellow aroma.

"Miss guessed it right," Xiaoyuan smiled, her bun-like face could barely see her eyes, she took a pair of chopsticks and handed them to Gu Ruoyao. "This is a sauce made of mashed peanuts and four or five kinds of spices. Miss, how about the taste?"

Under Xiaoyuan's expectant gaze, Gu Ruoyao picked up a thin slice of beef, rinsed it back and forth twice in the boiling copper stove, and dipped it in the sauce again.

"How is it?" Xiaoyuan swallowed, looking at her young lady expectantly.

Gu Ruoyao gave a thumbs up.

Xiaoyuan's eyes were bright, and she giggled silly.

Originally, after she was bought back by the lady, she was secretly anxious, feeling that she could do nothing well, only eating, and was afraid that the lady would dislike her.

But the young lady not only didn't dislike it, but also taught her how to lose weight.

She has never read a book, nor can she read. Fortunately, she can master the cooker's cooking after reading it once. The young lady loves her cooking more and more. She must work harder to make it. More delicious things come out, so that the lady can eat happily every day!
Madoka secretly encouraged herself.

Seeing that the lady had finished eating, Dongqing and Yuzhu came in with the ledger.

"Miss, we have spent more and more money this month, and there is no room for the victims of the disaster in the warehouse. What should we do if this continues?" Dongqing let go of the last page of the account book and handed it to Gu Ruoyao.

Ever since the young lady decided a month ago to give up her rented warehouse to house the victims, and to provide porridge for one meal a day, Dongqing has been secretly worried.

That's a person that even the county magistrate can't afford to arrange, but the girl accepted it without thinking.

Gu Ruoyao glanced at the account book, "Mama Hu's is back?"

Dongqing and Yuzhu looked at each other and shook their heads.

A month ago, the man from Hu's mother's family took the young lady's errand to go out, and he hasn't come back yet.

Even Hu's mother didn't know where her husband had gone.

Gu Ruoyao nodded, rubbed her index finger back and forth on the cover of the account book, and said in a deep voice, "There is no less porridge given once a day, and everyone will not be able to live if there is less." Gu Ruoyao paused, and then said, "Ephedra soup can't do it either. Stop, otherwise, if the person with the cold is not treated in time, I am afraid that it will start to spread from person to person, and it will be unimaginable at that time."

Gu Ruoyao actually had a headache too.

The victims who took over the disaster at the beginning just felt that they knew the disaster in advance and made a fortune because of it.

Only then did I think I could help.

In the past, the county thanked the Baicaotang for its righteousness, and would also bear part of the food. It was sent by officials to bring food over every day, but it has stopped these few days.

It is said that there is a shortage of food in the county. I am afraid that in a few days, even the shacks built in the county will run out of porridge once a day.

"Miss, if this goes on like this, the food we store will soon bottom out," Xiang Cao followed Gu Ruoyao every day, knowing that there was not much food left, she thought for a while, and said, "Can we unite with the squires in the county?" Wealthy households, let’s see if everyone donates some food, and it’s possible if everyone works together.”

"I won't do it." Bai Shao sighed, "The county organized an organization half a month ago, and there were not many people who donated food at that time, and our lady is only a boudoir girl, how can those gentry make such a face? .”

Bai Shao and Ban Xia often help out in the warehouse during this time, so they are naturally very well informed about these news.

Several maidservants gathered around a thick stack of account books, frowning.

Gu Ruoyao looked around at the few people, "Okay, when the soldiers come to stop you, you will always find a way. You don't have to frown like a little old man." Gu Ruoyao collected the account books and let the maids go their own way.

After collecting the account books, she sat down in silence.

I don't know how Uncle Lin is doing.

As soon as the money for buying medicinal materials was recovered, she not only immediately redeemed the house and Baicaotang, but also ordered Lin Dazhu, a man from Hu's mother's family, to collect food.

As far as she knew, after the disaster in Huaining in the previous life, many people died, but Hezhou, which is not far away, was hardly affected by the disaster due to its geographical advantages.

The main reason is that a merchant in Hezhou brought back a plant called yam from overseas.

I heard that it has a high yield and a strong sense of satiety, and a small piece can support a grown man's half-day ration.

She didn't have enough money before, and as soon as the money to sell the medicine was recovered, she asked Lin Dazhu to go out and go straight to Hezhou.

I just hope his trip goes well.

While Gu Ruoyao was waiting for the news of Jingcheng and Lin Dazhu's return, on the other hand, Shanyang suddenly came.

The person who came was a steward of the Gu residence, surnamed Du.

".The old lady told you to go back immediately. The ancestral hall will be opened at home, and the second master's family will be expelled from the house."

 The new book is very, very much in need of feedback from all book friends, please give me a little hand, if you like this book, you must give a lot of support.

(End of this chapter)

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