Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 41 Calculation

Chapter 41 Calculation
Eight days later, Gu Ruoyao returned to Shanyang.

Although the journey was extremely difficult, fortunately the bamboo joints were properly arranged, so it didn't take much effort.

This time, brother Chen didn't come back with him because of the weather.

As soon as Gu Ruoyao came back, she was invited to the main courtyard. Xiaoyuan brought back two special stoves, and went back to the courtyard to prepare hot soup for the young lady.

Bai Shao and Ban Xia packed the things they brought back.

main house.

Except for the second bedroom, everyone sat around the warm pavilion.

The Nuan Pavilion used to be warm and warm, but now there is only a charcoal basin next to Mrs. Jiang, Gu Ruoxue and Gu Ruorou's granddaughters are sitting around her, the others are wearing thick clothes, Mrs. Zuo didn't even take off her cloak, His hands were hidden in the thick armholes, and his nose was slightly red, obviously cold.

Everyone sat in a circle, only Gu Ruoyao, who had just returned from Huaining, was standing, at first glance, she looked like a prisoner being interrogated.

Jiang Shi pulled a face and sat on the head.

But after seeing her for just a few months, there were gaps all over her face, and her hair was already half white.

"What? You finally know you're back? If I hadn't asked someone to invite you this time, would you have forgotten your surname Gu?" Jiang Shi looked at Gu Ruoyao with unconcealable disgust in her eyes.

There have been so many things happening at home in the past few months, it's good for the dead girl to avoid her early.

"I'll tell you why Eldest Sister brought so much luggage last time, so she planned not to come back a long time ago." Gu Ruoxue snorted.

Why have I been living like a dog for the past few months, being ridiculed as soon as I went out, but this Miss Gu avoided it in time and was happy outside!

Gu Ruorou took a closer look at Gu Ruoyao, and found that the eldest sister really looked like a peach and plum, and she seemed to be in very good spirits, obviously she had never been bothered by the Gu family's affairs.

She pursed her lips, and the displeasure flashed across her eyes.

At the beginning, the eldest sister was sent to Huaining to pledge the Baicaotang, but the eldest sister never returned, and now she only comes back after a few months.
"Eldest sister, how are things going?" Jiang opened her increasingly cloudy eyes, trying to look at Gu Ruoyao who was standing calmly in front of her.

The second child is a piece of trash!At first he was asked to go to Huaining to find his eldest sister, but he came back empty-handed!
Now, while driving that family out, it would be good for the elder sister to come back by herself. After entering this door, why don't she let her be rounded and flattened?

Gu Ruoyao showed a faint smile, "So that the old lady will know that the matter has not been completed."

Although she had already been mentally prepared, seeing Gu Ruoyao's expression of no guilt, Jiang's heart ached from genuine anger.

Thinking that the old woman with half of her foot in the ground almost exhausted all her heart and energy for her son to go further, she just let this damn girl do her part, but she pushed back and resisted, without any filial piety , simply. simply
Jiang Shi was so angry that her heart hurt, she couldn't help but clutched her chest, her face turned pale.

"Grandmother, what's the matter with you?" Gu Ruoxue sat the closest, couldn't help but rushed over, Gu Ruorou's eyes flashed, followed by her, while stroking Jiang's back, she looked at Gu Ruoyao with an ugly expression, and said angrily , "Sister, you are really, if the matter is not done, it will not be done. If you say it well, grandma will be so angry that she will fall ill." After finishing speaking, he looked at the mother-in-law beside him, "If you don't go to ask the doctor !"

The sixth lady, with six gods and no master, let out an "oh", glanced at Gu Ruoyao, and left in a hurry.

Thinking that she would have to spend money to call the doctor, Jiang pushed the two granddaughters away to get up, but she didn't want to see Gu Ruorou pat her and wink.

Jiang Shi understood, so she let out an "ouch" and completely passed out in Gu Ruorou's arms.

The warm pavilion was in a hurry.

Mrs. Jiang was carried back into the room, and Zuo Shi followed at the end. When she passed by Gu Ruoyao, she paused and looked at Gu Ruoyao. , how can this be good"

After speaking, he shook his handkerchief and left.

Mrs. Jiang was ill, and it was said that she was mad at her eldest sister. As soon as the third master Gu Mingzhi came back, he hurried to the backyard.

Seeing Gu Ruoyao guarding the door from a distance, he raised his eyebrows.

"Third Uncle." Gu Ruoyao blessed him.

Gu Mingzhi gave a faint "hmm", and walked past Gu Ruoyao to the house.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his daughter Gu Ruoyaoxue and niece Gu Ruorou were whispering and laughing, their eyes turned, and their mother was sitting on the bed gnawing on a greasy pig's trotter.

Gu Mingzhi paused.

"The third child is back." Jiang shi stretched out her hand, and the little maid hurriedly wet the handkerchief and came over to clean Jiang shi's hands.


"Three uncles."

The two sisters hurriedly greeted Gu Mingzhi.

No matter how stupid Gu Mingzhi was, he knew that his mother was playing tricks on the younger generation again. He persuaded helplessly, "Mother, the doctor said that you should eat less greasy food."

Mrs. Jiang snorted and interrupted Gu Mingzhi's words, "At my age, if I eat or not, my health may not be much better. It's better to let go and eat."

In order to live a few years longer, she really started to quit eating less oil and salt, but now she is not much better after taking medicine, and she has a headache or dizziness and heartache every day, so she simply smashed the jar and started again. I ate it recklessly.

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, Gu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly.

"Is that damn girl still outside?" Jiang looked outside.

Gu Mingzhi couldn't understand why it was embarrassing for a child, but he didn't say much, just nodded.

"Hmph! I asked her to pledge Baicaotang so that I could get the money back and send it to your brother, but she refused to come back for several months. This time I will make her wear this unfilial hat. Let's see what she does in the future." Get married!" Jiang made up her mind not to make Gu Ruoyao feel better.

For a decent family, if it is reported that the granddaughter is mad at the grandmother, Yu's reputation is indeed flawed, and it will be difficult to find a good husband's family in the future.

Gu Mingzhi was helpless.

But what my mother said is also reasonable. Now that the Gu family is in turmoil, it is time for everyone to work together to tide over the difficulties. The eldest sister is really ignorant.

"You know the situation at home, it's not that I want to embarrass a child, it's really."

"Old madam, old madam, many people came outside, saying they were right." A woman rushed in, saw Gu Mingzhi abruptly, and hesitated to speak again.

"Who is coming from outside?!" Jiang choked for breath.

The one who can't collect debts is here again?Didn't you say that it will be fulfilled after a month?
One month is enough time for the fourth brother to have a result. If the fourth brother really takes a step forward, it will be a piece of cake to even out the money!If not
Shi closed his eyes, his gaze swept over Gu Mingzhi.

If you can't——, at that time, you can only push one person out to take the blame——
After all, nothing will happen to her fourth child. Her fourth child will be her reliance for the rest of her life.
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(End of this chapter)

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